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Ken belanger

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Posts posted by Ken belanger

  1. Why not rub rogaine on it?


    That's supposed to increase blood flow.


    There is a story about a guy who's scalp was to tight from MPR's and his plugs would not grow.


    Did you have any MPRs?


    the story is on this web page. He is an Bosley patient:



    Plugs won't grow story


    I don't know if it will help in anyway, but it gives you an idea of someone who had a similar problem.

  2. You can, but it's tough. If he has good lawyers, he had you sign most of your rights away.


    And, in a lot of cases the best you can do is get your money back and maybe a few legal fees.


    Sorry but that's about it.


    In my opinion, the best thing to do is post his name and your pictures on-line as many places as possible. That way any person who does a search on his name has a good chance of finding out about what he did to you.



    Ken icon_frown.gif


    P.S. If you want to annoy him and try a little public embarrassment for him, take him to small claims court.

  3. It will take you several months to realize that you may have just got it in the ass. Most people who go to bosley, no matter who the doctor is, do.


    You may be the exception. If you want I can e-mail you some of my e-mails from

    Bosley customers. I collect them. I own one of the close down Bosley websites.


    Knowone ever said they don't use lube when they give it to you. They can be very gentle.


    My understanding is you need to sue within a year from surgery. For alot of guys

    that's when they realize Bosley just ripped them off, too late to sue. That's why

    most end up at their state's attorney general's office, instead.


    Good luck, post pictures.


    P.S. You know what they say about advice?


    "Wisemen don't need it and fools don't heed it."


    P.S.S. At least you didn't go to Dr. Paul Straub.


    P.S.S.S. I got to tell you one more thing you should know about Bosley and his personal training. He trains his staff and doctors to recommend surgery as early as possible suggesting the minimum amount of graphs.


    He does this for two reason (this is documented by the California Attorney General):


    1. Once they get you started, they know you won't like the work, not enough hair, and you will have to come back for more,(sounds like what they may have done to you). This is just on the initial work.


    Their sales people's goals are to "get you in the chair", once there it's up to the doctor to milk your wallet.


    2. They know you will continue to lose hair, so once started, you will have to continually go back to them for more work. I read in one report that over a 10 year period, they were able to take this one guy for close to a $100,000.


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on December 08, 2003 at 05:24 PM.]

  4. What about my other questions? Please, I really would like you input.


    I have nothing to gage my progress against. The doctors I talked with don't know crap. Most of them just want to find out what I am using.


    Your growth sounds close to mine. I beg you really. Please, please answer the other questions. I am serious.


    Ken icon_frown.gif


    See with the subject "BaldBozo" below this one.

  5. The top of my head is growing well. It's totally filling in.


    I am more used to it now. That is the difference.

    I have moments were I even take it for granted-- then I hit myself upside the head and remember what I looked like 9 months ago.


    The dormant forehead follicles are growing slow, but growing. I would like them to grow quicker but I don't have control over that.


    If you look casually at my forehead now, you can actually see the outline of the hair line I had when I was 18. If you look real close you can see it no problem.


    P.S. I started putting rogaine on one side of my forehead two days ago, per arfy's suggestion. It's been two days, and it looks like the rogaine side in growing quicker. It may be wishfull thinking, time will tell.


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on December 05, 2003 at 10:14 AM.]

  6. Last week I started exercising again, about 4 times a week.


    The hairgrowth on my forehead has picked up over the last couple days. Still real slow, just not real, real slow.


    Makes me wonder if its the stuff in my blood stream that is stimulating the growth. More exercise more blood flow.


    Any opinions?

  7. Last week I started exercising again, about 4 times a week.


    The hairgrowth on my forehead has picked up over the last couple days. Still real slow, just not real, real slow.


    Makes me wonder if its the stuff in my blood stream that is stimulating the growth. More exercise more blood flow.


    Any opinions?

  8. O.K. here is my opinion.


    But remember, I like coming here. This is the only forum that I do my best not offend others.


    My opinion may offed others sorry icon_frown.gif


    Here goes:




    Knowone knows how much hair you will lose in the end.


    The HT won't stop your hairloss and may accelerate it.


    Your HT will take about a year or two to look O.K. During that time you will still lose hair.


    As you continue to bald, the hair on your sides get's thinner, this means your HT hair will also get thinner.


    As you continue to lose hair, 10 years from now, you will look a lot worse then when you started, and you will have no donor hair left. This assumes the HT doc does a good job.


