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Posts posted by endoftherope

  1. Does anybody else take comfort in the fact that Larry David is so open about his hairloss and the torture he's experienced from it? Sometimes I wish I had the strength to find the humor in my own baldness and keep on going. When I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm I always end up feeling better about loosing my hair. God bless that guy.

  2. Does anybody else take comfort in the fact that Larry David is so open about his hairloss and the torture he's experienced from it? Sometimes I wish I had the strength to find the humor in my own baldness and keep on going. When I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm I always end up feeling better about loosing my hair. God bless that guy.

  3. Just curious. I have very, very blonde hair. Is the scar more visible through light colored hair than dark? I am more than likely going to go with Hasson and Wong so I know the scar will be minimal. But does hair color matter in the cover up?


    I've only seen a handful of blonde pics on this board and I was wondering if there's a big difference in the HT results.

  4. Just curious. I have very, very blonde hair. Is the scar more visible through light colored hair than dark? I am more than likely going to go with Hasson and Wong so I know the scar will be minimal. But does hair color matter in the cover up?


    I've only seen a handful of blonde pics on this board and I was wondering if there's a big difference in the HT results.

  5. So I've been saving my money so I can get a HT at Hasson and Wong next summer, and I was wondering if I'm forgetting any expenses.


    Hasson and Wong quoted me $15,250 for 4500 grafts which they hope will be possible. I'm 29 years old and have a NW 6 with some residual hairs hanging on (sigh).


    There is a 6% GST which is $915 and brings the total to $16,165 (BIG sigh).


    I'm guessing the airfare will be around $500 round trip with H&W covering $250 of that.


    That brings my total to $16,415.


    Are there any expenses I am forgetting?


    Medication expenses? Staple removal? Also, H&W covers two days at the Granville Island Hotel. Do people generally stay longer than two days for recovery?

  6. So I've been saving my money so I can get a HT at Hasson and Wong next summer, and I was wondering if I'm forgetting any expenses.


    Hasson and Wong quoted me $15,250 for 4500 grafts which they hope will be possible. I'm 29 years old and have a NW 6 with some residual hairs hanging on (sigh).


    There is a 6% GST which is $915 and brings the total to $16,165 (BIG sigh).


    I'm guessing the airfare will be around $500 round trip with H&W covering $250 of that.


    That brings my total to $16,415.


    Are there any expenses I am forgetting?


    Medication expenses? Staple removal? Also, H&W covers two days at the Granville Island Hotel. Do people generally stay longer than two days for recovery?

  7. I didn't take stock in what random people were writing in forums. Yes, the complaints sparked my interest, but what truly got my attention were the scientific studies available that supported those complaints. Oddly enough, many of the studies I found online have suddenly disappeared.


    The rat trials, though not as strong as human trials, do have some weight. They were given large amounts of finasteride because that is how the scientific community measures the long term effects of a drug. For example, instead of monitoring a subject for 100 years using 1 MG a day, they'll monitor the subject for 10 years at 10 MG a day. It's not perfect, but it's the only way to get a drug to market without actually spending 100 years testing it.


    I do agree with a lot of what JW has stated and because of his post, I am going to continue looking into this.

  8. JW-


    I am grateful for your post and am very interested in everything you had to say. This is a discussion forum and it's important to express all sides to an argument. In fact, I love this forum because people actually DISCUSS things here with a civil tone.


    I began my research because I randomly stumbled across some online posts reporting a reduction in penis size using Propecia. My intent is not to scare anyone, but to simply post my findings on that particular subject.


    I am a firm believer that artificially altering the body's hormonal balance always has consequences. And I do not trust the pharmaceutical industry to properly research and publish those consequences.


    I have always taken it upon myself to thoroughly research every drug I put into my body, ESPECIALLY if it is a drug I plan to use for life. The FDA is too busy to catch every flaw in every substance dumped on their desk and a single doctor's word is not enough for me. In this day and age, you're hard pressed to find a doctor that can keep up with every new turn in the pharmaceutical business. There are simply too many drugs on the market and it is too difficult to catch the problems in all of them.


