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Posts posted by depressedman

  1. out of curiosity, why do you only need 300 grafts? you can'ty have much hairloss if that's all you need. Have you had any previous HTs?


    Reason I ask, is that I think I may need a similar 200 grafts procedure, to fill in temple areas following 2 (very successful) HTs





    I have never had any HT before. It seems I'm a lucky one that I have only lost that much since 2007. I'm 33 years old now, so a small procedure will be nice to remove the nightmare.


    Even its a small procedure , I'm thinking ,FUT vs FUE , which will give me the best nature result :)

  2. I went to a consultation , and <300 grafts is recommaned by Dr.


    For such small amount of grafts , FUE sounds like the reasonable method to go . My question is , will the FUE hair grows as thick and as decent as FUT hair for the hairline? I mean will it leave several spots at the hairline since the failing rate is high, and the hair isnt strong (healthly) as FUT? It will leave me 8 cm scar if I go for a FUT according to the DR I had consultation with. Is it worth to leave 8 cm scar for a better result (Am I correct ?) thanks



    P.S The Dr is one of the recommaned Dr from the site, but he doesnt offer FUE service. I need to flight to other cities if I go for FUE which might cost more than the HT itself...

  3. Thanks for the reply, guys.


    If that's all you've lost in a 4 year span, consider yourself lucky! The scar for the small amount amount of grafts you would need would be almost invisible. How far away are you from Dr. Rahal?


    Yes, that's what I have lost so far , its actually 4.5 years. . .not sure what's the average receding speed, but I guess I am a lucky one. Glad I took the proper medicine at the beginning, It sure helps.


    I live in Vancouver , Dr. Rahal is located at Ottawa I believe. Its several hours flight time to get there.


    Other questions; if I do suffer from the permanent shockloss, will Dr charges less money or free to repair those permanent shockloss? And will Dr remove miniaturing hair first before planting healthy hair follicle ? or Dr simply ignore miniaturing hair ,and put those healthy hair follicles?



  4. Turning to 33 soon, and want to give myself a wonderful birthday gift seriously - to fix the hairline, and become happyman again. I know it is a minor receding, and people might think I am out of my mind wanting a HT for it /give self too much pressures etc. Its just difficult.. to be compared with my twin brother all the time. Plus medical is holding the receding quite nicely so far...


    Anyway, before I decide to book any consultation or take the action, I need some suggestions.


    Is it worth to have a strip for such hairline touch up? I mean, the scar. Will it be much smaller length /width scar than those one who needs 1000 grafts +? possible shockloss???


    I live in Vancouver area ,H&W surely is my first choice. But on the other hands, leaving a scar for such small transplant seems not smart either... I will need to go out the town for a FUE . Will the transplanted hair thickness match with the existing frontal hair since FUE has higher chance to damage the follicles?? or not health enough to look Nature comparing with existing frontal hair?




  5. Hi


    I am an Asian 32 male, start hair losing from 06. Hair receding but not crown.

    I took action when it was really minor. Have taken Propecia daily since 08, Minoxidil since 07 and Nizoral 2% shampoo since 06. Lucky I keep most of my hair;it seems slowing down but not fully stopped at all . ( I wonder what's the definition for STOP? does it mean slowing down). Both of my brothers have no hair loss problem, even one of them is twin with me (Sucks). My father is Norwood 6/7.

    From the photo and info above, do you guys think I will end up like my father? I am thinking to have a HT once I turn to 33/34 but still worry about the hair progress might go beyond my imagination. What do you guys think?? and how many grafts I might need?



  6. Thanks for those infos, I didnt know even a twin would have different gene, thought my brother should has same problem as me.

    How exactly to defind a mature hairline or male pattern losing?


    The reason why I feel depressed is ...everytime I go out with my brothers , it feels that I dont belong to the family and females' attentions are always on my brother but not me. Frankly , I wish I am the only child in the family.

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