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Posts posted by Xtine

  1. :)Helloooo,


    I was wondering peoples opinions on ht docs for females. Best, most experience etc. I understand from reading posts here that female ht is a little different than male. I have been researching this for a while and it a bit difficult to find information about the best for females. Thanks in advance!



  2. I have tiny baby hairs in the area Im thinking about fixing. Ive actually never had hair (beside baby hairs ) my temple areas. So perhaps Dr Feller was refering to the surrounding hair. I really didnt have anything specific in mind as far as how many HRs I would get. I assumed and hoped I would only need one because of the small area..plus I have a tiny head:rolleyes: I didnt even know this was available until very recently.


    I think its a great idea to ask the other Docs why they didnt mention it..thanks. I did ask an assistant from one of the others and she said the doctor she represented didnt have problems with permenant shock loss with his patients, but had worked for other doctors that had patients with permenant shock loss.

  3. I have been sending my pics to different HR docs. Ive been getting responses and quotes for filling in my temples, which have been part of my hair line I inherited from my father. :o I sent my pics to Dr. Feller and He said(through his assistant) that he would do more damage than good by doing work on the areas I need. (Due to a high rate of shock loss in the areas I need work) Im wondering why he would refuse and others are willing to do the HR. Im really afraid to loose hair due to shock. So I am putting the HR on hold. Although my hair line really bothers me. Any ideas, suggestions?

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