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Posts posted by A8TYF

  1. i can totally relate to everything you've said, and you know what, last night i decided that actually my hairloss doesn't bother anyone but me. I shave my head and i feel that i actually look good with it, the risks involved that you've highlighted are very real, and in all honesty, for me, its not really worth it. I


    It's a lot of money, and the results vary...actually the truth be told, someone i respect told me that the happiness i'm looking for is nothing to do with whether or not i have hair, it's about a very important personal aspect of growth and letting go of your insecurities.

  2. Hi Forum,


    I was just considering that this is a very powerful forum, it alone has given me the confidence to part with a lot of money and take the plunge into a HT with my eyes completely open to the affects and expectated results of the procedure. Not to overstate the point, but this forum stopped me from getting a botch job from Pakistan, which may have ruined my life. And you know what, i think that there's mileage to take this one step further.


    I would propose the idea of having a poll to host remarkable work done by recommended docs from the patients themselves.


    It would involve asking people who have evidence of getting HTs done and voting for the doc. The winning doctor should be awarded with a HTN certificate or plaque. I think that the docs will appreciate the recognition and who knows, maybe even give future patients who come from HTN a discount J


  3. Hi mate,


    After a year of using minoxidil and propecia I got fed up and packed both in, it’s just not a practical solution and I wasn’t getting any benefits from using it, there’d be some new growth and then it’d shed the following month, it got so annoying, I was receding quite badly so maybe ur situation is different, but for the money I paid for it and the time and effort of rubbing that stuff in everyday just wasn’t worth it. My advice, get on rogaine, or get a HT, it’ll be a better investment in the long run.

  4. Hey norwoodsman, I share your confusion. I started researching HTs when i was 27 (NW 4) and i'm now 30 and am still an NW4. At 27 I was advised against getting it done and I took that advice and waited to see how bad it'd get, but my hairloss seems to have stopped here.


    I still shave my head (as there's little else you can do with it), and look ok with a shaved head, but it's not enough for me. I then realised that actually, there's no point asking anyone else. There's not a soul i've met who thinks i look bad with a shaved head, but is that enough for me? No. So i've booked my HT in July with Feriduni. Why? Because I want to and I can affoard it.


    The choice is yours to make. Even if someone really influential in your life advises you one way or the other, the advice will eventaully wear off and in time you'll revert back to your true feelings about what you need to do.

  5. i was actually quite lucky, i was thinking of leaving the company i was with, and then they announced redundancies, i took the redundancy pay, and managed to find new employment quite quickly, so i never dipped into it. I'm now using 70% of that money on a HT in July.

  6. I want that JUSTICE!!


    I do agree with most of what you've said, I think women, for all their high and mighty sh!t are generally a lot more superficial about looks then men are. Sure looks are important to guys too, but guys get criticised all the time for calling their wives/girlfriends fat, and women retaliate by calling us Bald! but there's a difference, women can do something about their weight, if we could get on a treadmill and get our hair back this forum would not exist, and I'd be investing in treadmill stocks!

  7. Hi EpilepticS,


    I think that on a personal note, your response has really hit home with me, and it's only reassured even more me that what i'm about to go and do is the right thing.


    I can relate to almost everything you said, even down to the lady killer thing(LOL). When I was at uni, i had all the girls dying over me. And after I started losing my hair the looks went from: "regular>infrequent>hardly ever>whatever baldy!"


    It's not even about the women though, i'm happily (ish) married it's just a reaffirmation that you are desired, and that's important for human beings, particularly me I guess.


    I'm no longer dreading my HT in July, as a matter of fact, BRING IT ON! :-)

  8. thanks guys, i'm nervous as hell, but at the same time i wish July was next week! lol I do want to go ahead with it, even tho a shaved head looks semi-decent on me, I long for my old look.


    I've read lots of good things about feriduni, and i've now booked my transport the only thing worrying me is the time i'll need off work. Luckily i'm a contractor and my contract finishes at the end of June (HT is booked for 7th July), but they want to extend the contract, i'll have to explain i'm going for a HT and will need a month off or work from home for 3-4 weeks. I don't want to come into work looking like the elephant man! lol

  9. Hi Friends,


    I’ve now booked my HT with a highly respected Dr. (feriduni) in July. However, its been on my mind a lot and last night I had a strange dream where I was at the clinic in Belgium and there was a huge grizzly bear sat on the operating chair. I guess the bear was symbolic of something I love (teddy bears are cute) and something I’m afraid of (they can also be deadly!), I guess this is probably how I feel about my upcoming HT (not that it’s deadly, but you know what I mean).


    As you can see from my profile pic, the shaved head look kinda suits me, but I long for the days when I could look even better just by styling my hair, but I don’t want to regret it…AARGH!! So confused….


    So I wanted to ask, who here has had a HT with a forum recommended specialist and regretted it?

  10. hey guys, thanks for the nfo, very useful. I’ve decided to take your general advice and take the train. Eurostar are doing a deal for ?95 return on the dates I wanted in July and am going there a day early, and leaving the day after my operation. I’m a bit worried about looking like Frankenstein on the way home so I might invest in a loose hat (but it’s gonna be so hot in July!). Oh and I think I’d consider myself a NW5, I’m getting the works done, FU strip covering areas 2-5. I’ll be sure to post pics up soon.

  11. Hi HTN Friends,


    I've been researching a HT for over a year now, and probably like most of you, i've been close to getting one done many times before talking myself out of it, but this week I decided to push the button and book myself in to go to see Feriduni in Belgium.


    I know he's good, and price wise, it's reasonable too, but I guess you can't put a price on regaining your confidence right? I'm not un-confident, but i just miss looking like a heart-throb lol


    Has anyone had any experiences of travelling to his clinic from London? I'm planning to drive as I can't find any decent flights on the dates I want. It'll be 4-5hours drive, is that do-able post op? Or should I get the eurostar?


    Views?? experiences??....

  12. Thanks for the reply mahhong. I went to a place called the belgravia centre for hairloss last year and they prescribed minoxidil and propecia which i took for a year, i took a tablet everyday and rubbed that damn cream on my head every night and it barely made a dent. I eventually gave up the treatment and thought about something more drastic.


    It's been about 4 months now that i stopped my treatment, as i didn't see the benefit of continuing something that was relatively expensive for no results.


    I'm negotiating with my boss at the moment for 3 weeks off for the surgery. He's agreed in principle and i'm thinking of paying firiduni and devroye a visit soon for a face to face consultation. Ideally i'd prefer to have one surgery as money isn't in abundance in my life.


    I spoke to Spex and he spoke to Dr Feller who thinks i'd be looking at around 3500 grafts for a decent results.

  13. Hi folks!


    Thansks for the feedback. I think my doner area is quite thick and healthy (feels like a moroccan rug back there!).


    I'm 29 years old, although some may say you should wait till your mid-30s my argument is that, i want to look good while i'm young (ish) rather than be a bald eagle in my 20s and 30s and look good in my 40s!


    I've asked both docs for a diagnosis and i hope to hear from them soon.




    Anyone know how much time i should take off from work? I don't want my mates to know i've done this. so i want my scars to heal, at least on the top.

  14. Hi Folks,


    I'm new, but i've been reading a lot of threads on this forum over the last few weeks and really think this a useful website.


    I'm attaching pics of myself as i'm thinking of getting HT done. I'm based in the UK and am considering going to Ferudini or Devroye. So far Devroye's team has been very good at keeping in touch with me and responding to mail.


    In your experiences would i be a suitable candidate for HT, i know my hair is short, and the flash doesn't help, but you can generally see what the situation is.








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