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Posts posted by coolhairstyle002

  1. So I had a transplant with Hasson and Wong a couple days ago, and I believe I have a pimple/zit with a whitehead on my crown. Should I pop it? I was told not to put any alcohol on my scalp so how would I disinfect and remove it and not ruin/irritate any grafts?



    should I use vitamin E oil on my recipient grafts? I read that some surgeons recommend it.


    my instructions say to wash hair once day, but other surgeons state twice, will washing my head twice a day affect the grafts/scar in anyway? I ask because I tend to get very oily skin and I really don't want to clog any grafts.


    would appreciate any help as well as some source links (for my benefit) on any advice you'd be willing to share!


    Couple of days, still early, popping could disrupt grafts healing. No Vit E until they heal properly, washing it off could be as mess. Wash hair once a day is enough. Stay calm and patient and rest. I don't have links, just 3 HTs experiences.

  2. Hey fellas was wondering if it was ok to place minoxidil where there is no hair. Don't know the name of the area, either the temple , or receding line but I attached a photo to see if it was ok before I moved forward. Thank you


    Dude, like many have already recommended, and you yourself wanting to get it but don't know how...In addition to your shampoo of choice and minoxidil (trust me not enough to keep your hair)...The proven and most effective way to retain and possibly grow back {some} of your hair (before your future HT) is by the followings: Find a doctor (or a dermatologist) in your local area. Pay for the visit and a prescription roughly around $60. Go to you local pharmacy and pay roughly around $40 for finasteride for the a year's worth. (A total of about $100 per a year for finasteride. This is totally worth it.)


    And you are set.


    Best of luck.

  3. Thank you guys so much for your responses. really helps me alot. I will make a trip to Costco tomorrow and by the minoxil. I Think i will am toward the liquid since you said its more effective. Just have to figure out the times to let it dry and apply hair gel. So where does the nizoral come in. I heard some very bad stories about it and not sure about it. I still need to get a good shampoo and conditioner. What would you guys recommend?


    I use Johnson's Baby Shampoo. I'm OCD about what goes into my hair, even before, during and after my HTs. I want to avoid toxic ingredients in regular shampoos like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) and Cocamidopropyl Betaine. (I did my research, but there will be people who will express their different opinion about this.)


    Johnson's Baby shampoo to me helps my hair smell and feel great. I also feel my hair is shiny and healthy by using it. And I wash my hair everyday. I've been using it ever since my third HT.


    I used to use Nioxin way in the past, but...did like it. I'm sure it's good stuff. I remember it was too pricey for me. Even though I could afford it now; but nah...


    Oh, and I haven't yet tried Nizoral. I know all about it. I shall soon try.

  4. Wow so the liquid is more effective. Definitely will look into that. In the morning I usually put gel in my hair can I use gel with the liquid and foam in there. Wouldn't my hair be damped?


    Normally, you are supposed to let the liquid or foam settled or dried in hair (normally takes about an hour or two) before you can style your hair any way you want.


    However, it is written on the box that you should apply the minoxidil liquid or foam {twice} a day. So, you have to plan on how to apply it, and then styling it. (For me, I only apply once a day since I have had several HTs now, and my hair is fuller now. I don't need to apply it more than once a day to maintain the transplanted hairs on my head.)


    Wishing you luck and on your coming HT. :)

  5. Hi guys how are you. I read a couple some threads and heard about these medicine treatments AKA the big 3. I would like to start on meds as well other than go for a HT. Just was a little confused on where to start. Here are some questions I had. thanks guys in advance.


    - Rogaine is minoxil correct, what it be best to go with the kirkland brand?

    - There are several minoxil products foams , liquid, which would I go with?

    - Where would I be able to buy Finasteride and nizoral?


    thanks so much guys. I was gonna book a HT here in chicago but realized its important to stabilize my hair first so wanted to try this.


    - Yes, Rogaine is minoxidil. I use liquid either Target (Up & Up) or Wal-Mart generic brand.


    - According to what I known, liquid supposedly is more effective; you may have to tolerate the irritation.


    - Doctor prescription for finasteride. Go to Costco for that, it's Proscar 5 mg (same as finasteride) divided into {four} 1.25 mg for daily intake; you have to cut them up yourself. It costs me about $20 for a year worth. But for a doctor's prescription, it's $60. So total of about $80 per year.

  6. Hi everyone!


    I’ve been doing a ton of research on hair transplant the last few months and after seeing the amazing results of a friend who did his HT at HDC in Cyprus I am ready to take the plunge to do a HT in the next 6 months!


