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Posts posted by hero85

  1. hey guys.


    many thanks.


    here is an update.

    has now been 6 months.


    and here is a before and after picture, the picture from 6 months is with Toppik, but it shows just how far I've come. if I dont have Toppik in so it's still thin, but there are still 6 months before I round a year. hope it gets as it is now with Toppik


  2. hey guys.


    I have thought about :

    is there anyone who has seen that no more hair is coming out after four months ?

    I've seen a lot from month 2,5 to 3,5 but is nervous about whether it has stopped now and just gets longer. can it stop coming out after four months? maybe a stupid question



    have an update.


    all pictures are with toppik, taken right after work.

    just so you can see how I wear it everyday ..

    Next week I will meet someone from the clinic so she can see how far I am and how much more I can expect .. see you at month five, there will be updates without toppik and wet

  3. thanks guys ..


    TC17 : I got strip 1600 grafts


    I also think it goes forward. But seems my right side is very behind. density is too small and is a little nervous about it getting better. but the rest looks good, it just need to grow ..


    I am finally starting to throw my baseball cap. and no one has said anything. I use a little bit toppik when I go in town ..


    I am looking forward to see where I'm at the end of August



  4. Hero, things look to be improving and moving forward. Good signs for the 3 month mark. Best of luck and keep us updated!



    thanks for your reply.... I also think it goes forward and is happy to see where I am after 3 months .. I hope however that the density becomes better and better as the months go ..


    I think however that I already have more hair than before I got it done, so I think it become great after 9 months (HOPE)




  5. hey guys.


    have an update, what do you think?

    I can definitely notice a lot of hairs sprouting and am happy after 3 months.. but it must continue over the next 9 months until I am satisfied



    I come with a Story later, but here is my new pictures



  6. Thats normal. You did not damage any grafts. I think 1600 grafts will make a positive improvement in 9-12 months, but you may need another 1500 grafts in that area to get a full look.


    Good luck.


    thanks TheEmperor


    hehe:D yes it says Megatron also.. see link :


    what can I expect - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


    but I still hope that it lives up to my expectations. if not, then I've made a HT more..


    my expectations are. it will be like this man. (Minimum) :


    Hair Restoration Site for wmcwallace66


    but as you see in the video in the first link, I hope it will be like his. he had no more hair loss than I have, and only move 1500 grafts.. but only time will tell!!!

  7. hey guys. :)


    have a 10 weeks update. it goes quietly forward, a part of my shock loss has come back, so I am now close to what I was before.. there are also a lot of small, fine hairs on its way. I can start to see my new hair line and think it will be really good. especially when I have wet hair and slide back, I can see my new hair line. still incredibly thin, but I can see it. and i am only at 10 weeks..:)


    However, a few questions.


    3 weeks ago I had a date. and to look normal, I shaved my right side down. do not expect it means something, but seems it not really growing as good as my left side. have i destroyed any grafts when i shave down after seven weeks?:confused:


    When i still had my scabs, my Dokter said after 10 days, I had to work them off quietly. I am nervous that I might have been too hard on them, I did not use nails, but are still nervous that I have destroyed anybody. no one was bleeding. I did however, see many grafts (small hairs) fall out with the scabs.... it is the right thing I have done?:confused:


    Have a update with pictures, when there has gone three months


    Best wishes:D



  8. sorry to worry you man. all I'm saying is from my research through people's blogs, 1,600 grafts doesn't seem enough for a full, thick looking result when you're about a NW3. that said, while your hairline seems to have receeded quite a bit, your donor & remaining top of scalp of hair looks thicker than normal. if your doc said it was enough, then who am I to say differently.


    I hope you prove me dead wrong :)



    hehe it's ok.;)


    I get nervous about everything these days, and that is why this forum is brilliant, so you can get all the support. It has truly been a life saver for me.


    But when it's my first time with ht then there are days i are about to regret that i got it made. (Especially when I have so much shock loss) and days where everything is just perfect and i think it's the best.


