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Posts posted by crablungs

  1. Hi Garet (and hello everyone else!)


    I too am considering Dr Pong for an HT, likely to be next year.


    I had originally booked an appointment for an HT with Dr Pong in May this year but it coincided first with the ash clouds over the UK (flights cancelled twice) and then latterly with the uprisings against the government whilst I was in Thailand at the 3rd time of asking.


    I've been through Dr Pong's patient gallery over and over and have to say pretty much every example I've seen has been pretty impressive. Of course, the sticklers I have found is why is it so much cheaper than everywhere else and why can I find so little about him on the internet? Irrespective, THC does say that if you are unhappy with the first transplant then he will do it again free of charge (subject to terms, I would imagine).


    I'm intending on documenting my hair loss story (which, I'm sure, many people will probably be able to relate to!) and would love to also speak to and consult other Dr Pong clients for verification before I book and go ahead with the procedure.


    I do wonder whether many of his clients are from Asia, hence the lack of English testimonials on these forums?

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