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Posts posted by kjm

  1. KJM,


    Thanks for providing us with an update on your second procedure. I'm sorry if you mentioned this elsewhere, but since I couldn't find it, how many grafts did you receive during each procedure?





    1st time round of the top of my head around 1100 grafts 2nd time around 2500


    Thanks for your advice, So scars from previous surgery slow the rate down or just dont grow all together?

  2. Thank you for this David, but i am away from tomorrow for 3 weeks, Was going to get in touch when i get back, which would be getting on for the 8 months, I know it take 12-18 months for the full cycle of your hair, Just looking through other 7/8 months and look alot further progessed than me, at this stage Thanks

  3. Thought it was time to give an update, from my previous post, i had my 1st HT @ The Hospital Group in 2010 well whats done is done! I then had 2nd 1 in Nov 2012 now 7 months on, (by a recommended surgeon) I thought i'd be seeing alot more progress by now, What do you guys think? Am on the meds and regaine foam 5% Tried to take all the photos in the same location with the same lighting flash on an off


    Pre Op 2010:










    3 Hours after 1st HT:











    Nov 2012 Pre 2nd Op:













    3 Hours After (much better this time!):











    Now 7 months on from 2nd HT:

















  4. Right lets get off on the right foot, i am in no way promoting the hospital group and have nothing to do with them!!!!! just my personal experience


    I am early 20's , yes this is my first post only because this is the first forum i came accross after re-researching and have no trouble in proving such that i had my HT at the Hospital Group back in January 2010 to the approprite people,


    i have various pics throughout my HT process of my head and scar that i will post up a select few from before and now, now the scar personally i dont think is that bad i can be covered with grade 2 or 3, i have a fractured skull from a bad accident when i was about 8 so i know about living with scars and them scars are worse than my HT scar in my personal opinion, the latest pics i have are from the 30/8/10, i was expecting a bit more density on the top of the head but am going 4 a review within the next week!


    all pictures have been taken on my fone with the flash on, ive tried to take them from the same angles and the same light!



    1 day before pre-op


    226782101433101.jpg 5afdab101433113.jpg 6004c0101434454.jpg


    3 hours after, think 2517 hairs


    3e30e7101433571.jpg a497d9101433587.jpg


    i had my staples taken out after 18 days


    and this was the result i was left with after about 8 months scar still a bit pink and no scar will be invisable and hair will never grow back were the scar is!! well unless you have furth surgery to rectify the problem


    475db0101434032.jpg c6e4da101434043.jpg 9f42ea101434053.jpg 9e47ab101434067.jpg cd72dc101434079.jpg 813266101434086.jpg



    all in all i think its an improvement to wot it was before IN MY OPINION but further surgery will be required to achieve density!

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