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Posts posted by MilHass

  1. Hi, I just want to share my experience with DHI clinic in london, whim I do not recommend to anyone.

    I have just had my session, unfortunatley I would like to say that Iam not satisfied at all with the way they provided me the information and the expectations of the procedure.

    I have contacted them about a month ago asking specific questions and unfortuately I fell to their vague answers and that cost time , money and the pain of the procedure.

    I have sent my pictures and asked what can you offer me to give a satisfying results , not any results, appearanly the questions were managed by a non medical persononal , a business manager , who has given me a misleading picture. He offred me a" small sesion " costs 3000 pound , which supposidly meet my expectations but no specific details.

    I have trusted his opinion and paid a depoist, and I scheduled my off work days to attend this session. I was surprised that the first thing I had to do before seeing a doctor was to pay in full, anyway..I did not mind that but I expected some answers first. so I Spoke to a nice doctor who did the procedure later on,and obviously what a "small session" means was different from what the "business manager explained" , and again the final expectation and plan was not explianed to me untill they took the grafts. I did not mind all that,and I do not mind paying more if the results were to satisfy me. Thier after-procedure recommendations included thier own DHI product and hey want me to buy it ..not so much just 10pounds a bottle ..but wont you expect a recommended hair lotion with such a trivial cost should be provided or included in your overall cost!! I just felt they act Like a supermarket not as a health/medical firm,anyway .. at the moment I am 2 days after the procedure, sitting home and cant go out and have to spray my scalp every 30 minuts with normal saline , from what I can see the implanted area is not dense at all.. and I was not told how many grafts are there!

    I am so dissatsfied ..and feel been misled... no regrets really for the money but for the time and the hussle of all this..Iam so afraid this will just disfigure my scalp rather than improves the look, the main issue is that I wanted my hair to look better ..and that what i want them to advise me..not just a low cost offer!

    any other opinion ..or experience from your side.. pleas let me know I hope Iam wrong

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