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Posts posted by ScottG2010

  1. Also, Mr. Moderator. If you are going to request that I humble myself and put pics of my before and after to confirm that I'm not a fake patient, I would request you make the same public request for such pictures from those with negative posts that make outlandish claims with terms like "butchery" and "fork and knife". Those are the posts that seem to stand out as obviously having an agenda. The fact is all HT done where donor areas must be stitched up will have a scar. New very expensive single folical HT do not leave a scar but are crazy expensive. Here is the facts: 1) A great surgeon can do a great job and the patient does not follow the post op procedures resulting in poor results. Not the surgeons fault. 2) A great surgeon can run into problems as all patients are different and the hairs transplanted may not take or donor area may have complications. 3) Most all board certified HT surgeons do very good jobs but the results are in the eyes of the patient. If they are nearly bald and expect to look like Elvis, they are going to be disappointed.


    Be realistic with any doctor people. If you have very thin hair, do not expect thick hair after a transplant. If you have no hair where in a transplanted area, the chances are it will be thin if only one procedure is done. The doctor can only put the new grafts so close and still surround them with healthy skin. Just be realistic.

  2. No problem Mr. Moderator. A few before and after pics are now available. Remember, though that I have always had very thin hair. Camera flashes do not do my new hair pictures justice but it was all I could create in a few minutes. Also, I'm still feeling new hair coming in and getting thicker. In August this year I will consult with Dr. Boles again to perhaps just do one more HT to thicken up the area that were bald before my first HT. Probably 1000 grafts or less.


    Hopefully these informal requested (proof) pics are evidence enough for both the moderator and Sparky. I'm just a regular guy just trying to help others. I can speak first hand about my HT with Dr. Boles but completely agree with Johnny4hair. There are many good if not great doctors out there. Patsy, you just need to make sure you get one that presents you realistic results, backs them up with a guaruntee, and you are comfortable with. It is a big decision. You should do as much research as you can before committing.


    Good luck.


  3. Sparky:


    I can only speak of my experience with Dr. Boles and NuHart. The fact is neither have a bad rep. If you talk to them, they would be the first to acknowledge that other doctors and other hair transplant companies do very good work. One of the things that attracted me to them was the fact that they did not claim to be the best or that everyone else was bad. They simply laid out a realistic expectation without the enormous pricing of the other executive, high overhead companies. If you would like to 2 or 3 times the price for the same risks and likely less experienced doctors that have a rediculously expensive office with leather chairs and formal dressed slick salesman, by all means go to Bosley or HC. I'm not a fan of phony frills so that did not appeal to me. I'm happy with my decision and have no reservations about my surgery.


    Everyone needs to interview many different companies and doctors in person before deciding on who they want to go with. I did that and I decided on Dr. Boles and NuHart. I followed there post op guidelines and got great results. Again, that is all I can report on.


    Perhaps, you (Sparky) can tell Patsy what your experience was and with what doctor, etc... That might give her some options to look into.


    Give me a break with the "new poster" title. I just got my transplants less than 7 months ago. Do you expect me to join and post before I have any experience or something to share?




    You simply need to keep your options open and meet with companies and doctors face to face and use your own best judgement based on that. People with great procedures rarely post so your mostly going to hear from those who likely had unrealist expectations or have some need to smeer competitors and doctors. Do not base your opinion on these posts exclusively. You need to do the assessment yourself by meeting them in person.


    Good luck with your hunt. The good news is that most procedures go great because the results are very predicable. Just get the someone you are comfortable with, follow the post op directions, and you'll be fine.

  4. Patsy679:


    I can speak first hand about Dr. Boles work. He did 1500 grafts for me in the Atlanta office in late 2009. He did a fantastic job. NuHart was great to work with. 6 months later I have just a slight scar left that is just really a pink line. There are some strange posts that do not accurately reflect the passion Dr. Boles has for his work and his patients.


    My guess is these are posts from competitors, posing as clients. The fact is Dr. Boles follows up with all his patients and guaruntees his work. Do not be fooled by posts that state of "being butchered" or something like it by Dr. Boles. If you research Dr. Boles you find most all of his patients report great experiences like mine. Also, he has been performing transplants for over 20 years and trained most of the NuHart doctors. His experience and work speaks for itself. He also flys all over the world to all NuHart offices now to train doctors and allow other doctors vacation time.


    I would recommend Dr. Boles and NuHart to anyone. Meet him first and ask all the concerning questions you have. He will be straight with you about your expectations. Then take some time to think about your decision. He gave me plenty of time to think it over with no pressure.


    Good luck with your decision.

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