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Posts posted by VickTayback

  1. He had some plants back in the seventies. Didnt take. Usually that means

    that one of the old hacks didnt cut the grafts right.


    The density of what he's got now indicates he's obviously wearing a good



    It might be possible that he's had frontal work done, for a hairline.

  2. It would not make sense to get another "free" procedure after it didnt work before.


    It would seem likely that:


    1. the doctor is not world class

    2. As was said, your physiogamy is working against you somehow

    3. the grafts were not cut properly

    4. you are doing something post op that harms the recipient


    At this point, I'd go see Jerry Cooley who is a dermatological

    surgeon. He can probably tell you whats going on.

  3. Let the festival begin. I've been offering patients who show up here at my office, including today, that if they can bring me one article from a peer reviewed US medical journal showing that lasers make a clinical cosmetic difference in human's hair coverage that I will buy them their own laser. So far noone has shown up with that article to collect the money.


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA


    Apparently Dr. Cooley was recommending getting laser therapy at

    a recommended charlotte non surgical hair place following HT. Not sure

    if it was because it prevented fallout, shorter cycle, or a better

    chance for HT to grow thicker and quicker.

  4. Yep, something sterile, clean,cool, cotton, loose fitting.



    The skateboard community and snow skiing community have

    some European looking type things that are a combination

    of something youd' wear around town that worked well for me.


    Like this: Skateboard Beanies and Skateboarding Accessories FREE Shipping


    But if i wore a baseball cap, I made sure it had a cotton insert

    that i would carefully lay over my scalp first.....at least the first

    couple weeks.


    The name of the game is coddling those grafts the first two

    weeks--not roughing them up.

  5. Youre asking an intelligent question, because getting a transplant is a major decision that obviously can not really be "taken back".


    Fortunately for you, unlike back in my day, the risk is quite minimal for most people---more hair = good. Less hair = bad. Twenty years ago, there was

    no coalition, and really no patient rights. You were at the mercy of the

    doctor and his "ethics". In most cases, 80 percent of the doctors were

    unethical greedy parasites.


    But on to your question:


    Life is a series of risks in a lot of ways. We come to certain jumping off points when we choose a college, a girlfriend, a wife, a career, a house, etc. We have few guarantees that everything will work out perfectly, but we make decisions anyway to improve our lives.


    Occasionally, we take bold steps to pursue the life we want. A hair transplant is one such step. For most guys, losing hair is really about the threat of losing options in life---social, marital, personal.


    Your hesitance is perfectly natural. Each of us has been there, but took a risk to improve our lives. And for most people today, when choosing the right doctor, the investment is incredibly profitable:


    when you think about it: spending 12 thousand dollars to improve your life quality is pretty cheap.


    So the final issue is really taking a risk on a "worst case scenario".


    For me, that question was: "if the HT doesnt work, am i willing to wear a hairpiece"?


    In the end i decided that i was, since going bald had ALREADY severely negatively impacted my life goals. What more could I really lose?


    So relax. Be positive. This will be a good decision. Be confident

    and decisive.

  6. Steve Carrell

    Billy Crystal

    George Clooney

    Matt Damon

    Ben Affleck


    Nic Cage

    Mel Gibson

    Brendan Fraser

    Jude Law

    Tom Hanks

    Matt McConnaghey

    Kevin Costner

    Ray Liotta (unbelievably good work)

    Matt Lauer

    Joe Biden

    Dennis Miller

    Christian Slater

    Michael Keaton

    Tom Arnold

    Robert Blake

    Kenny Rogers

    Rob Schneider

    David Spade

    Robin Williams

    Johnny Depp

    Arnold Schwarznegger

    Kenny Rogers

    Barry Williams

    Oliver Stone

    Richard Simmons

    Tiger Woods

    Jon Gosselin

    Harrison Ford

  7. People have absolutely no idea how many celebs have had work.


    Im guessing about 40 percent of major stars over the age of 30.


    And they spray this dark dermaplast over the scalps of just about everybody on "raymond", "the office", "Becker", CSI, etc.

  8. Hi Guys. Vick here from Nashville. Strange question here, but I figure somebody out there might know something.


    I had a strip procedure from a top coalition-recommended Surgeon from here. Due to a previous hair mill disaster involving the infamous crook CP Chambers out of FLorida, i had/have very limited donor, so

    the doc did about 1000 grafts, maybe 1500 hairs.


    My hair is very very thin, being a natural dirty-dish water blonde as they say.


    Thus, the results were okay, and the doctor did a nice job in correcting some scarring up top. But its a very thin see through situation kind of like you see in lots of nordic/german type guys with thinning hair. I do a combover, and dont get me wrong, im happy to have a bit of coverage.


    Basically, Im the poster boy for avoiding the cue ball situation, and getting my face framed somewhat, so Im happy enough. And Im mid forties, so the lack of density isnt such a big deal.


    Question: but my conundrum is: the doc recommended going blonder, because it reflects more light. Which I did, and he was right, it looked good. But unfortunately, my hair first turned RED, and it was a pretty big hassle to get it the right shade of blonde.


    I told my sister awhile ago that I wish my hair would turn silver gray. She's a former stylist, and told me "its gonna be YEARS before your hair turns gray".


    Apparently, blondish/sandy/dirty dishwater blondes dont gray until their sixties or something.


    She also says theres no product out there that can turn light brown hair silver gray.


    Is this right? Anyone familiar with something that might work?


    Lol, i might be the only guy on the planet who wishes his hair would turn silver.


    The fact of the matter is, that while most HT middle age guys want to dye their gray hair brown, the best color for transplanted hair is really silver gray for middle aged guys.

  9. I disagree with above posters. I think that hairloss at a young age causes a ridiculous amount of undue stress and problems in life, at a time when youre trying to establish yourself, find your social group, and begin to look

    for a mate and a decent job.


    I started thinning out same age as you, and the insecurity starts eating at your confidence. Later on,

    the social jokes start coming from insecure ass holes. Why get to that point when you can

    easily and quickly correct this right now?


    Further, if you know your family history, you can pretty well predict your level of baldness.


    Sure I'd do the meds, but Id also take solid action before the thinning gets worse.


    Send your pics to Hasson, and if the meds dont help, get a headstart on a frontal hairline that will be age appropriate for middle age.


    Dont get any work done in the back. A bald spot back there doesnt matter, and you

    might need the grafts eventually in the front.

  10. One thing that wasnt really addressed was finding a solution to your stress. Why not ease up on yourself on these time frames?


    -as far as itching, when your regular hair is shedding in the balding process your scalp itches. Its a double whammy with Rogaine.


    Id recommend getting 8 hours of sleep a night, easing up on the meds to where they dont have side effects, and then go see Hasson and get a the best procedure available.


    What causes some of the most stress in life is not having power over circumstances. You seem to have

    several things spiraling out of control. Take some time off if you can afford it. Then take action.

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