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Posts posted by daley08

  1. Thanks for your response regarding the head shaving...


    I have grown my hair ( when I had it for a couple of years, but personally I liked it, and thought it looked better shorter )


    As for why would you do a HT , just to shave your head.. Well I like to shave it on a 2-3 , and when I could do that , it looks a lot better , than a shiny scalp !! Im still considering it, but thanks very much for the continued feedback.

  2. Sorry,


    I should of stated all questions were in regards to the strip technique . I have been looking at this forum for on and off for about 6 months, so yes I believe the strip technique is better for me due to the large amount of grafts etc I will need. If anyone could answer my questions that would be great, as im currently not working, hence I thought if im going to do it, its a great time to get it done now.



  3. Hi All,


    Basically im hoping to have some feedback from questions I have regarding a HT. I have been thinking about doing this procedure for a while, and would like to have a quality surgeon. However I live in Sydney Australia, and after using the interactive map, there is no one suggested in Sydney. I guess my first question is to any Dr's or previous patients, advise me of surgeons in Sydney that are highly regarded for quality work.


    Having looked at the available chart, I believe I would be a norwood 6. Im 33 yo, and looking at possible side and back donor areas, they are thick with possible donor hair. I know without seeing a photo and face to face consultation its hard to be exact, but I am just hoping for some ' approximate guesstimates ' to some of my questions , which would be greatly appreciated asap as im considering going in for a consultation in the next day or 2.


    Some info about me, I believe I would be a norwood 6. Im 33 yo, and looking at possible side and back donor areas, they are thick with possible donor hair. looking at other photos of other people and using the calculator, id say I would roughly need around 5000 - 6000 grafts, and the calculator is stating that I need app 13500 - 14000 hairs.


    My questions , assuming the info I give is correct, can this procedure be done in one day ? If not how many roughly and timeframes between procedures ?


    If i currently have my head shaved, is that more difficult for the surgeon to take the hair from the donor area ? ( its shaved on about a 1 ) Will I need it to grow longer to go through with the procedure.


    I work in construction and need to wear hardhats, after how long roughly would I be able to wear a hard hat at work, and also normally how long will it take for the scabs , scarring etc to not be noticeable after surgery. Basically I dont want to go to work and people know ive had surgery.


    I exercise regularly , running and weights. how long would I need to wait after surgery to resume these activities.


    A rough guide to possible cost in US dollars assuming what im saying is correct.


    I like to have my head shaved normally anyway, but with the grafts I believe I need being very high, hence I think it will be a large scar, will having my head shaved on a 2-3 have the transplanted hair look unnatural. Do most people have the hair longer to hide scars, and how well do the donor scars heal ?


    If the hair transplant doesnt fully work, I can handle that as I dont look to bad with a shaved head , this is more of an improvement thing im doing. However one thing I really dont want is to have thousands of little scars over my scalp, never growing hair, and looking way worse then I do now, is this a possibility ?


    As stated if people could answer all of my questions asap, it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers and have a nice day / night :)

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