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Posts posted by mil

  1. I had 1500 fues done by Epstein 3 months ago and being female, I totally understand your situation. I'm really happy with his work. I've started to see some growth and I'm going to have him do mre in the future. I researched him with the help of this forum. I almost went to someone else but thankfully I didn't.

    I'll be glad to answer any questiond you may have

  2. I had been to many consults before going with Epstein. All the drs said I had good donor hair which isn't always the case with women. My crown is thinning so I'll need another round. If that doesn't work, maybe I'll check out a wig eventually. I've seen actresses who wear them and they do look natural.

  3. I had my procedure with Epstein April 26 and am waiting for the growth. I'll need another procedure because he just addresses my temple area and front of head. I need more coverage on the crown. I had 1500fus and thought that would be enough.I think he's really good and my Derm checked me out and said "good job"

  4. Dr Jeffery Epstein in NYC.I don't have any photos but he took befores and when I return in 6 months for the post photos, I'll post them. How do I determine the Norwood scale?

    It's been 2 days and fortunately my hair covers the temple area so the grafts aren't noticable and the donor hair is covered. I will want to have another session done for the top of my head. He could only do part of the crown. He did and excellent job of filling the in temple area. Only one critique is that on one side it's too sharp, not rounded(female style)but it only needs a couple grafts to fix. No biggie.

    I'm not swollen or sore. I feel like an addict - I want more done! But back to reality and that is to deal with the waiting time.

  5. I had my procedure yesterday with Epstein and I know it's early But I'm delighted! He and his staff were friendly and caring. I was in there from 9-1 or so and had approx 1500#. I can see all the grafts in the temple and hairline area and they look well done. He did tell me that there's a possibility for more eventually. Now the waiting period begins. I just wanted to thanks this incredible site!!!

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