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Posts posted by moopookoo

  1. I've followed his case selection for a while now, and I think this is a good patient. I think it is important to remember that it will likely take several years before we (potentially) see this patient transformed from a high level to low level NW pattern, but exciting nonetheless.



    Future Doc,



    This patient can be transformed from NW7 to NW1/2 within a year. I remember Dr Nigam saying that with donor doubling technique one can have session of 5 000 grafts and it can be repeated after 5 months or so.


    That's 10 000 grafts in 1 year with INVIVO/INVITRO.


    There is DENOVO technique which is tripling, both parts of graft are implanted into recipient area of bald scalp and growth factors are injected in donor.

    In theory he can have 20 000 grafts after 10 months. That would bring Thane to NW1.

  2. **outside link removed by moderator**



    Unlimited Hair For Transplantation - Are We Actually Closer Than We Think?


    Spencer Kobren Speaks with Belgium hair transplant surgeon Dr. Patrick Mwamba about a new method, invented by Indian hair loss researcher Dr. Nigam, that might very well put an end to the limitations of today's state of the art surgical hair restoration.

  3. Taken from TBT forum



    To whom it may concern,


    HASCI's 85% donor regeneration claim has been the subject of debate on internet forums for a long time, mostly fueled by the fact that HASCI never presented an independent patient case for verification and analysis. As (potential) patients wanted to find out if their therapy works as advertised, forum members started to shoot before and after pictures themselves. Without a doubt, the most famous case on the internet is that from forum member 'GC83UK' who went for several HST procedures in a row and documented them, each time in more detail, as our understanding and information of what was important increased.


    The research started with people trying to monitor random extraction points and trying to count in how many extraction points hair grew back. It was big news when people found out that this happened in 87% of the extraction points. This was supposed to be evidence HASCI's procedure worked as claimed.


    However, intrigued by these results, forum poster 'jjjjrs' started looking at the case in more detail. He found that in quite a few extraction sites, not all hair grew back. It turned out that in quite a few instances, 2 hair grafts grew back as 1 hair grafts. Taken this hair loss into account, he calculated that the regeneration rate was not 87% but only 65%. However, he concluded that 'real' regeneration rate might have been way lower, maybe even 0. Because what wasn't taken into account was recipient growth (always assumed to be 100% thus far) and failed extractions.


    Now these 'failed extractions', he reasoned, potentially might have skewed this number a lot. If follicles weren't even transplanted and hair was just transsected, of course the hair would just grow back. This of course has nothing to do with regeneration, since it's just transsected hair growing back. If this happened a lot, then the 65% hair growing back might just have been transsected hairs growing back, while the real regeneration rate might be way less than that.


    To find out about this, we'd needed to find how many extraction points there were. Unfortunately this was impossible because we simply didn't have all the photo's. However it was reasoned that the failed extraction rate would be pretty much equal amongst sessions. So if we could find out how many times an extraction point wasn't a real extraction, in his new case, we could use that number to draw conclusions in his previous case.


    On september 10, forum member gc83uk went for his latest HST procedure. On that day he got 1300 grafts. Most of the extractions were done by Rolf, who?s rated as HASCI?s best technician. After counting all extraction points, it turned out there were 2316 extraction points. So only 56% of the times an extraction was successful. HASCI always claimed that hair from failed extractions always grew back. This means that in 44% of the extraction points, all hair would grow back. But this would not be regeneration, this would simply be transsected hair growing back.


    Let's see what this percentage means ...


    Let's assume 2 hairs/graft (it doesn't matter for the calculations). Let's assume all grafts grow in recipient. Having had 1300 grafts during his procedure, this would mean the patient now got 2600 extra hairs in recipient.


    We saw 2316 extraction sites. In his previous procedure, we concluded that in a random exrtraction site, 65% of the times hair grew back. So we're expecting a loss of 35% * 2 * 2316 = 1621 hairs in donor.


    So, the patient gave up 1621 hairs in his donor to get 2600 hairs in recipient. In other words, from the 2600 hairs that got extracted, 978 regenerated. This is a regeneration rate of 37.6%


    We assumed all hairs grew in recipient, so this really is a best case scenario. We will have to investigate how hair in recipient grows, but judging by the number of transsected hairs we saw in petridish photo's, it's save to assume quite a bit won't be able to grow in recipient. So it's quite possible regeneration turns out to be 0%. But let's not speculate here and let's assume the best case scenario. How come HASCI always promises us 85% regeneration while it now turns out it's only 37.6% at best, and possibly even way lower ?





    Attached are the results of the extraction sites counting: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m06tjcp1rztfd6u/gaz.zip

    The _LAYOUT.jpg is an overview of how all pictures link together. It's the back of the scalp. Pictures starting with H are the highest part of the scalp, with M the middle and L is the lower part. The Z picture is the part above the ear, closest to the right eye (so the outer edge). The calculations spread sheet contains all the grafts per area.


    I'm confident that it's pretty accurate. The only trouble I had was linking L3_190347 to M4_190341. It's not correct. But the part that's not correct is relatively small, it are only a few extractions so I didn't really bother to get to the bottom of it. I'm pretty sure all of the other pictures are linked perfectly together and it?s accurate within 5%

  4. Taken from BTT forum




    It 's over. Dr. Mwamba confirmed Nigam!