    I am 27 year old located in the US and have been losing my hair since I was 18. My hair loss is mainly in my hair line and temple. I had initially a high hairline to begin with and as my hairline receded, it put me in a depression. I tried for years to hide my baldness with a comb over and eventually shaved my head because it was so obvious.


    Family History: Uncles on my mother’s side began balding at a young age as well, so it is hereditary. My younger brother has a strong hairline however. My father is thinning at the crown and top, but his hairline is still there.


    Current regiment: Regenepure DR 3x a week + regular exercise and healthy diet.


    Goal: I feel like my case is a severe Norwood 3 and I want to lower my hairline and fill in my temples and get decent amount of density up front to be able to style my hair. A lower hairline will hopefully help me better frame my face.


    I have posted my pictures below. I think I will probably need 3,000+ graft. My donor hair is pretty thick, so hopefully that means I’ll a good candidate for a hair transplant.


    Can you guys give me your opinion on how many grafts I would need and what kind of results I should expect? I’m looking to go the FUE route.


    Also, I haven’t seen many posts by Asians who document their hair transplant journey. I know that many Asians suffer from MPB as well and I would love to document my journey on here!


    Thanks everyone! Appreciate and look forward to any comments or feedback :)


    Hello, I'm Asian and initially I was also Norwood 3. Examine my profile and pix. More than happy to answer any further questions you may have.

  7. Hi!


    I had an FUT about 1 week ago.

    Things are healing as they should i think, looking good actually.


    However, I have a lot of trouble sleeping because of pain when applying any kind of pressure to my FUT scar (it goes from one ear to another) when resting my head on the pillow.


    I know it's still early, but not sleeping at all overnight makes me grumpy ahah!


    I tried sleeping on my back with two different airplane-type cushions, tried sleeping with a cervical collar, tried sleeping on the side.... no luck. And sleeping on my foreheead is out of question as my nose gets way too stuffy this way.


    And I obviously load myself with acetaminophen and advil during the night (my stronger pain killers and sedatives are finished now) to try and alleviate some of the pain.


    Any insider's tips on how to manage to sleep with donor scar pain ?





    I slept on an inclined angle at 45 degrees (on a foldable bed) with soft baby pillow with cushions beneath (on the left and right side) to lock my head in place. I slept well and comfortably.

  8. To get great overall density with anything NW3 or above, you really need multiple procedures. This is something else most people dont want to face. From what I have gathered over months of research and real feedback is that 1 procedure usually just wont cut it unless you are really lucky or have less loss than a NW3.


    How much have you spent, total?


    I spent exactly $9000 (U.S. dollars) total. This may be unprecedented, it is the benefit if you take the risk to have the procedure done with your local doctor. Furthermore, my doctor tend to favor me over some of his clients--giving me the same price/bargain each time.


    For your information, I had done research on my doctor's background and decided to put my trust in him. I have no regrets.

  9. Why did you have 3 HTs?


    It is within a six-year period. Each in about 2-year interval. My local doctor recommended me to take a year or two off after each procedure for the hair to heal before having more HT (if I choose to have more).


    I had 3 HTs because of mostly vanity reasons. Each time I had one I wasn't satisfied with the density. And now that I do YouTube, the camera is on me all the time.


    I think my local doctor have done great. I just posted some pix for at 7 months (after 3 HRs). You be the judge. :)

  10. When I'm reading this forum, everybody who is considering ht is looking for good and experienced doctors with good reputation. But on other social media apps such as facebook and instagram, I see a lot of people who has got HT with unkown clinics and doctors, and I just wonder how their result have been? Anyone who's been to not so popular clinics and has got good result(s)?


    I have been to a local doctor, I'm pretty sure he's unknown to these forums. Examine my profile and pix. :)

  11. Oh god, so i can schedule with Dr. Pathomvanich for next month!! What should i do guys? What questions should i ask?(i asked all i could think of already...) i will continue to do research and look at every video, picture, testimony, before and after' do you guys think he can deliver what i desire? He offers a great price and says i need only 1800.


    Let the doctor decide or recommend. The hairline you want in the original post is WAY too LOW! The density that you imagine you wish to have is unlikely for that area. And for the budget of 8000, not possible for the result you desire. Just listen to us. Please do your research.


    Wish you luck. Take it slow, if you want the best result, you may need at least three HTs at least 1 year apart each.

  12. I was wondering what your guys' thoughts were on buying Finasteride/Propecia online.


    For me, I had looked or browsed around sites to sites and each one was untrustworthy. I use "Norton Safe Web" to check if they are legit.


