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Posts posted by TA

  1. I had a consultation with Dr.Shapiro's clinic a few months back. Matt Zupan, the Dr. assistant is quite helpful sharing his knowledge and i assisting with the next steps. The part that impressed me was the frankness of the assessment(the doctor and his assistant just made clear what they recommend and what they think is achievable.). Matt Zupan was quite helpful in that he even answered my questions, while on vacation.


    Overall it is a good experience that led me to make further decisions.

  2. I had a consultation with Dr.Shapiro's clinic a few months back. Matt Zupan, the Dr. assistant is quite helpful sharing his knowledge and i assisting with the next steps. The part that impressed me was the frankness of the assessment(the doctor and his assistant just made clear what they recommend and what they think is achievable.). Matt Zupan was quite helpful in that he even answered my questions, while on vacation.


    Overall it is a good experience that led me to make further decisions.

  3. Here is a summary of my experience with 1600 unit HT with Dr. Charles who is a surgeon in Florida. As many of you here, I was woried by my hair loss and was spending more and more energy and time worrying about my hair loss. I have been researching hair loss for the last 2-3 years on and off. Finally - I got some time off from work. This prompted me to take some serious look at HT. Thanks to this site and a few others, I felt comfortable learning from others experiences. That still didn't reduce my anxiety.


    So, I visited two famous doctors to get a first-hand opinion on what can be done. Dr. Charles was the third doctor that I consulted with. However, I consulted him over the phone. He was forthright in his comments and was encouraging me to talk to other patients. He answered my queries about any damage this may cause to the sensory nerves and scalp. He offered to answer any questions that my personal phsyician may have on the procedure. He assured me this procedure is a simple operation and is at the lowest in terms of risks involved.


    I spoke to three patients who has done procedures with dr. Charles. All were encouraging.

    Still, I couldn't decide. I felt all alone in making this decision. However, I decided to schedule a visit with him at Florida. Dr. Charles assured me that he will give his truthfull opinion on what can be done. But, it is ultimately upto me to decide.




    I landed in Florida and immedialtely hooked up with dr. Charles and told him, I am still undecided. He assured me this anxiety is normal. However, asked me, if he should go ahead with planning for the surgery. I said YES and offered to reimburse for the few hours spent preparing on my behalf, if I decided to pull out at the last minute.


    The next day, I visited him at this office. He was very friendly. He went over my hair with microscope and offered his opinion. He said, his surgical staff are available. However, he wont do it, unless I felt completely comfortable.

    Gradually, I made up my mind and said YES.


    The procedure lasted for about 3-4 hours and I was told about 1600 FU were transplanted. The surgery is not as painful, as I had previosuly imagined it would be. I decided to stay closer to his office and recuperate. The good Dr. offered to do the first two washing and clean ups in his office over the next few days. He also offered me advice on what I should try to do in the next few days and gave me his personal Cell phone to contact anytime. The care that I received post-op was important to me, I felt alone and was still not sure about the decision.


    In about 5 days time frame, slowly the tiny punctures started healing. Dr. Charles advised to dip my head in sea water to get a faster healing. The stiches from my back were taken out in about 12 days. They started healing nicely. This last part was done by my physician at another place.


    It is about 2 and 1/2 months now. The one discomfort that is still there is, the numbness on the scalp. This is expected to take anywhere from about 6 months to 1 year to heal. The overall signs are looking good. The back of my head is completely healed.


    Overall, Dr. Glen standsout as a humane doctor that understands patient anx. and is willing to work with them. Besides, he was recommended to me by another doctor, who is also outstanding in this field of work as well.

  4. Here is a summary of my experience with 1600 unit HT with Dr. Charles who is a surgeon in Florida. As many of you here, I was woried by my hair loss and was spending more and more energy and time worrying about my hair loss. I have been researching hair loss for the last 2-3 years on and off. Finally - I got some time off from work. This prompted me to take some serious look at HT. Thanks to this site and a few others, I felt comfortable learning from others experiences. That still didn't reduce my anxiety.


    So, I visited two famous doctors to get a first-hand opinion on what can be done. Dr. Charles was the third doctor that I consulted with. However, I consulted him over the phone. He was forthright in his comments and was encouraging me to talk to other patients. He answered my queries about any damage this may cause to the sensory nerves and scalp. He offered to answer any questions that my personal phsyician may have on the procedure. He assured me this procedure is a simple operation and is at the lowest in terms of risks involved.


    I spoke to three patients who has done procedures with dr. Charles. All were encouraging.

    Still, I couldn't decide. I felt all alone in making this decision. However, I decided to schedule a visit with him at Florida. Dr. Charles assured me that he will give his truthfull opinion on what can be done. But, it is ultimately upto me to decide.




    I landed in Florida and immedialtely hooked up with dr. Charles and told him, I am still undecided. He assured me this anxiety is normal. However, asked me, if he should go ahead with planning for the surgery. I said YES and offered to reimburse for the few hours spent preparing on my behalf, if I decided to pull out at the last minute.


    The next day, I visited him at this office. He was very friendly. He went over my hair with microscope and offered his opinion. He said, his surgical staff are available. However, he wont do it, unless I felt completely comfortable.

    Gradually, I made up my mind and said YES.


    The procedure lasted for about 3-4 hours and I was told about 1600 FU were transplanted. The surgery is not as painful, as I had previosuly imagined it would be. I decided to stay closer to his office and recuperate. The good Dr. offered to do the first two washing and clean ups in his office over the next few days. He also offered me advice on what I should try to do in the next few days and gave me his personal Cell phone to contact anytime. The care that I received post-op was important to me, I felt alone and was still not sure about the decision.


    In about 5 days time frame, slowly the tiny punctures started healing. Dr. Charles advised to dip my head in sea water to get a faster healing. The stiches from my back were taken out in about 12 days. They started healing nicely. This last part was done by my physician at another place.


    It is about 2 and 1/2 months now. The one discomfort that is still there is, the numbness on the scalp. This is expected to take anywhere from about 6 months to 1 year to heal. The overall signs are looking good. The back of my head is completely healed.


    Overall, Dr. Glen standsout as a humane doctor that understands patient anx. and is willing to work with them. Besides, he was recommended to me by another doctor, who is also outstanding in this field of work as well.

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