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Posts posted by Superfinehair

  1. Just had one done with rahal...hope it turns out very well..

    As for Persnality, The doctoe in two days spole about 10 words to me an anotehr patient that was there....Seemed like he had other things on his mind and for that we were both very shocked how such a well recommended clinic didnt pay TOO much attention to us patients...Took a pen, scribbled on a line and said good to go....That was it..

    Maybe he was feeling a little under the weather wich would explai n it..

    On the chair..no tech said a word..

    When it was over...i had to ask if it was done...in previous procedured they let you know if they were close...

    But really i just hope the work is good....but as far as patient care it rates below average for me and the other gentleman that was there... I guess the smaller number of grafts warrents less attention...

    The other flew almost 20 hours to be there and felt very almost disrespected from the treatment he recieved.......

    Nothing bad mind you but VERY unhospitable...


    This is kinda worrying... I'm having surgery in January, when I consulted Dr.Rahal I didn't get the feeling that he didn't care at all.


    I hope this is a one off thing, everything else I read sounded like the complete opposite.

  2. I am always impressed by your work Dr. Simmons. I think you are easily one of the top docs in the business and am always weirded out when you don't get mentioned in the top doc discussions.


    I appreciate that alot of your results show patients with finer hair characteristics, always gives me hope when I see what you can do with those patients.


    Did this patient use Rogaine after surgery? Do you usualy recommend Rogaine as part of your post op instructions?


    Keep up the good work, I'm sure you're making these patients very happy!

  3. Thanks Sean, I was reading that Rogaine might cause facial wrinkles due to inhibition of the collagen pathway. It's probably not much of an issue but if you can keep an eye on your skin (forehead, around the eyes) quality for any changes it would really be appreciated.


    Don't want to worry you, It's probably people noticing wrinkles because they stare at themselves in the mirror. Still, worth looking out for these issues imo!

  4. Personaly I've decided on Dr.Rahal, I feel that the results he gives are the most consistent and I love his style.


    Like others have said, go with your gut! YOU have to live with this decision and you want to make sure you are comfortable with the surgeon performing the procedure.


    Good luck :)

  5. This is something i'm also pondering. I'm having my transplant with Dr.Rahal in January and the post op guide reccomends the use of Rogaine for 12 months after the HT.


    I'm mostly worried about reported side effects such as bloating and aging of skin/wrinkles. I'll have to discuss this issue with Dr.Rahal in depth when I go in for surgery.


    I hate the thought of having to use it everyday for a year, I really try to stay away from medication unless absolutely necessary. Do all HT docs strongly urge their patients to use rogaine in the transplanted areas?

  6. Thank you. That's great, about 4 months to go. How many grafts are you getting for your procedure? Definitely check my updates in a few days on this thread I created. I'll keep everyone posted with as much as I can. Good luck with your procedure.


    5 months actualy :) Booked for January 26th!


    About the graft count, I'm not sure yet, around 1700-2000 but I can go up to 2500 if necessary.


    It's great that you are doing this write-up, I hope everything goes well and can't wait to see your results!

  7. This thread is making me second guess my decision to get a HT.


    What a terrible situation to end up in, I hope this isn't how things usualy end up when a patient isn't satisfied with the outcome....


    On top of that I'm booked for FUE surgery and although I trust my doc and his claim that the results would be very comparable to strip, I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried after reading this thread.


    What a mess.....

  8. Dr.Rahal has been posting some phenomenal FUE results recently, I'm taking my chances with him and I'm getting FUE in January 2012.


    Hopefuly by then I'll have seen more results but I'm honestly not very worried, his work is incredible in general!

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