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Posts posted by hellothere

  1. Hi, I've had 3 surgeries on the frontal area. By now, I would've been a norwood 3 I think. My last surgery was 1.5 years ago.


    Anyway, I noticed that the 1/3 to 1/2 a centimeter right below my hairline is lighter in skin tone that the rest of my face. In other words, it looks like I have a tan on my face which stops just 1/3 to 1/2 a centimeter below the hairline. It's like a tan line and looks unnatural, because moving up my head, it goes from a face of tan brown skin tone to a thin 1/3-1/2 cm light skin tone region, to dark black hair.


    It becomes more noticeable during summertime if I get a bit tanner from the sun (not intentionally; i try to avoid the sun). It is also more visible when my picture is taken with a flash.


    I figured perhaps this region was lighter because it's been covered for so long and needed some sun. So I put suntan lotion over my face (except the lighter region), and I put tape right below that lighter 1/3 1/2 region, and tried to tan it in the sun. It did not work. It won't tan. What should I do? How do I resolve this? Why did it happen?


    Is my forehead skin still "recovering" from surgery, and if so, will this region ever return to normal tanning ability? I know my donor line/scar is healed, but it is still a but pink. I've always known my skin to take longer to heal in terms of skin tone. But usually scars on my skin remain darker much longer than most people, not lighter, so I'm confused by all this.

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