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Posts posted by mongoal

  1. It will get much better, positively. Obviously its a bit sparse in the rear. You will also positively be able to shave your head. I would be worried more about the front and how it looks.


    It really doesn't look that bad, and you have months left until the back of your head grows longer/back in. Worst case scenario you have a good SMP artist work on the rear and your good to go. The SPM might run you a thousand bucks at most. Remember the MOST important area is the front of your hair.


    Personally if I had a choice to have the frontal hair restored at the cost of my back of my head I would think it was a trick question, because of course I would. Even of you were a bad candidate id still like to have the frontal area filled in.

  2. If its scars its not the end of the world, you just have to have 1 inch long hair in the back. That's what you had before. As for the front, it looks as dense as I had, which as 2500 grafts. Does mine look thin? Heck yea but it doesn't look bald. I look like I have thinning hair which is a huge difference than bald baby butt, shiny freak creep :)

  3. Actually I did have some ingrown hairs but not in those numbers, you have little rose welt like areas, no idea what that is. Have someone look really close into the pink welt areas to see if there's hair under the skin.


    To be honest you have weird hair naturally based on your natural untouched area. Your hair looked normal when it was an inch+. Your hair probably looked weak in your teens if shaved. There was nothing you could do with wide naturally spaced out follicles no matter what. Worst case you keep your hair at 3/4 to an inch and it probably wont be anymore noticeable in the doner area than before. Might look odd if you decide to keep your head shaved. What does the recipients area look like?


    But you should ask a doctor to if its an infection

  4. I am getting really worried now, I shaved my head so the sides and top look the same. Now the top has grown back as expected but the sides over a month later still looks bad. The pics below are with flash but you can still see the red spots/bumps and the gaps.


    I thought shock loss was hair not growing back in one particular area for me it seems across the entire region where the hair was taken.


    Has anyone experienced anything like this?


    no, that's not right at all. Looks like scar or infection or prior infection or over harvesting. It possible maybe shockloss but doubtful. Clearly you see scarring or some sort of infection.

  5. I found some pictures from my HT. These are maybe a week or maybe 9 days after, I didn't document it well. I shaved my whole back area. It looks similar to yours, I took a picture from a regular distance. If I was to have zoomed in with flash on and focused high definition im sure mine would look like Freddy Kruger too.


    If you look at the close up on my pic and focused on the worst area youd think it was a nightmare too. The third pic is about a month old after shaving it all the same length, does it look any different than brad pitts hair shaved in the back, nope. These pictures were taken about 4 years ago.


    The last two pictures: one is last month at about 2-3 inches, and one taken right now. I shaved it bald two weeks ago and I look like a bald freak basically with shaved head under florescent lights. So basically I will be letting it grow out. Luckily im so damn good looking it doesn't matter if my hair is a little thin, would I want it thicker, of course and probably will get another FUE HT in the next year or so.






  6. Prior to your HT, it appears you like your hair in the back to be about an inch. That's long, so I would think you wont even notice any was removed in the first place. Your head is shaved right now so you can see it. If you wear a hat nobody will know right now because that donor area is all they see so there's no contrast between your donor area and the untouched area.


    Everyday your donor area will look better, you may have shed some hair in the back but that is suppose to come back. I think your being a bit overboard focusing on the back of your head, nobody sits behind and zooms in you the back half of your head, they see the front of your head.


    You could also use electric clippers to cut the hair in the back and fade the donor hair length into the non donor area. I did that and it looked better but again it wasn't that drastic of a difference. Remember you had a HT, most people that have HT think people are looking at them funny, people focus on their bald spot, thinning hair, small peepee syndrome etc.


    People really don't look around and say "hey!, do you see that guy with the bald spot! hahahah!, look at that ridiculous hairline!, thinning hair freak show!, inferior man!, his hair in the back looks thinner, LOOK HOW THIN IT IS HAHAHAH". Its just not like that.


    So next week the back of your head will be much better, its the front that will be bugging you soon id expect.

  7. If I remember right both my donor and recipient area looked awesome like a month later. Donor area healed 100%, and the new hair in my balding areas was growing like crazy. Then at maybe 2 months all my new hair implanted fell out and I was almost bald again. I expected it because everyone on the forum explained it would happen as well as the doctor.


    I also had pimple like in infections of lumps, not many but a few. I pushed on them and some grafts fell out, probably dead anyways. I can see the area that had the infections when I shave my head and its bald there, size of about a half of s US dime. Kind of sucks because its in the front area slightly above the hairline.

