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Posts posted by camooshka

  1. Thanks Bill, that's pretty much what I thought but great to have it confirmed! Do you think it's ok to start him on propecia now rather than wait 6 months? I just want to reduce any more risk for him. He is getting teased a little by some people and I don't want the stress of that to make it worse.


    Thanks again for your help, it's very much appreciated.

  2. Hi guys. I'm looking for some advice regarding my son who is 17, 18 in six months. He is showing early signs of recession to his temples..not much but approx 1cm ish. He has a high hairline like me anyway but it is visible. I myself began to lose my hair quite young and I know how devastating this can be to a young man's confidence so I really want to help him. He's pretty calm about it at the moment which is good but I think action is needed now before it can't be reversed. I know doctors won't prescribe propecia until he's18 but do you think I should get some for him anyway seeing as he's nearly 18? Basically I'm reaching out to all of you with all of this experience to help before it's too late.


    I really appreciate your help guys..many thanks.

  3. hi guys, im in a bit of a panic! i use finpecia and always buy at least 6 months supply, however, i am off to new zealand (i live in the uk) in a weeks time for 3 weeks and i am trying to pack things up ready to go, but to my suprise i have realised that i only have 2 weeks tabs left! to order online will take at least 2 weeks to deliver, so i need help!! does anybody have a months supply (1mg) they could sell to me to tide me over until i get back? i will pay full whack for them, not looking for a freebie! thanks for your guys!!

  4. i have decided to go with the belgravia clinic for 6 months or so to see if any growth can be achieved. i am to use 8% minox lotion in the morning an 10% lotion in the evenings, and carry on with fin as normal. the cost is ?225 for 3 months, expensive i know hence me asking for help about other high strength minox products. i think its worth tryingthough before i have any further surgery. :)

  5. Hi guys. I have stopped using rogaine 5% liquid/foam because i dont think it is doing anything for me (still using finpecia though). I want to try out minoxidil 12% or 15% and would to know the following:


    1 Where to buy? I have seen it at genhair (are they ok). fyi - i am in the uk

    2 Usage, still twice a day?

    3 Has anyone any experiences of using it? good or bad!


    I just want to give it a go for a year to see if i can get any regrowth (crown and vertex) before contemplating another surgery.


    Many thanks guys.:)

  6. Hi guys. I have stopped using rogaine 5% liquid/foam because i dont think it is doing anything for me (still using finpecia though). I want to try out minoxidil 12% or 15% and would to know the following:


    1 Where to buy? I have seen it at genhair (are they ok). fyi - i am in the uk

    2 Usage, still twice a day?

    3 Has anyone any experiences of using it? good or bad!


    I just want to give it a go for a year to see if i can get any regrowth (crown and vertex) before contemplating another surgery.


    Many thanks guys.:)

  7. hi guys, i have a question regarding meds. i currently use fin, no problems there, all seems ok and it seems to be holding back further hair loss or at least slowing it down to a mere crawl! What i would like to know is, would changing over to dut have any damaging effect to the work already done by using fin? I dont suffer with any sides with fin but would like to give dut a go to see if any crown/vertex growth could be achieved before anymore surgery.


    Would be very grateful for any input. Thanks guys, great forum btw :)

  8. Hi all. Well its done, I had my procedure done with Dr Feriduni on monday 11/10/2010. Below is the story. See Above for previous details :)


