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Posts posted by melor

  1. How Laser Hair Removal works


    A laser emits an invisible beam that penetrates the skin around the hair. Because of the dark pigments in the hair, the energy from the laser is absorbed into the hair. The energy from the laser converts into heat, damaging the function of the hair, and the ability for the follicle to grow hair.


    Why Laser Hair Removal?


    Laser hair removal is a fast and effective way to remove hair. It can treat large areas rapidly. Over a period of time all the targeted hair becomes deteriorated and the hair ceases to grow.


    How often do I have to get the laser hair removal procedure done?


    An (indicative) number of sessions


    Intervals in between each session




    6 sessions


    2-3 months


    Upper lip


    6 sessions


    1,5-2,5 months




    5 sessions


    2 months




    4 sessions


    2-3 months




    4 sessions


    2-4 months




    4 sessions


    2-3 months




    6 sessions


    2-3 months




    4 sessions


    2-2,5 months




    4 sessions


    2-4 months




    4 sessions


    2-3 months


    Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?


    Laser hair removal, while safe when done correctly can cause the skin to burn. The energy from the laser is targeted by color. Darker colors attract more of the laser's energy. This becomes a problem for people who's skin color is close to the color of their hair. The laser energy is no longer just absorbed into the hair follicle, but is absorbed into the skin as well, which can cause burning, scarring and damage.


    The larger the difference or contrast between the color and your skin, the better a candidate you are for laser hair removal.


    What areas can I treat with Laser Hair Removal?


    Any area on the body is treatable, except for close to the eye area. The most common area are the face, upper lip, chest, periareolar, underarms, back, chest, abdomen, bikini area, and legs.


    The difference between Laser hair removal and pulsed light treatment


    Pulsed light treatment is not actually a form of laser. Using intense high energy light it produces the same effect as laser hair removal. These devices are harder to adjust to each patient's skin and hair type and therefore require larger expertise to use than laser hair removal.


    Adverse reactions to laser hair removal


    The worst case scenario with laser hair removal is damage to the surrounding skin. This can result in pigment changes in the skin. Skin may become lighter or darker. Change in skin color is usually temporary and fades after a few months. The darker one's skin is the more susceptible they are to adverse reactions when undergoing laser hair removal.(promotional links removed)

  2. Would you like to know how to conquer your hair loss problem?


    Well, here are the 5 critical steps that have been followed by every single guy who has ever conquered their hair loss problem...


    LISTEN TO ME: If you want to conquer your hair loss, then what do you think you need to do?


    That's right, YOU MUST follow these same steps. There is no question about it...


    So, without further ado, here goes...


    Critical Step #1: YOU MUST understand why YOUR hair loss is occuring. Otherwise, to put it politely ? You have no hope!


    Critical Step #2: YOU MUST be equipped with the most powerful treatments and techniques on the planet. This is not any easy task ? sifting through hundreds of scam treatments to find one or two "real deal" treatments is like finding a needle in a haystack...


    Critical Step #3: YOU MUST develop a treatment regime. A treatment regime is a combination approach towards hair loss. See, if you just take 1 approach, you'll be throwing all your eggs in one basket! You also need to choose treatments that you are personally comfortable with using. There are upsides and downsides to every treatment...


    Critical Step #4: YOU MUST develop a plan of action, and decide which treatments to include in your regime. Then you need to get hold of these treatments at reasonable prices. And boy, there is a gigantic range in prices for the same ingredients!


    Critical Step #5: YOU MUST commit to a plan and then find an effective way to track your results. It's the only way that you'll know whether your treatment regime is working...



    The bottom line? Conquering your hair loss problem will take a little effort, but believe me, its worth it...


    Dave Klein is the author of The Ultimate Hair Loss Solution. (promotional links removed)

  3. Female hair loss is often overlooked as hair loss seem to afflict more males than females. Many people believe it just doesn't happen, but it does. The effects on a woman are devastating. Much emphasis has been placed on the physical looks of a woman that when she begins to lose her hair, it is traumatic to her self esteem. There are some good options to help a woman who is losing her hair. Most of the treatment methods are just for hair loss remedy and prevention. In certain cases, these hair loss remedies may not be effective. Many women in these situations would want to get back the hair they have lost. No one likes to wear a wig everyday. That is where the option of surgery comes in.


    In a hair transplant surgery, there are two ways hair is replaced. Depending on how the hair is lost, the methods can be follicle transplant or larger area transplant. In a follicle type, transplant individual hairs are transplanted to the thinning areas. In the other method, flaps of skin containing live hair are transplanted. Each method ends with the same desired result of replacing lost hair.


    It is important to find out if hair transplant can meet your needs and be the answer to your hair loss. If you lose hair mainly from the top of your head then you have experienced the correctable form of hair loss. This is because the areas where you have not lost hair can be donor areas for the hair to be transplanted with little worry that they will grow once transplanted. The second type of hair loss is a thinning throughout the entire head and this way can not be corrected through surgery.


    Hair transplant surgery is not always the answer for everyone. Some may have to have multiple surgeries to get the desired results. Deciding if you are a candidate for hair loss should be discussed between you and your doctor.


    Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her site includes information on hair loss treatment, female hair loss, male hair loss, cause of hair loss, natural hair loss remedy and hair care.By Kathlene Capelle tips (promotional links removed)

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