  8. Your recipient area looks similar to what mine looked like so I'd think it's fine. Donor area looks like it's improving, people are different so maybe your surrounding hairs fell out more than most people. But it doesn't look like Freddy Kruger horrific like you think. You just had 2000+ pinhead sized chunks of flesh taken out of that area, can't expect it to look normal after a week or two. A simple black eye can last week's. I'd be more worried about the front looking right, which I think looks fine too.


    Infections are pussy, and usually warmer than surrounding area and reddish.

  9. It looks like your donor area wasn't very dense to start out with. HT take from one area and put hair in another. So one area gets thicker, the other thinner that's how it works.



    You may be a slow healer or had/have an infection, my FUE donor area looked almost normal after a week or two, but I took antibiotics from the start, not sure if your dr gave them to you I hear some don't.



    I also thought my HT was worthless because I looked worse the first 3 months . That's the way it works for most. I wouldn't be shitting my pants unless the back of my head wasn't healing, which maybe yours isn't. I wouldn't stress about it but for sure get it checked for infection and get some antibiotics. I kept mine dry, your first picture looks all gooey and freaky, even slimy.



    The recent ones look fine to me, just wait until the skin clears up and the hair grows out, worry in a month or so if it looks creepy to you. You cant expect miracles after 9 days, it take a good 9 months to see what really going on. What's the recipient area look like?

  10. What doctor did your fue? Do you have any before and after results? When you say pen, do you mean motorized extraction or manual extraction. In the US and some other nations, cutting into tissue even if it means scoring with fue means surgery. Tattoos are only in the top layers of the skin. With fue, you do score through nerves and require much more donor area after care. I am glad you got great surgery and results, but it doesnt seem to be the case for everyone. Most results posted online done by doctors and personalized for one patient at a time, seem to have been successful. Manual fue seems to be yielding better results in terms of density vs coverage. Quick and easy motorized extractions seem to be yielding a lot less.


    Im not sure how great my results are, but id consider them very decent. Basically i was nearly bald on the top of my head, im no where near bald 4-5 years later and probably wont ever look as bald as i did prior to FUE.


    Judging from my pictures pre-FUE and now after 2000 grafts, if i were to have a "Turkish" or "Mexican" 3000 graft transplant/paint job id probably over double the thickness. Could probably even bring the left side hairline down a half inch to match the right side. That's why im back checking out the forum. If i could get 2500 grafts in the USA for $5k with similar results i would. But American physicians want big bucks still it seems.


    Its the same paintjob in other countries as far as i can tell. Does an artist in the USA painting a picture draw any better than a Mexican, or a Turkish man/woman? maybe. I believe all dodge trucks are made in mexico, does that mean you wouldn't drive a dodge or its not built as well as a Chevy.


    Id think an experienced FUE Tech that has worked on 3000 patients and works 10 hours a day at doing it, is probably better suited to do a better job than a physician who personally performed 300 FUE.


    Has anyone had a bad FUE from Turkey? or the so called FUE mills? A bad job doesn't mean a patient really needed 5000 grafts but only paid for 2000 and it looks like crap. Perhaps that's what some complain about?

  11. God....I would not trust techs to use the pens. But then again, we're having techs open channels for graft insertions. YOLO I guess.


    Some people don't like tattoos as well. Some people fly in airplanes too, flying through the air at 50,000ft with a pilot, trusting a pilot with your life, children and your wife?


    I don't remember the physicians name, have to look it up. He was great we talked for 4 hours and I was worried there wouldn't be enough time, he laughed and said youll see how fast it was. 2 techs using a hand tool and they spun it, no drill. A drill?


    The physician poked my head, sounded freaky like the end scene in the movie Jaws, when the shark was being poked in the face with that spear. Then the physician and a tech put the grafts back in, 2 techs handed them pens with a graft in each of them, took like an hour maybe two, I was watching the movie Troy and didn't get through the whole movie until it was done. He was awesome and so were the 4-5 techs, had a taco and left. When driving across the border the border patrol asked why I was in mexico, I took off my hat and he waved us through.


    Attached are some pictures, the first ones are pre FUE, after etc.


    Two last pictures are last month, the one looks really thinning. It only looks like that in some light and thin in office lights. It defiantly looks thinner than a couple years ago, I must have lost all my original hair in that area. I do remember the physician saying I could easily do another 3000 as my donor area was good.


