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Posts posted by Artman502

  1. I dunno about those yardsales. Two good friends have used it for a litle under 2 months and are already seeing results, I've done the first week. Nothing yet but I really believe this hair rejuvenator laser therapy works, hopefully the results will tell me the same. I'll keep the updates comin.

  2. wanthairs, how long did you use the hair rejuvenator?? My friend has been doing it for a couple months and is seeing improvement/pretty happy with it. I hope the same will apply for me, how did you use the settings?

  3. I have been trying to find a way to deal with my receding hairline and have finally found one. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a new method of stimulating hair growth that's been used in Europe for some time and is just starting to gain popularity in the states.


    I looked at several over-the-counter products and found one Laser comb/ Laser brush that tops all the others. It's called the Hair Rejuvenator, it uses photon energy to stimulate the cells on top of one's head, this causes better circulation on top of your head and a general improvement in cellular dynamics.


    It's better than the rest because it has 9 actual lasers (as opposed to 9 split beams form 1 Laser), it uses the clinically approved wavelength for improving cellular dynamics, 650nm), it's cordless, and it has adjustable settings for people with different hair types.


    I've talked to several people that say they've had great results and am starting treatment soon myself, their website is www.hairrejuvenator.com. Has anyone else heard of this Laser brush?

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