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Posts posted by EH

  1. Bucksred message spurred me to snap a few pics and recap my treatments. I'm completely happy and satisfied with the results of the HT. Now just to keep it!



    1yr 7mo since HT with Dr. Lindsey



    2yr 7mo on Minoxidil (still taking)

    1yr Biotin

    1yr Finasteride (switched to Propecia)

    1yr 7mo Propecia (still taking)

    2yr Nioxin Shampoo/Conditioner/Recharging Complex (still taking)


    First three images are from today. The last (farthest right image) is just before the HT procedure. Including it for comparison.





  2. Met with Dr. Lindsey for a 2500+ graft HT. In hindsight I would allow 10-15 minute buffer time for the commute into McLean VA. A wrong turn can set you back several minutes. Getting started with the numbing shots was your typical needle prick experience. I was amazed to find there was no pain whatsoever with the strip cutting or with the creation of the holes for the recipient area.


    Dr. Lindsey and his staff are friendly, and professional. They showed me the strip and some of the initial graft work. The procedure ran all day and for the most part I half way napped through the majority of the graft placement. At one point in the afternoon I did feel some minor pain with the placement of the grafts but learned that its better to speak up early on and get a numbing shot. The additional shot (along with Dr. Lindsey's shots throughout the day) took effect almost immediately. They did work around the sensitive area until the shot kicked in.


    Overall the experience was better than I expected. I read on the forums that pain really isn't an issue and really it was very minor and short when it did occur. On the way home I did feel a bit nauseous, but it was only for about 5 minutes and I felt pretty good the rest of the afternoon. Sleeping the first night was a bit uncomfortable, but I did get some good sleep overall. The trick was just finding enough pillows to get into a fairly upright position to sleep in.


    Today is the first day post-op and the swelling hasn't started yet. Only had to take one pain pill last night to get a good nights sleep. Doubt I will need any more from here on out.


    I considered HT a year ago, but wasn't ready. I started Finasteride, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FQ73O0/ref=s9_simh_gw_p194_i1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1HCRD5F8RX62QGYZ9Z65&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846, and 1000 mcg Biotin on 6-11-2009. Tried Nizoral for about two months, stopped that and switched to using Nioxin treatments (all 3) for the last six months.


    Attached photos of the progress from a year ago on the treatments and the HT post-op.


    6-27-2009 Just after starting treatments

    3-30-2010 People I didn't tell noticed crown area growth around this time

    6-42-2010 Just after HT (I got a #2 hair cut a week ago before the procedure)

    6-24-2010 Just after HT stitch work


    Will Hopefully remember to come back and post an update 3-6-12 mo from now.







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