    This is what he wrote the consultant dr. Mwamba on an Italian forum. Sorry for the translation:



    Good morning,


    I am pleased to announce that Dr. Mwamba soon will adopt at its clinic in Brussels Doubling the technique of Hair.

    At the end of August, the doctor is in fact flew to India to learn the technique by Dr Nigam, providing in exchange for his decades of experience in FUE.

    During his stay in India Dr. Mwamba has assisted and partnered with the operation of a French guy when you have used the technique of Hair Doubling.

    The doctor's impressions were very positive about it: it is very confident that I can achieve in the future re-growth of at least 60% of the donor used, and expects to report a nw 6-7 in the early stages of alopecia.

    For more technical and specific questions, such as the mechanisms of operation and when technology becomes available, I ask you to wait a few more weeks, because the Doc is finishing his studies in this regard. I always remember that it is still an experimental technique.


    For other types of questions I'm available for e-mail. thanks


    Coordinator myWHTC clinic patients of dr. Mwamba, I receive compensation for my business


    For any info: mywhtc.italy @ gmail.com

  5. I didnt have procedure with Dr Umar, just consultation.


    i would rather wait 6-12 months to see results of the test than have large scale FUE?BHT and have disapointing results.

    after large session is always hard to argue with HT surgeon if you had poor result or not,

    does patient know if there are 7000 growing or 4500...?


    everytime someone gets poor yield its always patients hair color, texture,scalp/hair contrast, curl, race, patient unrealistic expectations, etc etc...its never surgeon fault and poor growth

  6. I never met any of Dr Umars patients but I heard of some cases of poor growth where patient spent 100K and got poor growth.

    This could have been avoided by small test.



    When I consulted Dr Umar he never suggested testing even though he quoted 2-3000 BHT/beard,


    I ve seen other so called pioneers with the same issue, these cases dont end up on forums or surgeons websites



    IMO FUE growth issue is white elephant in the room and performing smll test prior to large session is no brainer

  7. Reading though different forums and browsing through results it appers that FUT yields better results and its more consistent in comparison .

    In theory if shouldnt be the case as FUE allows you to extract any kind of graft you want whereas strip is limited and you only got whats in a strip of skin thats been cut off.


    FUE results vary, some results are on par ith fut some are not so great.Many surgeons dont do any testing, I think the only one who does it is Dr Rassman(not sure if he still does t), many dont even test BHT and move to the large sessions without knowing what % of grafts will grow.. and we all know how unpredictable BHT can be


    Distrubing part is a lot of fue clinics advertise 100% growth or close to it. Truth is they cant predict that even if they are the best in the field. Also, excuses such as hair color, scalp contrast.curl is the reason why some results look better than others, yes these are the factors but they are often used to cover up for poor yield.



    Should there be mandatory fue testing before moving on to larger sessions, that way you know exacty what to expect, once you have 4-6000 transplanted you really dont know if growth was 60 or 90%, imo its a big difference

  8. Hi Trinder


    I don't think there would be much of a difference in the technique we use to apply the pigment, the difference is in the pigment we use, by the looks of it Melina uses a semi permanent pigment that fades away after 2 years.


    We use a more permanent pigment, it will still soften over the years, but our treatment will last 3 to 6 years before needing a touch up, the reason for this is that we do not penetrate into the skin as deep as a regular tattoo and we don't use regular tattoo ink that is designed to last a lifetime.


    The pigment will not bleed as we only penetrate 2 layers deep, which holds the pigment in the collagen matrix of the dermis which will not allow the pigment to spread as opposed to a normal tattoo which is deeper and will blur and spread over the years.


    The pigment we use will only soften into a lighter colour of the original colour that was deposited into the scalp, which does not contain any other colours, so it will not turn blue or green.


    So even if your hair turns grey or white later on it will still blend with the pigment as you can stop getting it touched up and let it soften into a lighter colour,


    Hope this helps






    How much does it cost per dot or cm2?

    What happens after 6 years if you dont re-touchup, does it fade completly like beauty medicals SMP or?

  9. Spex went to AHS and he came out with horse hair on his head.



    MrSharma , been there done that.


    I was lucky cause I got money back when their laser treatment failed to deliver I got offered strand by strand for free..i didnt want wig even though it was free so i got $$ back



    My advice is stay away from Advanced hair studio

  10. all 'FUE only clinics' claim/advertize that FUE yield is 95%+, it includes recommended doctors as well



    but if you ask FUT only Dr or Dr who performs both you will get different answer, which is that FUE is unpredictable and generally does not yield as good as strip


    IS Dr Rassman the only surgeon who does 'fue test' , fox test, before surgery?

  11. Just bc Dr Bhatti doesnt believe in strip/fut it shouldnt be the reason for not recommendation,

    i myself dont think strip surgery has place in 2013, ive seen too many ugly scars that strech overtime, on top of that strip Drs cant predict how bad your scar will get, sure some turn nice but not all


    He should be judged solely on his ability to do FUE


    I dont know how long he has been performing HTs but if his results are top notch and his prices are reasonale then I think he should be recommended,

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