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Posts posted by Liono

  1. Hey folks, apologies if this has been asked before, but I'm wondering about minoxidil usage. I've been on it 6 months now and been using it once a day for 5 days then taking a break at weekend, and it seems to be showing some growth in temples, which suggests it's working.

    But here's the kicker, I've been feeling shortness of breath and generally not my best, so have decided it's probably best to kerb it back a bit.


    Here's my question(s)...

    If I cut this back down to once per day (1mm of 5% Kirkland liquid) for three days per week (Mon/Wed/Fri) do you think it will have some benefits?

    Or will so many days off it just keep on resetting the shed cycle and cause it to be worse than if I don't use it at all?


    My hair is alright at present and if I could maintain it with this while minimising the side-effect, that would be ideal.

    Also, I'm thinking that such little usage is not too far from been weaned off it completely, so it might minimise shedding if I feel that quitting is the best way to go for my health in the future.


    Thanks in advance chums

  2. Alright then, how thin does the doner area feel now? :D And any chance you've a couple of pics to go with that W.P?


    But have you had a buzzcut down to a number 1 and they aren't visible, cos that's the real question I suppose I'm asking?


    Cheers bud

  3. I had 2000 grafts with a .75 punch and you cant even see my scars they are a non issue so go worry about something else :P Good luck.


    Alright then, how thin does the doner area feel now? :D And any chance you've a couple of pics to go with that W.P?

  4. I've had two surgeries. The last one was in January a year ago. Dr. Vories took a picture of my donor area from my first surgery. I could see no visible scarring. Dr. Vories used a .80 punch. I'll look for the picture and send it to you. The only scarring was extremely small white dots which are hardly visible from a couple feet away. I think you would be very satisfied with the .75 punch and it will be difficult to see any scarring.


    Check out my personal blog at.... myfuehairtransplant.com I only use my site for posting before and after photos and not forum conversations like we have on this site. I have lots of photos of donor area etc.


    That's great to hear John and thanks for the reply. Yeah if you can dig them out send on those pics when you get the chance. That's really my major reservation.

  5. Hey all, so i'm very close to being booked in with Dr.Rahal for 1,200 grafts approx with a .75 punch using FUE. I've heard fantastic things about him and his results are amazing, but my reservations is the scarring. If I begin losing the battle in a few years I will most likely resign to it and shave my head, and I need to see how it will look.


    Has anybody here had that amount of grafts harvested with a.75 punch and are willing to share their stories and pics? :)


    Thanks a bunch

  6. I have to say i find what everyone has to say very interesting and informative.


    I have a similar problem in that my forehead is too high for my face. I'm 30 years old and I don't appear to have suffered any hairloss which seems to perplex many hairloss sufferers as to why I would look towards grafts.


    If we're to be honest folks it's all aesthetics really isn't it, with its symmetry and harmony at its core?


    As well as having a high forehead I have wild curly hair AND a double crown. Believe me, I have even shaved my head (which doesn't suit me btw) so that i wouldn't have to fixate on this problem, but it ruins my looks (If I could pull off that look I would but I can't). So instead I grow it out but that too doesn't do me any favors as my cranium is quite circular which makes it look like my hair is kind've sitting on my head. This too could be avoided with a clever hairstyle but as I said, curly AND a double crown, which requires and obsessive amount of maintenance which I am not willing to do (anymore). I know i've hair and i appreciate it but it feels like coming second in a race.


    So, I have been looking into FUE to lower it by 1cm-1.5cm which seems the best option as I would like to keep it short. The hairline lowering is absolutely out of the question especially due to being male and not knowing how my hair will be in the future.

    I have been in talks with Transmed (Turkey) who tell me it looks like it could be 2400-2600 grafts approx to achieve this.


    Anybody know of Transmed?

    Is that amount of grafts too abrasive for FUE?


    Any advice it would be much appreciated and please don't hesitate to educate me ;)

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