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Posts posted by hairhunter

  1. Have you considered going back to Dr. Demirsoy? The donor looks very clean as it stands. 

    I think Demirsoy is very under rated especially on English speaking forums. I had 3000 grafts with him myself and I would go back to him for crown work only he doesn't use beard donor, but he is very ethical when it comes to donor management.

    I'm considering taking the plunge with HLC. 

  2. Hi Dr. Hakan,


    I have seen alot of your results posted to a Turkish Forum which are very impressive. I would like to know more about you techniques. Could you answer the following questions:


    Do you use a micro-motor for extraction or are all grafts removed manually?

    What size needles are used for extraction?

    How many grafts do you extract in a day?



    I know you use the choi-implanter pen for incisions so not many questions on this area of the procedure. (This method of implantation is not very popular among forum readers)


    Do you keep grafts in natural follicle groupings or do you have to breakdown 3's and 4's to fit in the implanter pen?


    All information on your techniques and procedures would be appreciated.




  3. Thanks for the reply Scar5.


    I cant see a downside unless as you said 1 hair is not strong enough to signify a hair in the 1st place i.e a shaved miniturised hair , body hair or maybe a blonde hair. I dont think this is a problem in dark brown hair. Hair from the Safe Donor Area is usually very course too.


    I came up with the idea when I was thinking how could Micropigmentation clinics go from a 2D Effect to a 3D effect.


    I am aware that if the hair is grown out it will most likely look thin but in a buzz cut style 6mm or less I think it is a great idea.


    It is common practice to put singles in the Hairline because you can see where the hair intersects with the scalp but in a buzz cut this is the case throughout the head.


    Can any doctors/Senior Members on here discredit this idea? what is the benefit of a multigraft thats only a couple of mm's long.

  4. Hi Guys,


    Just wondering what the experts on here think about the following proposal:


    Would it be a good idea to cut down Multi-Grafts into single if the patient planned to Buzz the hair to a couple of mm's, Grade 1 or 2??


    I think it is important to have a specific style in mind for post op. The BuzzCut differs from any other style IMO because its the number of intersections between hair and scalp (Lets call them Dots for discussion terms) is what will give the illusion of density.


    In simple terms I think 50 singles/cm2 will look far better than 20 3hairs/cm2 and if you cut them into singles you will get better coverage doing 50singles/cm2 all over.


    when you look at someone with buzzed hair you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a single and a multi-graft without inspecting the head. Yet if you cut 3's into singles you get 3 times as many "dots"(if you compare to micropigmentation, the higher number of dots the more dense it appears)what is your opinion on this?


    The idea I'm trying to get across is "getting more from less" approach for someone with high loss and less density, who would be happy to buzz there hair. Take a guy with 120cm2 to cover and only 3000grafts in his donor (Lets say 2hairs per graft) 6000 single grafts, this would give him 50grafts/cm2 which I think would look quiet good.


    Sorry for the long winded comment, Its difficult trying to explain my train of taught on the topic.






  5. Just wondering is there a list anywhere on the site of all the clinics that were declined coalition membership for 1 reason or another?


    Also if a Surgeon is recommended by this site, does that mean he is recommended for both the FUT & FUE Method, if he offers both?


    What is the Protocol for when a new clinic is opened? (do you wait a few years before considering the clinic for membership?

  6. Hi,


    Just wondering what are peoples opinions on European Clinics doing Fue. I know generally in the past these clinics have been frowned apon but surely now after years of carrying out this procedure there are a few (well priced) clnics producing top class work???


    Also is there any clinics in europe anyone could recommend for fue in scar? I reckon a couple of hundred would allow me to buzz to #1.


    Direction of the growth and texture is a big one for me. I think its pointless getting fue in scar if the hair is of a different texture or is growing in a different direction!

  7. Hi Toshpolat,


    Im new here and a suffer myself. Your hair loss looks pretty extensive NW7ish so I think meds would be a waste of money. Your donor region looks small enough you might be able to harvest enough grafts to frame your face, it depends wat your goals are?


    I think you have a good shaped head, shave it all is what id do if I were you. :)

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