    I flew to belgium from bristol, a direct 1 hour 10 minute flight to brussells, where i was met by chris, a taxi driver sent by Dr Feridunis clinic, who took me straight to my hotel in hasselt, which is where the dr's clinic is situated. the journey took 40 minutes. My hotel was the Raddisson Blue, a 4 star hotel, very clean, good food, helpful staff and a great central location for sightseeing (not that i did any!). The next morning, at 8.30am i was picked up, again by taxi (all taxi and hotel accomadation costs were paid by the clinic) and taken to the clinic, a 10 minute max journey away. At 8.45am i had my first face to face meeting with Dr feriduni, and what a great guy. He is a very normal, down to earth man, very approachable, keen to answer all the questions thrown at him, and we even enjoyed a few jokes! He inspected my existing hair etc and we found that the butchers at DHI (see earlier posts) had not only transplanted previous grafts at 25 to 32 cm2, not the 45cm2 i was told, they had also thinned out the dodnor area so much, that i only had about 50cm2 in the donor area for the Dr to deal with. This meant that rather than the 3000 plus grafts we were hoping for, Dr feriduni could only get 2279 grafts from the 31 x 1.5 cm strip. The Dr explained that we couldnt do it in one procedure because of theses problems, and we went about making a plan for this and future procedures. We decided on filling and improving the hairline, the temple points were re-built, and he then filled in behind the hairline. The Dr had explained to about hair aesthetics and placement of grafts, and he felt that because of the limited grafts available, we should concentrate on the cenral core of the head to give the illusion of density. From there he worked towards the crown using all the grafts left, leaving a aprox 16cm2 bald spot on the crown, which we can look at next year. DHI really did me no favours, and its obvious that my hair could now be so much better if I had found a coalition doc in 2004, but what done is done and i am very happy to have found Dr Feriduni. All his staff are very friendly and very experienced, the clinic is very modern and clean and the organisation by the admin staff was first rate. I wore a bandage for the first night and then you are given a "survival Bag", shampoo, meds, pillow, post op instructions etc, which i am following to the letter! Im now 4 days out and i have lots and lots of swelling, which began almost immediately, and a couple of black eyes, but it should all be gone by early next week and i can move on and look forard to seeing results. The day after the procedure, Dr feriduni and I discussed going back next year for another strip of 1000 to 1500 grafts to fill the crown. After that only touch ups should be required for maintenance, this will be fue. I have created a blog and will update it regularly to keep you all informed of my progress. Thanks guys!

  9. i would have liked to have visited all the top docs in the us and europe in person, but i figured it would cost more than the ht! i did lots of online consults and obviously did loads and loads of research via the forums etc, and dr feridunis results, the cleanliness of his work and gut feeling made him my no1 choice. im off to the airport in a mo, but im taking my camera and laptop and i will post pre and post op pics on tuesday. wish me luck guys!



  10. TC


    i'm getting a strip this time, one because of the cost and also to rectify the scar. i am down for 3000 grafts, (the dr's estimate) but i would like to go for more if possible, to get this sorted out once and for all. i'm not looking for a thick mane or anything, just good coverage for my age and enough hair not to worry about when the wind picks up!


    Future HT doc


    I will set up a weblog next week when i get the after pics sorted and i will keep you all up to date with the progress.


    thanks guys :)

  11. hey tc! i had both! i had a strip surgery of about 1700 grafts, although judging by what people on these forums say, they charge by the hair and not the graft, so i cant be too sure. it left me with a bad scar and low density, so they offered me fue (1000 grafts) for a reduced rate and i was naive enough to go ahead. dont get me wrong, the result wasnt pluggy etc, just low density really. they didnt tell me to use fin etc and as a result my hair loss continued until i stumbled upon this place and put my regimen together. Again, i was naive but i think they took advantage of my situation. Now though, i think dr feriduni is the right doc to help me and i cant wait!

  12. hi all. this is my first post on here, even though like many others, i have been hanging around for several years, taking on board all the great info and advice from all you hair legends! im 38, live in the uk and have been losing hair since my early 20's. unfortunately, about 9 years ago, i was naive enough to get sucked in by dhi in greece and although my results werent as bad as many others, it left me out of pocket and back to square one. I actually gave up on transplants until i found this forum, this place is superb and got me back to the right state of mind and ready to go for it once again. i am booked in for this monday with dr feriduni!!! i am so looking forward to it, i feel like a kid in a sweet shop! dr feridunis work is top notch and in my opinion, on a par with the best doctors in the world. i will take lots of pre and post op pics and post them here next week, and obviously i will keep you all updated as the long healing process continues! thanks again guys for all your help over the last few years, it is fantastic to know that we all have friends all over the world that we havent even met! who are all willing to help others. a life lesson i think?


    camooshka :)

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