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Posts posted by Jordan

  1. This is my 14th month after having 3,000 grafts, mostly along the front. The grafts took but are growing in an annoying curling pattern. It's impossible to get the bangs to lie flat on my forehead; the hair keeps curling inwards. I think it's less curly and unnatural than it was 6 months ago but I thought that by now the hairs would have straightened out. Will it still take some time or did the surgeon angle the hairs wrong?

  2. I had a hair transplant 3.5 weeks ago (3,000 grafts) and my forehead is still slightly puffy and I still have a number of scabs. My transplant doctor looked over my scalp recently and said all was well and I had to work harder to remove the scabs. I just visited another transplant doctor nearer my home and he said the scabs were all quite infected. He advised me to use polysporin for a week and after that, he would prescribe antibiotics. It's hard to know which doctor to believe. If I'm infected, why wouldn't antibiotics be prescribed right away (rather than waiting a week)? Also, does anyone know if infection can damage the grafts or prevent growth?

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