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Posts posted by mrsundeep

  1. Thanks a lot for your input !!


    Since I'v already made the booking in the end of July, what should I do. Last time I met the Dermatologist, he advised me to go on Finasta - Finasteride - One tablet a week. I beleive I can break it into 4 parts and have one everyday.


    Since I have under 2 months left for the transplant, should I go ahead with the transplant or set myself on medication ? I don't think there will be any results due to medication within these two months.


    I really don't mind loosing the booking amount (not sure if they refund), if the wait on medication will do good for me in the long term.


    Please give me some suggestions


  2. Hi folks,


    Finally after a lot of browsing under the radar in this forum, I have decided to go ahead with the Hair transplant procedure.


    I decided to go ahead with Dr. Madhu's clinic in Hyderabad. I am from that same place, so will help me with the logistics for the procedure.


    I sent my pics to Dr.Madhu and he suggested 2500+ follicles to cover the crown area. Now the confusing part.


    I am 28 and am looking to get ONLY the crown region to get transplanted. If you look at the frontal view, I have a fair amount of hair for the while. But, I know that slowly but surely I am loosing hair in the temple regions and will at some stage in the future need to re-do the hair line.


    So, would you guys think that it is a reasonable decision to just go with the transplant in the crown region ??

    And would 2500+ follicles be enough to get a decent coverage in my crown area??


    I paid the booking amount, but still undecided about the go ahead. Not that I am scared of transplants !! I had a corneal transplant a few years back.


    Lastly, I am not taking any sort of medication for preventing the hair loss. The stories of side affects are really a big thing for me (not just the thing about the erection problems). I am not sure that this is a bad/good decision.


    Sorry for the long message but please give me some feedback in to my concerns. Any information would be really appreciated.


    Thanks in advance !!




  3. Hi !!


    It will be nice if Dr. Madhu can answer this question.


    I had a corneal transplant more than 2 years ago. Would Hair transplantation cause any sort of effect on the eye (optic nerve) or eye pressure ????


    I am guess hair transplant is only a surface - skin related procedure !! Please I want clarification as I am looking to get my transplant next year in june @ Dr.Madhu's clinic in Hyderabad

  4. Hello guys !!


    Iv been a silent follower in this forum and been able to get a lot of confidence and a lot of useful information from the posts.


    I am thinking of getting a FUT done next year in India. It will surely be Dr. Madhu in Hyderabad as I have read a lot of happy clients with him and I belong to Hyderabad. Right now I am living in Melbourne - Australia.


    My biggest doubt would be to know how serious the bulging in the forehead and the face would be post operation? the reason I ask this is because, I had a corneal transplant (Yes, you'v heard that rite) 2.5 years back and do not want any side effects or pressure on the eyes.

    through the information I gathered about this topic, I reckon the bulging is mostly in the forehead region !! Any further information would be really handy for me. In any case, prior to the operation, I will consult my eye Doctor who has performed the surgery on me.



    Thanks in advance !!



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