    I really hope that it will be as I expect, and it get as good as the video I've have posted, if not then i can always get made a ht more.


    good luck whit your own ht Megatron ;);)

  9. I'm 8 days past 2 months and I cant see any growth yet, pretty sure its totally normal.


    Thanks Sparky..


    it is not there I am so nervous. I can see many small fine new hair and think that I am one of the lucky ones that grow quickly.

    Where I am nervous is whether it is enough with 1600 grafts. Before I got my HT, I saw the video I have posted, he has roughly the same hair loss as I, so when I went to see my Dokter and he said I needed 1600 grafts I was happy because that was what I figured. aw33 and takintheplug think indeed it is enough, but as you see Megatron think is not and it makes me a little nervous..


    I know we all grow differently and it depends on the operation. But my expectations are that 1600 grafts are enough ..

    It is the first time I have made a ht so the whole thing is about to drive me insane.


    And yes I know I should take it easy and it takes a year, but it's SO hard hehe:p


    Good Sommer

  10. it's the norm to not see much and to actually look worse 2m after the HT. so there's nothing to worry about there.


    but, 1,600 grafts over that large of an area is mostly likely not going to produce a result like that celeb pic.



    I am hoping you are wrong and trust - av33 and TakingThePlunge:D:D:D ..

    I've also had alot shock loss. hope also it grows into..


    but for instance here is one with about the same hair loss and only 1500 grafts!



  11. hero85, did you have a hair transplant? How did it go and at what norwood stage were you?


    Yes I have .. I'm only a little over two months so I can obviously not see results yet, but I am very glad I have done something about my problem, of course it is hard to wait for it grow out, and what about the shock loss coming back and so on?? but am sure I am happy about a few months


    I am probably in between norwood stage 2a and 3 .. but has also chosen to take finastride which I think is very important.


    you can see my Story here, and can just write to me privately, can see you are from norway, we must stand together from Scandinavia:D:D



  12. So what do u think for the competion so far ? i know americans dont care much about football (soccer they call it) but the matches have been quite boring with few goals and the annoying horns all over our ears. hopefully it will get better in next matches..


    Hello Tsakalos


    Yes, finally it started .. then the time goes a little faster between month 2 and 3 :D


    Now you must remember that this is the first battle and many are nervous to start poorly, are sure the second round will be much better .. but germany play nice tonight and then just wait until tomorrow when Denmark bitches Nederland with beautiful football :D:D:D


    About the annoying horns - fifa is considering to banning them, so maybe we soon get rid of them

  13. Hey,


    Could anyone tell me please if it is normal for transplanted grafts to have remained in the scalp but not grown? Basically I had 2000 grafts to restore my frontal region and it has been 3months exactly now. The majority of the grafts have shed but there is still about 100 either side of my head that are firmly stuck in the skin but certainly not growing. I've had a few pimples which I take for a good sign of growth but I'm really concerned that these grafts that are still in are not going to grow well.. Many thanks.


    I experience the same. I'm just only almost 2 months. but hope it is normal hehe .. I have however shaved som of them away because it looked silly and I could not show myself in public..

    pimples I have also had, maybe two a week and takes it as a good sign..

  14. anouar :


    pre-op is there also..





    from what I've read me to, then you should only move up to 1500 grafts at a time with FUE and that there are greater chances of the grafts are destroyed than with FUT.

    when that is said, I can understand you are nervous, here seven months after i would be nervous too .. but I do think it looks like you have a lot of small thin hair's coming? maybe it's just the picture that cheat .. but i understand you're nervous I would be .. maybe someone wiser can come with their view

  15. ok thanks, i will continue to use it, but in which dosage?

    I am currently taking 2.5mg of finasteride. (dr reddys finast) which ive been taking for a few weeks (before i was taking 1.25mg) but i decided to increase the dosage. Should i stick to 2.5 or go back to 1.25 ? Does the drugs affectiveness increase with the amount taken?



    There is made studies where given large doses of finasteride (over 80 mg) in both single dose and multiple doses. There were no reported side effects, and there is nothing in the way of continued use of Finasteride 5 mg divided in the fourth


    In relation to this issue is worth mentioning that this does not help further hair loss to use more than 1.25 mg / 1 mg of finasteride per day, and you should therefore continue to divide into four


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