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Posts posted by macwifey718

  1. Future_HT_doc: i am so impressed by how much you know about hair loss! i wish i was like you!!! I wish i had the money to get surgical hair restoration, but unfortunately i dont :( what methods have you tried that have worked? i am looking for a somewhat cheap but product, but also one i can results from. thank you so much for your knowledge!! looking forward to hearing from you!!


    TakingThePlunge: i am not too familiar with all the different things that can help hairloss quite yet, so thanks for looking over the website for me. Do you think nulockz is something i shouldnt try? Have you tried rogaine? has it worked for you? do you know how much it runs in comparison to the other stuff? sorry for all the questions!! i know i sound really cheap LOL just trying to save as much money as possible. please let me know what you think, again i am very new to this.

  2. i'm thinning right now too, so i know your pain. i'm new to forums like you, and am interested in hearing anything anyone has to offer. i will keep you in my prayers and hopefully we can stop thinning! let me know if you find something that works for you

  3. growing up i NEVER had problems with my hair. All my friends were jealous of how beautiful and curly it was...but for some reason within the last year its been thinning so bad, i'm so embarassed :/ i havent really tried anything online, i'm not sure what women are supposed to take?? bosley seemed like something for men only, and i'm not sure i want to pay all that money for something i'm not completely sure of. i saw this stuff called nulockz though and the beginning stuff was in my budget, and i was just wondering if anyone on here has tried it? please give any feedback you can, i'm desperate to stop my thinning hair. give me your feedback!!!

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