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Posts posted by thebutterflycollector

  1. Patrick and Postdoc thank you very much for your replies and recommendations of surgeons. Patrick you said you got yours in Greece, can I ask who with? Postdoc have you had any dealings with Dr Edward Ball? Can I also ask if what I am currently doing, medication wise, still appropriate? Does Kirkland foam make much difference for hairline loss? This has become something of a chore to be honest. Is there anything I can be doing in the mean time while I consider surgery? Once again than you very much for your help.

  2. Hello everyone!


    I started this thread when I was 17 and struggling with my receeding hairline. I'm now 24 nearly 25 and while I don't think it is particularly worse it still bothers me. 7 years ago I was adviced to take the 'big 3' which I have done over the years. I am currently using 'Kirkland Foam' on my hairline and still takin Propecia and using Nizoral shampoo. Are these still considered the 'big 3'?


    The other advice I was give was that I was not a candidate for a HT due to my age would this still be the case at 24/25? Around 2010/2011 Dr. Rahal was well thought of and would have been my prefered choice is he still reputable? I also visited Dr. Farjo who was seen as a decent option here in the UK and he had someone from Spain also working with him for a while who was sought after for FUE? I was also told that 'In 10 years they will be able to clone hair so you'll be fine'. Has this happened or is it likely to in the nex 3 years?


    My apologies for the long post but I am now in a financial postion to potentially have a HT (assuming they haven't gone up drastically!) and would like to 'rebegin' my journey in a sense. Any help would be most appreciated!!


    Many thanks



  3. In my opinion, the benefits of propecia far outweigh the risk! If you are concerned about hair loss it is the best thing you can do to prevent and even reverse hair loss! Nizoral is a great compliment with rogaine and propecia..You only need to use it a couple of times a week to help with hair loss.


    what are the risks other than erectile problems? have you experienced any problems? do you know if it does affect other body hair?


    Personally i would use propecia not the generic version finpecia.


    Start off propecia on a low dose say a quarter eod for a month then increase it to a half eod..wait and see for 6 months if this helps if not increase the dose.i think its important to find the correct balance and what dose you need,just because the pill is 1mg doesnt mean you wont respond to .5mg


    Nizoral does nothing for hairloss what so ever,no shampoo does.i use nizoral just because its a good shampoo and my scalp feels good after wash.


    why do u think i should start on propecia as finpicia is the same and cheaper? does it matter what dossage i take or how often i take it?


    thanks for the help so far much appreciated



  4. Hi


    I came on here last year just before my 18th birthday and was given a lot of help and information which lead me to having a consultation and the Farjo Clinic and starting on Regaine. I have now been on Regaine since February (firstly the liquid version then onto the foam) and while I have had some good results with some hair growing back (I will try and get some pictures). Alot of this hair is still 'baby' hair and I have a gaps where this hair has grown and the 'old' hair is.


    I have been reluctant to start using other medications as this has been working well and the side affects are minimal. However, I have decided it is time to step up my regime as my dad started loosing his hair at 20 and that isn't too far away (I'm now 19) and I just feel my hair could with a boost. I have read quite a few articles etc on Finasteride and intend buying it from the website recommended by SpexHair as Finpicia 1mg per day. However, I have a few concerns that I would like addressing. What are the side affects? I have read about erectile problems but are their any others and how common are they, should I be concerned? I have seen people say that it prevents hair growing on other parts of your body, and as my beard isn't fully developed I don't want this to affect me.


    Nizoral shampoo is another one I have seen being recommended, is it worth getting and if so where is the cheapest in the UK? Does it have any side affects and how often should I use it? Also when I wash my hair at the moment, it normally takes 3 'washes' to clean it in one wash if you know what I mean. Should I use my normal first to clean my hair then apply Nizoral after or would this prevent it from working.


    Apologies for rambling on and I hope this is in the right section.


    Any help,information or further recommendations would be most appreciated.





  5. thanks for the help and advice, but is it simply my age that is the reason everyone is against having a HT.i understand that it could look stupid in the future if i have a perfect hairline and the thinning on top, but it is making me incredibly unhappy and if i had even 5/6 with wot i would consider a normal hairline for my age i would be delighted. if/when it starts to thin on top couldn't i have the HT hair removed, because to honest i'm not overly bothered about going bald, because its clear cut then its being in between and being young when it is happening that bothers me. i hate being 18 and having a much older hairline, at this age i shouldn't be concerned be my hairline at all. just going back to rogaine is it best to buy it over the counter from a local pharmacy in the uk?




    p.s apologies for the lack of capitals my keyboard isn't working properly.

  6. Hi just thought I'd give you another update. I went to visit my GP who basically told me to leave it alone, although he did agree that I had probably had a receding hairline! I asked about a dermatologist but he said that would cost ?300-400. So I was wondering what you would suggest now should I just begin taking Propecia or should I try to have a consultation with the people at the Farjo clinic who will be able to tell what is going on and what to do.



  7. Hi, just thought I'd give you an update. I've been bogged down with exams and school work so haven't managed to see my GP or a dermatologist, but I have had a bit of an informal chat with one of my mates dads who is a doctor and he has suggested I ring a place called the Farjo clinic? on 0870 75555495, is this a good place and is the number correct. He also said they had a clinic in manchester which would be good because it is near to me and being only 18, this would really help as I can't afford to travel very far.



  8. Thank you very much for your kind words and advice! I was a bit nervous about coming on here and like I say I have become increasingly aware of the change in my hairline and needed some help. Without wanting to sound too naive, the best thing I can do is book an appointment with my GP? Or do I need to see a dermatologist, whats the difference? Also what sort of treatments are available, do they just prevent further loss or is there anything that can regrow? Again thank you for your help and sorry if I'm asking stupid questions.

  9. Hi I am 17 and completely new to hair loss treatment of any kind. I have noticed that over the last few years my hairline has gotten significantly worse. My fringe has shrunk and moved backed and the areas around my temple have lost hair and are starting to move further back and more central. I really really worry about it getting worse as my dad went bald in his 20s. I dislike my hairline immeasurably and would appreciate any advice!!! thanks in advance.




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