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Posts posted by matwiz

  1. Armani has become arrogant lately. He may think that I am impressed by his world wide advertisement. As a matter of fact - that scares me - because all this cost money and guess who pays for his overhead - the patients.


    His consultants dont have a clue what you need for your transplant - they dont even look at your HEAD to analyze your grafts - they "categorize" with the number of grafts and its corresponding costs: For example:


    1000 grafts = $14K +


    I have had 5 transplants in my life and I don't need this much - all I asked was temple closure and since this is NOT MAKING HIM SO MUCH MONEY, he and his "consultants" decided to IGNORE me. Someone needs to tell the Ontario College of Physicians of his "business" practice of just tending to those whom he could rake in $$$ than help them....

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