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Posts posted by Levrais

  1. I've had that happen after my procedures. In retrospect I was stressing for nothing. I called the clinic and sent in pictures and worried a lot. All was fine in the end.


    If you lost a graft you would probably be able to see it on close inspection and maybe also be able to see a hole where it came from. Most likely you didn't lose a graft. But even if you did, it's not the end of the world. It won't affect your overall result.

  2. ppl saying i look really good with the short hair style. only one collegue made a comment and asked how come my hairline looked a little redish. i told him that since i shaved my head and with the intense cold weather here in canada weve been having i said my scalp reacted a little. but other than that noone really said anything other than i look good.


    So this means the hard part is officially over. Nothing but growth ahead!

  3. Hi Stinger,


    I've tried rogaine in the past and didn't notice any significant improvement from it and I ended up getting side affects. I know it does work well for some though. The doc didn't give me an absolute number of future grafts available but he suggested that my next op he would use 800-1000. After that I probably wouldn't use anymore unless there were a drastic need.

  4. Hi All,

    Here are a few pics to show how I look these days. I've been buzzing it short lately as that is the look I like best. I'm at 2 years post op from my last procedure. I was planning to go back for more crown work and some touch ups this year but decided to wait until next year.





  5. Tigerkat, if I were you I would do some in person consults with a few HT docs to get an accurate assessment and some advice on your options as others have suggested. In person they can do a density test of your donor area. I agree with the other posters not to rush into having a procedure and there is certainly no harm in waiting. But, I would want to get professional opinions early on to have a better idea what to expect.

  6. Slugger,

    I was in the same situation as you with receding in the front at first then eventually thinning in the crown. Its an individual decision obviously but I decided to go for it and have been glad I did. My hair loss has continued because I don't want to take the meds. So, Ive had more than one procedure. I would be bald by now if I hand't and no regrets so far. Make sure you research a lot of clinics and don't be afraid to travel if the best one isn't close. You mention pounds so I assume you are based in the UK. If so there are lots good clinics in countries near by.

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