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Posts posted by Unclebenjie

  1. Hi Javy, thanks for responding...


    Has Dr Mahadevia got a good record. You are absolutely right about the geography and the services he offers.


    To be honest I am not sure if he will be willing to give me the contact of his client because of confidentiality reason.

  2. Dear all,


    I am going for hair restoration in India. I have been in contact with Dr. Mahadevia. He advised me for Strip Hair Transplants as it costs less than FUE. Moreover, the follicular units that are developed from strip grafts are often more healthy than FUE because they are thoroughly dissected under microscope.


    Dr Mahadevia advised me for 6000 transplant in 2 sitting at a total cost of ??2200. I think that the cheapest one could ever get. Is it too good to be true?


    Can anybody please tell me about the quality of his work?


    Is he a reputable physician/ surgeon with high quality of work?


    Is the quality of his Trichophytic closure good??¦Which mean is it almost invisible.


    How his clinical setting is like


    How his technicians are like


    I would really appreciate if anybody who has undergone hair restoration with him be in contact with me ASAP. I have an array of questions to ask??¦..Please help me if you can.




  3. I am going for hair restoration in India. I have been in contact with Dr. Mahadevia. He advised me for Strip Hair Transplants as it costs less than FUE. Moreover, the follicular units that are developed from strip grafts are often more healthy than FUE because they are thoroughly dissected under microscope.


    Dr Mahadevia advised me for 6000 transplant in 2 sitting at a total cost of ??2200. I think that the cheapest one could ever get. Is it too good to be true?


    Can anybody please tell me about the quality of his work?


    Is he a reputable physician/ surgeon with high quality of work?


    Is the quality of his Trichophytic closure good??¦Which mean is it almost invisible.


    How his clinical setting is like


    How his technicians are like


    I would really appreciate if anybody who has undergone hair restoration with him be in contact with me ASAP. I have an array of questions to ask??¦..Please help me if you can


    Thanks icon_smile.gif

  4. I am going for hair restoration in India. I have been in contact with Dr. Mahadevia. He advised me for Strip Hair Transplants as it costs less than FUE. Moreover, the follicular units that are developed from strip grafts are often more healthy than FUE because they are thoroughly dissected under microscope.


    Dr Mahadevia advised me for 6000 transplant in 2 sitting at a total cost of ??2200. I think that the cheapest one could ever get. Is it too good to be true?


    Can anybody please tell me about the quality of his work?


    Is he a reputable physician/ surgeon with high quality of work?


    Is the quality of his Trichophytic closure good??¦Which mean is it almost invisible.


    How his clinical setting is like


    How his technicians are like


    I would really appreciate if anybody who has undergone hair restoration with him be in contact with me ASAP. I have an array of questions to ask??¦..Please help me if you can


    Thanks icon_smile.gif

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