    It costs me $40 for my Doctor's prescription each year. And it costs me about $20 for the finasteride at the pharmacy. So, total of about $60 each year. I would say it's worth it.


    If anyone else know of a legit website, please share.

  13. Without finasteride, it's not that your future HT would be ineffective, it's the {existing} hairs around the transplanted hairs that would likely thin out. Since most of the {back} hairs extracted usually grow for the lifetime, when transplanted to the front or top will continue to grow for the lifetime.


    Many who take it differently usually take M W F each week but with still 1.25 mg.


    I take fin 1.25 mg everyday without side effects.


    Best wishes for you.

  14. I have my FUT procedure with Dr. Meshkin on Oct 6th.


    I've been trying to find a forum post which gives some tips pre and post op.


    I know there must be someone that just wrote up some good post op summary, but I just can't find it.


    1. Main things I'd like to know are, any way to help improve the healing of the implants and make the scabs come off sooner? I read something about Vitamin E oil?


    2. Also, anything suggested to help the scar heal nicely? I know to stay away from working out, sports, stenuous activity, but anything to put on the scar to help it not show as much?


    3. Any tips on sleeping the first week after FUT surgery? Should I get some special pillow? Do I need to sleep on a towel? Things to help me sleep better?


    4. Is it OK to play and pick up my kids the next day after surgery? My kids are 2 yo and 6 months




    I won't be able to write up like great post, but I could give you my advice from my experiences:


    1. I wouldn't use any kind of oil like vitamin E, it may be too thick and clog up and cause complications. Maybe in a month or two later but with castor oil. You could use John's Baby shampoo to rinse out the dry blood and shampoo with it there after. (*Make sure you follow your surgeon's advice about how to rinse your head the first 48 hours or so.)


    2. You should be given an ointment to help heal the scar from the clinic. Applying it every day for 15 days after each shower/shampoo.


    3. Haaa, sleeping. You need to have something soft to elevate your back and head to help you sleep better. I use a bean bag on my bed; my butt on the bed and my back an head on the bag--my body, at the stomach, bent at angle of 135 degrees. (In addition, if you have a HT on the receding hairline and to the side of your head, *use an airplane or traveling pillow ($15 at Target) to lock your head by the neck so that you don't turn your head sideways and have the recipient area touching/rubbing anything.)


    4.You should be fine pick up your kids but don't carry them around too long.


    Good luck this Oct.:)

  15. Hi guys


    I had my second HT with BHR in Brussels and awaiting photos to be sent to me. I just wanted to ask what are the best products to use in order to maximise the growth following an HT.


    There are so many products on the web which are confusing and not sure about the reliability of their ingredients, need to know from members on what products they used and proved to be beneficial.




    For me, I use Johnson's Baby shampoo and minoxidil (7 days after HT). Eat healthy foods, lots of spinach. Take hair supplements. Exercise, jogging (10 days after HT), no weights til a month later. Sleep well. And no masturbation for a while. :)

  16. Hello,


    Since both of you are on Fin, have you experienced any side effects? And what is the dosage you take?


    1.25 mg a day also.


    If you are wondering about the sexual side effects, no not really. More watery seman than before, yes, but I could easily get it up. Now on fin 20+ years. No dizziness, weakness, or headache; or whatever else listed for side effects.


    However, I'm a health nut. I have my own regimen. I take supplements. I don't take caffeine or simple sugar. No masturbation, if you could believe it. Lots of greens...

  17. So I've been on Fin for just about 6 months. I admit I have missed a few doses here and there.I am mainly losing hair in a norwood 3a pattern. That front 1/3 of my scalp seems to be getting worse to me. I still get lots of hair in my hands when I wash that part of my head. However, I notice that from mid scalp back, no hair comes out at all. When I comb my hair nothing comes out back there, and visually I'd say it looks fuller back there since I've started fin. Does that mean that I've stabilized my hair loss for the back two thirds? That's all I really need as I would be planning to restore the front 1/3 anyway. How can I really tell?


    From the Propecia site:

    "Thickening and strengthening of hairs that have become miniaturized tends to take six to 12 months."


    I've also read that it could take up to a year.


    I've been taking it for over 20+ years, it has saved my vertex and kept the widow's peak and center. I have had several HTs on the receding hairline. (Examine my pictures.) How do I know? I compare it to my brother who doesn't take any meds or have HT.


    I could not recall when exactly I had it stabilized after I first took it. In the beginning, I remember...I was taking it more for comfort and hoping to save my hair. And continuing on my marry way and living my life.


