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Posts posted by trader

  1. Thank you everybody for your kind responses.


    I did try Rogaine for some time, but I didn’t see any improvement from it and it made my hair very oily and matted down so I eventually stopped it. The only drug that has worked for me is propecia. I think that given how fast I was balding before I started using it, that I would have lost much of my hair before I was 30 without it.


    Mahhong I agree with you that my hair loss pattern has not yet been established, and both my Grandpas are completely bald, so I know that the odds of it getting worse are good. I want to be careful about this, at the same time I want to look my best so it is a bit of a tricky walk.


    RCWest, thanks for recommending Dr. Feller. I live in Manhattan so he is close to me. Have other people had good results with him. Are there other good doctors in the area that I could consult with?


    Thanks all,


  2. I started losing my hair in college when I was 21. About a year later I went on propecia, and it has almost stopped the loss but I am still have hair loss both at my temples and on the crown of my head. My balding head makes me self conscious and at 27, the height of my dating life, I want a full head of hair like most men out there. My hair is extremely fine, and I am wondering if HT will work on this type of hair? How many grafts will I need to get back a natural look?


    Thanks so much for any help






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