    Overall the physicians said he likes to get the grafts out and in fast and try and get them pointed in the right direction and keep everything clean and the pen did it fast, maybe that why i believe i had good results for a $5k FUE. Others may disagree. Not sure id travel to Turkey on a airplane for 13 hours risking my life or even possible jihadi cutting my head off. Basically i took the Mexican drug cartel violence risk instead.









  12. I had a FUE 4 years ago by a clinic in mexico, the physician did some extraction and some placement but much was done by the techs. I have a medical background and to say FUE is some sort of a operation would be exaggerated. Its more like a more invasive tattoo with care given to the extracted grafts.


    My personal 2000 FUE took a few hours of actual work, they used pens to insert the grafts, I have zero scars. I was norwood 3/4 if I remember right. I think the cost was $5k. You'd would have to be fairly incompetent to screw up and FUE. They use a punch in the direction of the hair and pull it out, put it in a tray of fluid, trim it keep it cool. Anyone can draw a line a line on your head and poke holes inside the area calculating the density any dummy can do as well. I think a physician should be at least involved in case of an accident and make sure the extraction is being done correctly and placing them is proper depth etc.


    The patient also needs to be semi intelligent, agree with the hairline and question their concerns. To say FUE is some sort of a "serious invasive procedure" is going a bit overboard. FUT is some serious cutting. everyone has personally cut themselves on accident that required stitches, "required stitches". Nothing like stitches is required by FUE. Although 2000 tiny pokes accumulated looks awful, the rear of your head holes close up almost within hours.


    My FUE looks as good as any ive seen here (using a pen), better than most in faxt with 2000 grafts covering 4x3 inch area. Its getting a bit thinner now that I've lost some of the hair from my non-transplanted hair in the area.


    I would think any FUE clinic should have a physician overseeing the procedure, does that mean the whole time? absolutely not. Jumping in everything 30 minutes to supervise would suffice. I would think the doctor in question probably does that.

  13. Sure, is there a way to send a personal message? I have some pictures too on my phone but not sure how i upload from the phone. Still not sure how my 2500 fue will look, i was fairly balding in the front and dr said i was about norwood 5. Kinda weird as all the implanted hair began growing the next day and just now some is falling out but some isnt. Im taking propecia too for the first time, hope that helps, may start rogiane too but these drugs seem like an annoyance but maybe it will bring back some missing hair and make the existing hair thicker.

  14. I had 2500 fue 3 weeks ago, looks completely healed, have a few tingly areas that are still lingering but virtually back to normal in donor area. Dr thinks i could easily pull up to 10,000 and still be virtualy undetectable. Im thinking many doctors dont like fue because its a heck of alot of work, i mean lots and many doctors dont have the skills to punch the follicules out correctly. Its a skill that would require real talent or lots of practice if you do it by hand. i didnt care if fue destroyed 100's of follicules or 10% didnt grow, i like the back of my head shaved and have ample donor follicules to add when needed. I didnt want a scar and i dont need 15000 grafts now and if i ever do need 15000 grafts ill be 70 and cloning will be available by then.


    If cost is a huge issue go out of the usa or find a doctor that is reasonable here in the usa. It is hard to find a dr in the usa that will work for less then $3000-4000 profit a day doing a large 2000+ fue, i looked everywhere for a year and couldnt find one.


    Perhaps my fue will look bad in 6 months and i made the wrong choice as i could have went with a strip and got 5000 for about the same price. But that strip method looks like a horror flick, my donor area looked almost normal the next day, i think the newer smaller punch sizes make alot of difference. I dont see or feel this trauma some doctors are talking about, theres no marks on my head and it feels basicaly like it did last month before the procedure.


    Someday you might want to shave your head too, have you seen the pictures of the jeremy pivens from that entourage show? Forget that, looks like a shark thrashed on his noggin for an hour.

  15. UI had 2500 fue almost 3 weeks ago. It took about 5-6 people and a little over 7 hours. Time flys by though, felt like 3-4 hours. These hairtransplants arent fun post-op, but there not a big deal either. Id say its like getting wisdom teeth pulled, not too painful the first few days but it bugs you. If i did it over id do 4000 in one sitting if available and endure 12 hours plus, but the dr and techs would probably be wreaked. Its really fairly simple process, they pull hairs from the back and put them in front. Donor area healed almost completely in a week, my frontthealed but still a little pink.

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