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Posts posted by masterdev

  1. Thanks guys! I took a look as per the advice here at some of the revision results from Bisanga and Lindsey - very impressive.


    Any other doctors that haven't been mentioned yet that I ought to consider? And regarding my 2 step plan - any feedback? Does that at least sound like the right way to go about this? I've been putting off the scar revision, but I want to at least make some firm plans to get it done within the next 6 months.


    Also - if anyone here can speak to having undergone a successful scar revision previously (with the scar not stretching after), would love to hear about it.


    Thanks for all your help! :)

  2. Hi All,


    I'm hoping to get some of your valuable advice here regarding next steps I ought to take.



    In June 2013, I underwent 1 session of FUT with Dr. Diep - he transplanted a total of 4700 grafts during the session. I was 28 at the time (I'm currently 32). I am fairly happy with the results of the work in my frontal area / hairline - I cannot say the same for the scar I received, though. The explanation from Dr. Diep for the size of the scar was that it was due to insufficient laxity (I would have appreciated had this been taken into consideration during the surgery, and would have lived with a less visible scar and a less aggressive number of grafts extracted in my initial session).


    I have been attempting to mask the scar over the last few years through a combination of combing my hair strategically + Topik - this process has definitely been a pain to manage on a daily basis.


    During my follow up sessions with Dr. Diep (March 2014), he said he could use tricho closure to approximately half the current width, and possibly FUE additional grafts into my front, mid and crown area. The tricho closure itself would be free of charge, while I'd be charged for any grafts implanted. He estimated I would need ~4,000 more grafts to get to full coverage, and thought I had enough donor for this.


    I've attached pictures of both my scar + more pics of my hair pattern so you can see my current density/volume. (For some reason, they keep getting attached upside down - sorry! Not sure how to change that).


    My plan is to:

    1) Undergo scar revision/excision in order to at least reduce the width of the scar (and pray I suppose that it will not stretch post operation). If there are any usable grafts that come out I'd love to have them implanted into the gaps in my frontal area and possibly crown.


    2) Evaluate options for either a 2nd FUT session or an FUE session to add coverage.


    While I could certainly choose to take Dr. Diep on his offer, I also want to evaluate other doctors to choose from - especially for the scar revision. While I don't doubt Dr. Diep's abilities regarding the art of transplantation, I believe it behooves me to at least get some advice on the top doctors noted for scar revision ability.


    I have noted down Dr Hasson and Dr Ron Shapiro as 2 of the top doctors I'd probably consider for the revision piece. This thread in particular made me think Shapiro would be great for this kind of work: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167235-dr-ron-shapiro-scar-revision-w-acell-wound-sheets-vitrase-6-months.html


    I'd love to get some feedback from folks and experts here. Does my plan make sense? Are there any other specific doctors I should also evaluate for this procedure? Thank you in advance!!









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