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Blog Entries posted by Sluggerbryce

  1. Sluggerbryce
    I want anyone no everyone that is thinking about hair restoration to stop thinking and start doing. What ever you do don't be like me and continue to put it off because were not getting any younger. I had my FUE procedure 3 months ago and I could not be happier. I was one of the people that would watch TV and see the commercials and I would think that could never work. Boy was I wrong because after just 3 months I can see a real difference. It's a must thats the FUE method of hair restoration because you can wear your hair anyway you want FUE is a none surgical procedure that means the healing process is faster and no scaring what so ever. I had my procedure done in Chicago by Dr. William Yates and he is very good. Just days before my procedure I did some research on Dr. Yates and found out that he was once a trauma surgeon and a very good one at that. I don't know about the rest of you but after I found out the man can save lives there was know doubt in my mind he was the Doctor I wanted taking care of me. I want to thank Dr. Yates and his staff for a job well done.
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