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Posts posted by super8mm

  1. Yes I meant my hair has thinned out after seven months. But I don't see any hair loss with my eyes.

    I recently had a hair cut to short. And thats exactly my sides are now, there is no misleading. If I had my hair grown, they would cover my sides better just like in 7 months pictures. My sides might not have good donor hair but my backside of head has.

    Taking pictures outside this time and inside last time is just a timely decision. I don't have any intention to mislead anyone. This is exactly how I look under sunlight. No tricks at all.

    Am I satisfied? considering my original baldness I am satisfied, but I am expecting more just like any other hair-greedy person.

  2. The description is accurate. I had my surgery in June 2008.

    My 7 months pictures were taken inside room under regular interior light.

    10 months pictures were taken outside under sunlight. Thats why they are more clearer than 7 months pics.

    I am sure lighting does make lot of difference, but I feel little thin than 7 months. Thats exactly why I have taken pictures outside this time, because I want to see very clear pictures.

    Anyways if I put comparison aside and just concentrate on the current results, these are pictures of current state.


    Numbness is not gone yet but I think it is getting better slowly.

  3. Bill,

    I am really happy about my results. I dont feel like bald anymore.


    You are right, my expectations are little too high, but I am still in waiting period, I should be waiting for entire results patiently. Especially when I see my rear view of head, it remains me my waiting period.


    Overall I am really happy with Dr.Hasson's work. He changed my bald life icon_smile.gif He did an excellent job, no doubt about it.


    May be it is a different topic that I am loosing more hair when I am applying hair gel. I am sure it is native hair but I feel like I am loosing everywhere. I stopped using hair gel though. And now I don't see much hair loss. I am not sure why it is related to hair gel.


    Secondly, I am little worried about numbness though, it is getting better, but I still feel like I am left with 40% numbness(60% numbness is gone I think).

    Again it is also a waiting issue I think, I need to wait for one year or what ever the time period to feel the normal head.

  4. Justgrow,

    You are right about before and after pics. I am really happy about it. I am in India now, and everyone here is so amazed with Dr.Hasson's work.


    I should have been more clear about "losing hair", I think I am loosing native hair naturally, especially when I am applying hair gel I am loosing more, I don't know why it is happening with hair gel, so I stopped using hair gel.


    And I think I need to be more patient to see the whole results, right now it looks like a full head except rear view. Even rear view is getting better.

  5. Hi, I have been traveling a lot, and have not got a chance to update photos. Here are my 7 months update, the photos are taken with Iphone, so they are not clear enough. I have mixed feelings about results. One day I feel great, and sometimes I feel like I am loosing more hair. What do you think about growth? And I still have numbness, when would I don't feel any numbness and get my actual head back? I will try to update more clear pictures. Thanks.



  6. Hi, I have been traveling a lot, and have not got a chance to update photos. Here are my 7 months update, the photos are taken with Iphone, so they are not clear enough. I have mixed feelings about results. One day I feel great, and sometimes I feel like I am loosing more hair. What do you think about growth? And I still have numbness, when would I don't feel any numbness and get my actual head back? I will try to update more clear pictures. Thanks.



  7. Thanks everyone for your input.


    I been traveling lately, so did not get a chance to replay.


    I stopped propecia because of side effects, more over I am not comfortable with the concept of taking meds for forever. It might sound like a superstition but thats how I am. I need to get rid of my superstitions :-)


    Now I decided to start propecia at-least for an year. I started propercia two weeks before again, I have been taking one pill every 72 hours. It might not be that effective in this way. But I want to try this for an year.


    I stopped using Rogaine totally. Just want to stick with propecia.




  8. Here are the photos of my 4 months post HT.




    Please comment what you think. I am excited to see the results, but lately I am feeling like I am loosing some hair, when I am applying Rogaine, I can see that lost hair is sticking on my hand.


    I am on and off with Rogaine, not consistent, but lately I am applying Rogaine atlest 5 days a week. I took Propecia for 3 months consistently, but I stopped it for almost 3 weeks or so. But that should not impact my transplanted hair, may be I am loosing native hair, but I why lately? any thoughts?




    5400 Grafts performed by DR. VICTOR HASSON

  9. Here are the photos of my 4 months post HT.




    Please comment what you think. I am excited to see the results, but lately I am feeling like I am loosing some hair, when I am applying Rogaine, I can see that lost hair is sticking on my hand.


    I am on and off with Rogaine, not consistent, but lately I am applying Rogaine atlest 5 days a week. I took Propecia for 3 months consistently, but I stopped it for almost 3 weeks or so. But that should not impact my transplanted hair, may be I am loosing native hair, but I why lately? any thoughts?




    5400 Grafts performed by DR. VICTOR HASSON

  10. As I mentioned in my earlier posts I had HT done in July last week. After 4 weeks or so, I observed bunch of grey hairs among native hairs but not in transplanted area.


    I am 36 but did not have any grey hair so far, but all of the sudden after 4 weeks of HT, I observed quite a few in native hair area. This might be not related to HT, but since it happened after HT I was little worried, it might be just an age factor.


    Has anyone experienced similar kind of problem, please let me know.

  11. As I mentioned in my earlier posts I had HT done in July last week. After 4 weeks or so, I observed bunch of grey hairs among native hairs but not in transplanted area.


    I am 36 but did not have any grey hair so far, but all of the sudden after 4 weeks of HT, I observed quite a few in native hair area. This might be not related to HT, but since it happened after HT I was little worried, it might be just an age factor.


    Has anyone experienced similar kind of problem, please let me know.

  12. Hi Joe,

    You are my man, thanks much my friend, thanks for all your support.


    Yes, Dr.Hasson did an excellent job, am happy with the whole process.

    Right now my eyes are swollen like bulbs though :-)


    My brother is very supportive, after surgery he drove me back to Portland, he has lot of patience. It is all team work, buddy!.

  13. Bill,

    Your phone conversations have been very helpful in my HT journey. I really appreciate your support.

    I did send pics to your personal email, could you please upload them for me in this thread.



    I did not realize about "bragging about extra free grafts". I just wanted to express my gratefulness to doctor and others. I would have done that offline, but I did not mean to make any exaggerations.


    And as we all know, final graft count will be known only when they complete cutting all grafts from the strip. Sometimes we are lucky to get more grafts from the strip.

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