    Today, I'm more than glad that I took it way back then.:)

  18. Wrong. If you are looking for thick, dense hair like he asks, you are not going to get it no matter how good the Dr is unless you only have minor hair loss to begin with (but if that was the case there's no need to be asking about new technology to get you there). If you are going to end up a NW 7 with thinning donor area, it does not matter how good the Dr is. You are going to lose the transplanted hair and will never have enough to even get light coverage, since you don't even have enough to get coverage in just the donor area.


    I don't disagree with you and 'glenalm.' But we are talking about what we could do {today}.


    If you or anyone can point out to what our future holds in this field, please do. I'd be happy to educate myself.

  19. Advanced in technology would be nice, but today all you need are skilled surgeons.


    I've read up on this:

    Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation is the ultimate hair transplant procedure.


    Quote from that page:

    "Ultra refined follicular unit grafting raises the bar for physicians and their staff. This delicate and demanding hair transplant procedure requires more skill and careful attention to be performed properly. The smaller and more tightly packed incisions require more closely dissected follicular unit grafts that are carefully trimmed under microscopes. These small and densely packed incisions are also more difficult to place the grafts into."


    Here's an interesting thought:

    I do believe people with money can get the best surgeons to perform the transplant. And that they also do the ALL work that the technicians (who usually place the grafts in) would do. What I'm trying to say is that hire only skilled 'surgeons' (a team of surgeons) instead to do the work. Because I think that the technicians somewhere sometimes can do sloppy work.

  20. Hello everybody,


    So I scratched my head today and this fell out. Please see attached photo, now I'm particularly worried but does this indicate I haven't been shampooing intensively enough ? Shouldn't this have fallen out months ago ?




    I wouldn't worry about it. After 3.5 months, even if you 'plucked' an implanted hair, it would still eventually grow.


    *I know this is not true, but the picture looks so much like you pulled it off fresh immediately after the surgery (not after 3 months or so). I find this interesting. I assume it's quite dried. If it's dried, it's probably dead skin or dandruff attached to a hair.


    Again, I wouldn't worry about it.:)

  21. Hi there,*


    I have decided to do a HT in october purely based on online research, a lot of research by the way. I'm going for a FUT procedure as the graft estimation is about 2500/3000.


    I have a concern in regards to the time I need off before going back to work.


    I'm a construction worker and I work in a remote place for 30 days straight. Medical assistance is very limited where I work.


    Temperature reaches 35 degrees with 85% humidity. I have to wear a hard hat 10 hours/day for 30 days straight. It sits on my forehead and around the back of my head, where the donor area is.


    Is 4 weeks after the surgery enough time for the scar to heal and face this working conditions? Could this condition affect the growth of the new hair?


    I chose a clinic in thailand and they said *(email consultation) 4 weeks *"should" be alright. I'd like some advice rather than hope for the best.




    I could imagine how you feel.


    If you are VERY careful, after 4 weeks you should be okay.


    After 4 weeks, your recipient areas should be great. Your donor area, on the other hand, is not completely healed. You're supposed to remove the stitches after 10 days or so. Then after, there is still noticeable redness and is vulnerable to stretch (time frame 1 to 2 months, some 3). You're suppose to take care and not lift heavy items. You could wear a hat after 4 weeks no problem. But for 10 hours straight, I really don't know. And even with extreme temperature...


    Since the email consultation said it would be okay, if I were in your situation, I would do it. :)


    If you have done enough research about HT, and you are ready, again, if I were in your situation, I would do it. :)


    Good luck, wish this works great for you.:)

  22. Thanks for the reply, Coolhair. looking good btw!


    were your subsequent procedures for additional loss or wanting to add density? who was your Doc?


    i can try and find most recent longer hair pics.. i haven't started minoxidil yet because of some of the posts i've been seeing about face aging, eye circles and such. any exp with that? i will probably give it a shot.


    Thanks. Each procedure was to add density. Since I've been on finasteride (+ minoxidil) as long as you have AND eating very healthy (+ hair supplements), I could honestly say I pretty much stopped my hair loss. At least I think so, because each hair wash I could only count about 10 to 15 hairs. Yeah, some people here would find that hard to believe. Plus, my daily diet is solely for my hair health and grown and grey prevention--not listed on my proifile.


    I had a local doctor did the procedures, Dr. SC Chang. He's not well known compare to those listed here. However, I believe the technicians were also key.


    As for face aging and eye circles and so forth, I think you're not suppose to go to bed when minox is still wet. Your face may be in contact with that stuff. I apply minox hours before bed, so it normally would be dried by then. In addition, my diet is also an anti-aging regimen. So I don't think I get those.


    Yea, more pix would be great. :)

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