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Posts posted by jdim

  1. I just walked in and he recommended the procedure. He didn't try to talk me out of it. He said it was a good idea since my hairline is high enough and I'm not diffuse thinning. If it is a conservative enough hairline, wouldn't I be wanting that hairline in the future anyway? Why not have it sooner rather than later? It would increase my quality of life and keep it looking good until a second procedure. I know that donor hair is precious, but procedures would just focus on being conservative. I am honestly trying to see why waiting 5 years is the better choice. Chances are that I will want the same amount of grafts in the same spot. Ideally, I should wait until the final pattern shows, yet that is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I really think that taking this chance will pay off in the end.

  2. Ok I didn't mean to say "lower" the hairline. It is more about filling in the corners of the hairline. I have already set up a date for a procedure and Dr. Feller suggested that I go through with it. I feel that it is better to start now since I am not expecting to go to a NW 6 or 7. If I do, so be it. I am willing to take the risk. I know I would regret it. I don't, however, want to continue living my life where I can't go outside because the wind shows the corners of my hairline. I feel terrible about myself. I really think this is the best thing for me and I HAVE thought about chasing the balding. I understand the risks and I honestly think that the benefits outweigh them. I would rather comb my hair backwards with a thinning area behind the hairline than live a life without a hairline at all.


    Can I please get more opinions? Thanks so much guys.

  3. So at my consultation with Dr. Feller he recommended 1800 grafts to lower my hairline conservatively. At this point I think it's a good choice because I looked at all of my uncles on both sides of the family and none of them are at norwood 6/7. my father is 5.5 or 6 but he has had procedures and looks great. I know the age is a problem but I am willing to take the risk.


    note: it actually doesn't look that bad in this picture, but without my lifting my eyebrows my forehead looks much larger. the procedure would fill in the corners of the hairline and ever so slightly move the middle down about .5cm or so. Thoughts?


    note2: I know I would be chasing my balding.


  4. Yeah I was expecting that sort of response. I understand that the balding could get worse. I understand that I could run out of donor hair. Despite all that, I think I am more interested in preserving a hairline and going back for another procedure as my hair continues receding. I know the best route to take is waiting to see the final pattern, but the reason I want hair restoration in the first place is to avoid exactly that.


    Is it a terrible plan to do multiple procedures as I continue balding if I understand the what it entails?

  5. Hey Everyone,


    I am 20 years old and starting noticing the sides of my hairline receding when I was 17/18. I am currently a Norwood 3A. I have been taking propecia for 4 months now. The thing that concerns me right now is that I can do the pull test anywhere on my head and pull 1-3 hairs out. Sometime it's more around 6 or 7 at times. This applies even to the permanent zone. A blood test showed that I have a low DHEA level, as well as something else that has to do with iron (I wish I remembered, the reference level was something like 22-80 ug/dL).


    With all the facts out of the way, I want to let everyone know that I am seriously considering a hair transplant. I have become irritable, depressed, and angry. My best friend, who is also my girlfriend of almost four years, says she can tell a difference in my personality, which is extremely upsetting. I can't take it anymore, so I decided to do something about it. I went to see Dr. Gallagher in Philadelphia since my father has some small connection with him. He told me to wait, but I said that I just couldn't. He agreed to do a conservative procedure of 1200 grafts in the hairline. Since this is such a big decision I came here to find out about Dr. Feller's great reputaton, so I set up a consultation that is in three days from the time I'm writing this post. I feel like I would be in better hands with Dr. Feller because of this site. I really want to do a small procedure in the front since I have $5k in the bank and am doing really well in college to bring in future funding. I think it would be best to start in the front and do follow up procedures as/if my balding continues. If I run out of donor hair, so be it. At least I will look good in pictures and feel better when talking to people. I cannot continue my life like this, though, I just can't.


    I would love advice/stories/experiences from you guys. I really appreciate your time. Thanks so much.



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