    I appreciate the fact that you took action to refute my post. I will try and track down human trials to further support my evidence. I will also speak to some University professors and a handful of urologists to corroborate that evidence.


    Let's hope you are right and I am wrong!

  9. DHT is the hormone that drives the penile spongy tissue (sinusoids) to grow, to repair, and to erect. Penis size is determined by DHT's concentration in the spongy tissues and capillaries, the Acetylcholine/NO level in the penile parasympathetic nerves and endings, as well as cardiovascular pumping.


    Any drugs which drop the DHT production in the penile tissues will weaken your erection and shrink your penis, and yes an increase in DHT production will result in a larger penis. DHT is a superhormone that stimulates the prostate to enlarge and stimulates muscles to grow. DHT helps you grow everything in your body except the hair on your head!


    Teenage boys going through puberty reach their maximum penile size when their DHT level reaches its peak in their life. As they pass the ages of 30-35 or enter their midlife, their penises start to shrink due to a drop of DHT or a disorder of penile arterial Hemodilation.


    Also, DHT plays an important role in orgasm and libido. Orgasm is a sympathetic nervous function driven by a burst of dopamine-adrenalin conversion in conjunction with the burst of testosterone-DHT conversion, where dopamine is the orgasmic fire and testosterone is the fuel. Upon achieving orgasm, your penis will reach its maximum size during lovemaking due to the abrupt peaking of the DHT level in your penile spongy tissues or bloodstream.


    As a result, if excessive DHT is produced and/or trapped in the wrong places for the wrong reasons, the prostate will enlarge or over-heat, cause premature ejaculation, and the penis will shrink due to deficiency of DHT in the penile spongy tissue. Finasteride reduces the body's DHT levels which shrinks the prostrate and shrinks other things as well!!!


    Any medication or street drugs blocking the testosterone- DHT conversion and the beta receptors sites, promoting the excessive dopamine-adrenalin conversion will shrink the penis, sooner or later.


    Here are some documents on DHT rat trials. Oddly enough, a great deal of information concerning the roles of finasteride and DHT in penis and muscle size have been disappearing from the net lately.






    Will EVERYONE suffer a shrunken penis due to Propecia? No. Absolutely not. People react differently to different medications and everyone's horomone levels are unique.

  10. Originally posted by endoftherope:

    I am mostly interested in NW5-NW6's since that is what I am. If I get the procedure, I want to know exactly what to expect when I get out of the shower, go swimming in public, or get caught in the rain.


    Spex, I appreciate your help but you had alot more hair going into the procedure than I'm going to have so your pics don't really apply to my situation. Thanks though.


    Are there any NW6's that can post pictures of their wet HT?

  11. I am mostly interested in NW5-NW6's since that is what I am. If I get the procedure, I want to know exactly what to expect when I get out of the shower, go swimming in public, or get caught in the rain.


    Spex, I appreciate your help but you had alot more hair going into the procedure than I'm going to have so your pics don't really apply to my situation. Thanks though.


    Are there any NW5-6's that can post pictures of their wet HT?

  12. My information was not pulled from askapatient but actual scientific studies during both human trials and rat trials. Askapatient simply verified these findings in the real world (which is I why I posted the link). I always perfer to hear real world feedback.


    Give me a day or two and I will compile all my research and provide links to the information that is available online. My sources are credible.


    Really, it shouldn't be much of a surprise that finasteride shrinks the penil glands and the penis itself. One of the drug's original objectives is to help shrink the prostate.

  13. I've been doing some research on Propecia and have been finding some disturbing stuff concerning the importance of DHT and the penis. It seems that DHT is the hormone that drives the penile spongy tissue (sinusoids) to grow, to repair and to erect.


