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Posts posted by kitty21

  1. Thanks for the concern and advice everybody :)

    I, of course, did not base my decision entirely on what I read on this forum...actually I had two surgeons recommending me not to take up forehead reduction because it's really invasive but I still wasn't convinced. Seeing the surgery video and comments from all the lovely people who gave me advice tipped the scales.


    I had scheduled my hair transplant surgery in August and my surgeon will be using strip because FUE's loss rate for follicle is about 30% (according to him).

    And my hair transplant surgeon also do not recommend me to let my hairline down too


    Will be posting before and after photos of my forehead here after my surgery.

  2. I am so glad for this forum because till now, my plastic surgeon keep telling me that forehead reduction is not a dangerous surgery at all. When I seeked a second opinion, this other surgeon told me that forehead reduction is highly invasive and he doesn't do it at all and recommended hair transplant instead.


    Goldilocks, how many grafts did you transplant to your forehead?

    Do you feel any tightness at the scalp? How do the transplanted hair look and feel?

    Do they feel stiff and unnatural, grow in different directions?

    Thanks :)

  3. Thanks for all the replies and I decided not to have forehead reduction (which my surgeon calls scalp reduction).

    I will instead go for hair transplant ...it's much more expensive but so much safer...looking at the website and video, I don't think I will ever undergo forehead reduction.

    I will go with a forummer's suggestion to start small and see how I like the results.

    Since my surgeon recommended 1500-2000 hairs, I should try out 500 hairs and see how it goes.

    But I don't think I will go to the surgeon that did my eyelashes...probably find someone who does FUE.

    I had consulted a hair specialist and his reply is "In forhead hair graft, it is performed by not strip or FUE but by a single hair unit".

    Have anyone heard of single hair unit transplant before? Is this better than FUE?

    I am so thankful for the people who advised me against having forehead reduction because I had quite made up my mind to have it. But now I will rather pay more money than to suffer the consequences later.

    Money can be earned, but health can't :)

  4. But if I have a hair transplant, I will have a scar too although it will be covered up. Either way, I will have a scar and I'm also worried about taking 1500-2000 hairs from the back of my head to transplant to the front.

    That's a lot of hair, won't the back be bald or at least have thinner hair there then?

    But my biggest worry is having the new hair growing out coarse and bent (this was mentioned by other forumers).

    I myself had eyelash transplant a year ago (where hair was taken from the back of my head) to transplant to the eyelashes and the new eyelashes did grew out coarser and bent as compared to my original hair.

    I totally regretted having the eyelash transplant done as my eyelashes look a mess now although I do put in the effort to have it trimmed profesionally and permed because it just grows out too fast.

  5. Thank you Bill for your answer.

    And I will try to find a pretty photo of myself to post up here :o...am very self-conscious of taking pictures because of my forehead :(

    "After the incision, the scalp lifted off of the skull all the way to the back of it."

    This is the sentence which puts me off having the forehead reduction.

    I don't know but just reading about this gives me nightmares...

    But yet the draw of instant results is so tempting.

  6. I have a big forehead for all my life and never did know that there is something I can do about it until I googled it (ah...the wonders of the internet).

    So I was all set to get hairline lowering (hair transplant) done and had even consulted a plastic surgeon when I realized that there is something called forehead reduction (scalp reduction) which will solve my problem as well.

    When I asked my plastic surgeon, he told me that he does this as well.


    Now, I am very torn as to have either hair transplant or forehead reduction surgery.

    The pros of forehead reduction is it's cheaper, have less down time and almost instant results.

    But of course there are cons too and it is that forehead surgery is a very invasive surgery. I heard that it the surgeon has to pull back your scalp and your skull will be exposed at one point (not sure if I misunderstood) but it's just pretty scary.


    As for hair transplants, it is less invasive but very labor intensive and it will takes almost one day to implant 1000 hairs and I will need a second implant if I want denser hairs. But it will not leave any scars (according to my plastic surgeon). Btw, my surgeon only does strip because "the survival of FUE is not so good as strip" (quoting him).

    But I read that it takes as long as 2 years to see results and that the downtime is longer.

    Also I read that the transplanted hair will grow wiry and also grow in the wrong direction.

    I had hair transplanted to my eyelashes and the transplanted hair is indeed wiry and grow in the wrong direction. I have a hard time just to make them look neat.


    So I really don't know...can anyone give my any advice?

    Will really appreciate any help given :)

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