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Posts posted by daniel301978

  1. Ive been on it since 2002 so nearly 10 years now and can say it has slowed baldness progressing but wont stop it alone unless you add fin /dut (in my opinion).I came off minoxidil for around 3 months last year and the amount of hair loss was frightening so went straight back on it.


    I think min is a must in terms of topical use to combat baldness but its not a miracle cure (nothing is. )

  2. Im sorry guys but a hair system , toupee is still a wig whatever way you dress it up .I agree with the earlier poster that most women find wigs abhorent ....imagine the scenario you get the woman of your dreams back home who cant detect the " undetectable system" as others claim and then in the bedroom she ruffles your hair and off it comes.Or a windy day strolling down for a picnic and a gale force wind lifts it clean off like a dead rat into her chicken soup.


    For those that say "no one knows " I think is delusional as there are so many different lights / angles / humidity levels in day to day life that make concealing it impossible.


    Another concern is what stage do you tell your new partner you have "an undetectable syrup " glued to your head ? Just as you wander off to bed together or drop it in at a restaurant after ordering the pate by simply stating " look ive a rug glued to my head , are we still ok for later or is it all bets off so to speak?"


    Ive lost hair myself so understand the misery that it brings and can see why women want a system as a womans hair is much more integrated as part of her femininity/sexuality but for a man its not the same.


    I had a relative who used to wear an "undetectable system" and it wasnt long before the sniggers started around the neighbourhood until it reached a creschendo one morning on a bus packed with school kids when around 15 kids aged 7 to 14 started screaming oi wiggy much to his embarrassment resulting in it being snatched off and used as a football.Imagine every litte snigger you hear wondering if you have been "busted " in day to day life....I couldnt live like that

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