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Posts posted by outhere27

  1. Hi,


    This may seem like a very random thread, but here goes:


    I am a big Toppik and Nanogen user (never leave the house without it on) and am still amazed at the results that both give.


    Here is my situation:


    In a few weeks, I will be travelling to Bali (Indonesia) for a few days for a holiday with my close friends -- none of which know about my Toppik / Nanogen usage.


    It has just dawned on me today that customs at international airports go through *everything* in your suitcase before and after your flight. Now I'm not too worried about friends seeing the Nanogen fibre jar or locking mist spray - because the packaging on both is pretty discrete and looks like any other toiletries.


    However, what I'm now concerned about is that customs are going to scan or inspect my Nanogen jar -- and will treat it very suspiciously if/when they find out there's powder inside. I'm not worried that they won't eventually believe me that it's just a hair concealer (and not 100 grams of cocaine), but more worried that they will at least want to inspect it and ask questions about it - no doubt in front of my friends whom I'm travelling with.


    My question is this: For those of you who have brought either Nanogen or Toppik with you when you've flown overseas, has customs ever stopped or questioned you regarding it?


    Would love to hear any experiences.



  2. Hello,


    I'm sure this question would have been asked somewhere before, but still can't find it after searching, so here it is again:


    If money and time were not an issue (i.e. you could afford anything, and fly/travel anywhere in the world); What would be the top 3 hair transplant surgeons/clinics in the world, based upon their previous results in producing the best aesthetic result (both in the short term and long term) for their clients?


    Also, are there some surgeons/clinics who are particularly good at hairlines, while others excel at producing amazing coverage -- or are the best of the best, really the best at everything?


    Would love to hear your thoughts / opinions


    Thanks for any responses

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