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life in the glen

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Posts posted by life in the glen

  1. The reason i'm writing this to you is that I feel for you. You asked for some friendly advice, and you got some stupid response from someone named $$clown. probably an appropriate login name for this guy !! You're right, we all have our reasons for doing a ht, and being concerned about hair loss. Having a hp, and then opening up on this website, really puts you "out there" to everybody. What kind of a question is "are you a male prostitute". good lord. I had a ht 6 weeks ago, and have gone thru the gamit of emotions, probably like you. I have accepted my decision as one that will bring what it brings, and I'm ok with that. I can't really respond to your questions regarding your concerns, other than to say that I have had them too. I went through what I thought was shock loss, my thin top suddenly looked thinner one day. But it looks better now. The donor scar is still tight, i'm wondering if and when that will go away. if it doesn't, then so be it, i'm still the same guy. I have to admit, tho, i do fret about my hair the same as i did before the ht, but now feel if it works, great, if not, what the heck. Actually, I think making the decision to have a ht can help you accept your condition ultimately maybe better than you could before. I might have got off topic, but I read your post,a genuine reaching out to your comrades, and then saw this response and felt I must say something. I would caution you to avoid feeling that your hair situation caused your losing jobs, unless you are attempting to land hair commercials. So, you may be going thru shock loss, the propecia takes a while, as I understand, 6 months (?) Probably the best approach toward hair loss is acceptance, but if it can be improved upon, great. HT's are really for our own self confidence, anyway. I have an incredible wife, 5 children, have been married for 23 years, and have been receding/thinning/going bald for most of those years. Yet, somehow, my wife married me, I have enjoyed my professional life, and have made it this far. Hang in there, and give everything time.

  2. Question concerning hair growth in the weeks following surgery. What should I expect? I'm almost afraid to ask, because I've got these great, smallish (1/2") little hairs where nothing was there 18 days ago (days since surgery.;I've been hoping that maybe my donor area consists of some sort of super strain of hair. Is this possible, can these little hairs stay? I need some experienced HT guys comments here.


    I've been searching the site trying to find some consistent agreement about when the shedding of these "relocated" follicles should have occurred, or will occur, hoping I'm safe. Has anyone kept the new growth. I think realistically I'm bucking the odds, but I just want them to stay, you know. Any help ????

    By the way, these "relocated" hairs are in an area where there was some minimal fine hair to begin with.


    I just reread this and think I sound obsessive. Oh well, I guess this wouldn't be the first obsessive post on this site, would it.

  3. Question concerning hair growth in the weeks following surgery. What should I expect? I'm almost afraid to ask, because I've got these great, smallish (1/2") little hairs where nothing was there 18 days ago (days since surgery.;I've been hoping that maybe my donor area consists of some sort of super strain of hair. Is this possible, can these little hairs stay? I need some experienced HT guys comments here.


    I've been searching the site trying to find some consistent agreement about when the shedding of these "relocated" follicles should have occurred, or will occur, hoping I'm safe. Has anyone kept the new growth. I think realistically I'm bucking the odds, but I just want them to stay, you know. Any help ????

    By the way, these "relocated" hairs are in an area where there was some minimal fine hair to begin with.


    I just reread this and think I sound obsessive. Oh well, I guess this wouldn't be the first obsessive post on this site, would it.

  4. I have had such a great time pouring over the posts on this incredible web site over the last three months, specifically the forum. We have the technoguys (I'm not going to mention names, we all know who they are), the naysayers (ditto), the surgeon worshipers (ditto), the sceptical (ditto), and probably a ton of guys like me that are just researchers, looking for solutions. We're just cool guys that have been given crappy hairlines that have been waiting for a great cure to come along to do something about it(our crappy hairlines). We are successful in our lives and our families, but if we could do it our way, we would have an appearance (that includes hair) that reflects our mental state. I, by the way, am 54, going on probably 35. So, after finding this site, and reading posts concerning FU's, FUE's, minis, micros, coverage/sqcm, follicular density, enjoying the banter between certain doctors and web site developers, etc, etc., etc., I decided that the technology had reached my comfort level, so I took the plunge (last Friday). Kept my hairline high, basically planted within my existing hair site, did a little on the crown,(if you must know, 2100 fu's total, strip method) and now, a week after surgery, feel, without a doubt, it was a great decision.


    So, why a hair transplant, anyway ??? Because we know we're better looking than our hairline would lead others to believe at first sight, and we're willing to do something about it, or the technology has finally caught up with us, after research and soulsearch. OR, we just really needed a change, or whatever !! My wife thinks the new fuzz is quite becoming, by the way. We've been married 23 years, with 5 kids.


    I want to thank all you guys for being a part of this site. It's really fascinating what goes on here. I've sort of gotten hooked. My congratulations to Pat on a web site concept who's time is here, and a great ability to draw an honest cross section of intelligent guys to share information.

  5. I have had such a great time pouring over the posts on this incredible web site over the last three months, specifically the forum. We have the technoguys (I'm not going to mention names, we all know who they are), the naysayers (ditto), the surgeon worshipers (ditto), the sceptical (ditto), and probably a ton of guys like me that are just researchers, looking for solutions. We're just cool guys that have been given crappy hairlines that have been waiting for a great cure to come along to do something about it(our crappy hairlines). We are successful in our lives and our families, but if we could do it our way, we would have an appearance (that includes hair) that reflects our mental state. I, by the way, am 54, going on probably 35. So, after finding this site, and reading posts concerning FU's, FUE's, minis, micros, coverage/sqcm, follicular density, enjoying the banter between certain doctors and web site developers, etc, etc., etc., I decided that the technology had reached my comfort level, so I took the plunge (last Friday). Kept my hairline high, basically planted within my existing hair site, did a little on the crown,(if you must know, 2100 fu's total, strip method) and now, a week after surgery, feel, without a doubt, it was a great decision.


    So, why a hair transplant, anyway ??? Because we know we're better looking than our hairline would lead others to believe at first sight, and we're willing to do something about it, or the technology has finally caught up with us, after research and soulsearch. OR, we just really needed a change, or whatever !! My wife thinks the new fuzz is quite becoming, by the way. We've been married 23 years, with 5 kids.


    I want to thank all you guys for being a part of this site. It's really fascinating what goes on here. I've sort of gotten hooked. My congratulations to Pat on a web site concept who's time is here, and a great ability to draw an honest cross section of intelligent guys to share information.

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