    The penile size is determined by the DHT receptors and concentration in the spongy tissues and capillaries, the Acetylcholine/NO level in the penile parasympathetic nerves/endings, and cardiovascular pumping.


    When you inhibit DHT, your DHT receptors die, the DHT level in your penile tissues drops, or your parasympathetic nervous function produces insufficient Nitrus Oxide in the nervous endings of the arteries, and your penis shrinks.


    Any drugs which drop the DHT production in the penile tissues will weaken your erection and shrink your penis.


    Read the reviews Propecia has received on this site:




    (by the way, this site is great to read before you take any drug)

  14. Hi there. I am currently waiting for my online consultation with Hasson and Wong to be processed and in the meantime am considering going and getting a live, personal consulation.


    Can anyone recommend a brilliant surgeon in or around the Southern/Central United States? It seems like most of the recommended doctors are up North. I live in Oklahoma so it'd be nice to find someone down South or around the Central U.S. to talk to in person.



  15. We do not believe in promoting any particular Doctor, or product on our site.


    I want to listen to what you have to say, but I'm afraid this statement simply isn't true. The "Interviews" section of your website is essentially a promotional tool for some herbal vitamin hairloss remedy called RK19. I would suggest removing that from your site if you wish to maintain any credibility.


    I think websites like yours are very important but as soon as I see any sort of consumer product/service being touted I become instantly skeptical of that site's motivations.

  16. Again, I really appreciate everyone's responses and opinions. BrianF, your input was refreshing and humorous but I can understand why it illicited a bad response from some readers. Needless to say, it didn't bother me much because I'd like to get as many opinions as I can before leaping into this thing and the more straight forward and honest they are, the better. I might not agree with all of them, but it's very helpful to see this decision from as many perspectives as possible.


    In response to Alexander's question...


    Women don't know about my hairloss because I wear a hat. I've been wearing a hat for ten years now. That's why it's a surprise when women find out I'm loosing my hair and that's why they back away slowly. I know it's best to loose the hat so there's no surprises for women later, but whenever I do that, I find that I have no luck with women what-so-ever. I always end up taking a back seat to my friends.


    Right now I generally pursue women around 2 - 6 years younger than me which means they are about 27 - 23 years of age. Any younger than that and they tend to be way too immature for me to tolerate (even 23-24 is stretching it). I have dated mature women in their early thirties, but the problem with mature women is that they have already had their fun in the sack and tend to hold off FOREVER. Not that I'm pursuing them solely to have sex, but please understand, I missed out on my late teens and 20's. Hell, I was a virgin until 25. Dammit, I want to fool around while I'm developing the relationship. I've still got some youth left. This is my last chance to go out and experience it so I can put all my questions and fantasies BEHIND ME.


    I'm not a shallow person and I don't ask much. I just want to experience life the way so many other guys have. Judging by the attention I get when I'm wearing my hat versus when I'm not, a hair transplant looks like it might be the answer for me. I've just always been too afraid to pursue it.


    As for being bald, confident, and proud, as I stated before, I simply don't look good bald. This is not a matter of harsh self criticism. It is a simple fact. I am extremely pale. My eyebrows and eyelashes are so pale that they are hard to see (which is odd because my hair is a dirty reddish blonde). Without hair on my head I look almost completely hairless altogether.


    I do think women can be attracted to bald men. I really do. But some guys just don't look good bald and unfortunately, I'm one of those guys. Sometimes I wish sexual attraction didn't matter at all, but it kind of does. I once tried dating a woman I wasn't sexually attracted to and I felt like I was living a lie. I know sex isn't the driving force of true love, but it is definitely a piece of the puzzle.


    By the way... thanks for the link Brian. That is exactly what I was looking for. Slick's skin color, hair loss, density, and coloration is very similar to my own. If anyone else has any links to HTs on extremely pale skin, I'd like to see them. Thanks!

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