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Posts posted by Avolat

  1. So I'm almost 30, female and I have what I'm told is female pattern hair loss. My hair thinned dramatically in my early 20's mostly on the top and while the loss has slowed, it has continued since then. I was going to go see one of the Bosley docs for a consult but then I started doing research and the results of that research indicate that either the surgery would be pointless and/or that Bosley is maybe not the facility I want to trust my head to. That said, what I'm reading doesn't bode well for my type of loss. I'm wondering if there are any suggestions for anything I haven't yet tried?


    I went to my dermatologist. I think he (and my pcp) tested me about three times over for lupus but I don't have that. Then the derm had me try the minoxidil and it seemed to do nothing. He said I could either continue with it in the hopes that it was somehow slowing the rate of loss (though there was no evidence of that) or I could give it up, basically, and accept the situation.


    And I thought I could do it. Did do it. I think it's been about 5 years from that dooms-day discussion with the doc. I don't generally consider myself a vain woman. But I'm not even 30 and I could do the whole sob story thing but I'm sure you've heard it...it's not fun being a balding woman.


    And, is there anything else? Reading what I've read about shock loss and botched transplants and the poor results for women with my type of hair loss in general...the idea of a hair transplant is somewhat disturbing.


    Is there anything else to try first? Or have I exhausted everything but the rather iffy prospect of surgery?


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions and/or advice.

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