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Posts posted by chris2010

  1. Money is a little bit of a factor for me, but honestly, I would like great results so I can grow my hair long again without like 50 percent of it receded and missing.





    You got a really nice selection to go to on this website as well as outside.


    I think there are many in the world that you can go to actually. I have seen impressive work from North America to Europe to Turkey and so on.


    We each have our own opinion as to who are good but it's hard to pick best of the best.


    Have you tried looking at results from the following doctors?



    Rahal, Bisanga, Keser, Erdogan, Feller, Feriduni, Umar, Charles, Rani, Mohmand, Tru & Dorin, Shapiro, and I can keep on going.


    I really think you should view as many results as possible from each doctor and see who can structure the best transplant according to your ideal goals.


    I do not support any physician on the website (meaning not compensated by any of them). I had my transplant with Dr. Rahal and got FUE of 3016 grafts. My full results are still pending, got another 6 months to go. I personally think he is a great doctor and just one of the many reasons I selected him was for his hairline success/skill.


    Is money a factor for you? If not, you got a HUGE selection.


    Best of luck with everything.

  2. Is True in NY good? Dr. Williams seems great, he's who I may go with. I talked to Charles from Florida but his work doesn't look too good and he said I may be only able to shave my head down to a 3 or 4 when i get my haircut and I'm like no thanks! I like Ron Shapiro, but I want to talk to him and not his sales guy.

  3. Has anyone ever heard of the Hair Today regrowth system. It was made by John Kelby. It claims to regrow hair in just a few weeks. Some guy on youtube claims that his hair grew back in 4 months! Anyone have any experience with this or have heard of it? Here is the link to the website. Please if anyone has any idea if this works or is just a scam, please reply to this post.


    (Link removed by moderator)

  4. Yeah still no interest in Lindsey and Wong I don't trust, so they're out of the picture. Plus Shapiro Group said Wong does way too much for patients in regards to restoration. They remove too much donor hair and don't consider your long term hair loss. Take it for what it's worth I guess.

  5. Anyone have any experience with Dr. Williams? He is very nice and honest in his videos, which is something I don't usually see. He covered alot of big issues in his videos too. I'm going to talk with him sometime next week.


    I voted off Lindsey because I just thought he was cocky and not personal. Just a name and number with that guy.


    I didn't like Wong because he pushed his pills without having any of my medical info on hand. Asked me about my history but still he should look at my records before prescribing me anything.


    Freedman seems like a guy that will deny your bad results and not fix what he screwed up. Plus he didn't throw out alot of reference names because he had trouble with people calling his former patients. Don't remember exactly how he put it but he wasn't jumping for joy about that question. Red flag there and no thanks.


    I like Epstein alot but sales guy is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy toooooooo pushy!


    Haven't even talked to Shaprio yet just his assistant, but pleased so far.


    This rounds out my experiences so far.

  6. Hi, in the scary process and shady business of hair transplant surgery; I would like to weed out the bad doctors and get the to meet the best of the best. But who is the best of the best? Can anyone tell me through previous experiences, knowledge, or credability? Please help me out. I can tell you everything you need to know and post pictures.





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