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Posts posted by SeriouslyConcerned

  1. Ok. So I've been using Rogaine Foam for about a year - I have significant thinning on the crown of my head, but certainly not catastrophic. Thought I'd try Rogaine after seeing all of the commercials thinking "Hey - why not? Maybe it will fix my bald spot". Well, not a whole lot of difference as far as my thinning crown goes, but experiencing severe and extremely distressing sexual side effects. I'm extremely healthy and fit, have an excellent cardiovascular system, and eat clean. At first I thought maybe I'm just "getting older" (I'm 50), but then after reading a few other sites I recognized the symptoms immediately - difficulty getting and maintaining an erection (becoming progressively worse fairly quickly), soft erections, sometimes ejaculating without becoming completely hard, shrinkage of the penis (while flaccid), and noticing my penis feels sort of cold and numb, as if it's not receiving proper blood flow. Needless to say I quit using the Rogaine last week as soon as I made the connection. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing all of these symptoms, and what if anything there is we can do to accelerate the recovery process. It would be nice to have all my hair back, but I'd like to have my d*** back exponentially more. I can live with no hair - I can not live with no d***. Help!

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