    That's the gamble a lot of guy lose. In most cases they end up worse off then when they started.


    That's it.

  9. You said any Feedback is appreciated so....


    My feedback is don't do it. If you want more of this opinion, you can e-mail me at hair@ByteShark.com.**


    But, it looks like you will anyway.


    You have choosen the best good luck.


    **My opinion is based on my personal experience with HT, and has nothing to do with any wonder drugs I may be using.++++


    ++++ Feel free to e-mail at hair@ByteShark.com if you also want my opinion on "any wonder drugs" I may be using.


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on December 04, 2003 at 06:04 PM.]

  10. I guess you are Butchered?


    Do you read other's post to you? If your story is true, then you are obsessed. Go get professional help now. Go get prozaic.


    If you don't snap out of it, you will be making the next major mistake in your life. One that can end up much worse than where you are now.


    All is not lost. I have been right where you are.

    Look, read some of my other post. My story, including where I am now is true.



    Even if my "miracle grow" would not work for you, the world is that much closer to finding a total cure.


    I have had the best times and sex in my life, after I was butchered by Dr. Paul Straub.


    Life is not easy, if it was everybody would be doing it with no problem.


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on November 30, 2003 at 09:18 AM.]

  11. Butchered,


    Boy I feel your pain in all your post. You are worse then me, when I first started posting.


    MHR screwed you, no question. Everyone now knows.


    I have to tell you, before you got here everyone new they were as bad as Bosley, if not worse.


    Now you have a tough fight a head of you. You can let it ruin your life, or you can use that energy and go forward and make life better.


    Things can get better with your head. There are way to many success stories on this forum.


    As soon as you are done greiving, you need to start moving forward.


    If you don't start making decisions, the right decisions soon, other people will start making them for you.


    I became obsessed with what Bosley and Straub did to me. It lead me to attempted suicide.


    In the end I just couldn't do it. You sound like your are heading down that path. The deeper you dig your hole, the harder it will be to climb out, assuming you climb out.


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on November 29, 2003 at 06:18 PM.]

  12. I just read where it is impossible to grow hair

    on my 20 year old bald scalp.


    That the follicles are dead.


    Here is the URL http://www.msnbc.com/news/273623.asp?cp1=1


    Now, that being said. They are wrong.


    If anybody who reads this fly's to S.F., if I am not growing hair on a 20 year old bald scalp. I

    will pay their airfare!


    How can you prove I am growing hair? You can see it, and you can tell it's not Transplant hair no-question.


    How can you prove I was bald 20 years ago?


    If you read my post, the doctor who ripped me off 20 years ago is recommended by this site, Dr. Paul Straub. Call him up and ask him if he ripped me off while at Bosley's in 1985. Ask him if I was bald. If I was not, then why did he give me a Hair transplant Also I have pictures.


    This is a real challenge. My e-mail is hair@ByteShark.com


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on November 28, 2003 at 08:40 AM.]


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on December 05, 2003 at 03:23 PM.]

  13. I just read where it is impossible to grow hair

    on my 20 year old bald scalp.


    That the follicles are dead.


    Here is the URL http://www.msnbc.com/news/273623.asp?cp1=1


    Now, that being said. They are wrong.


    If anybody who reads this fly's to S.F., if I am not growing hair on a 20 year old bald scalp. I

    will pay their airfare!


    How can you prove I am growing hair? You can see it, and you can tell it's not Transplant hair no-question.


    How can you prove I was bald 20 years ago?


    If you read my post, the doctor who ripped me off 20 years ago is recommended by this site, Dr. Paul Straub. Call him up and ask him if he ripped me off while at Bosley's in 1985. Ask him if I was bald. If I was not, then why did he give me a Hair transplant Also I have pictures.


    This is a real challenge. My e-mail is hair@ByteShark.com


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on November 28, 2003 at 08:40 AM.]


    [This message was edited by Ken belanger on December 05, 2003 at 03:23 PM.]

  14. I think it's a sales pitch for the laser comb, nothing more.


    I should know, believe it or not, I do my best to avoid sales pitches on this site for my new "Miracle Grow" for your scalp. Really I do.


    This is the best site for HT info. around, and I would like to stick around.


    If you read some of my post, you know I got a really bad, bad HT from Bosley and Dr. Paul Straub.


    I won't go into where I am at now, because that will sound like a sales pitch.


    But I do want to say this about HT's. In my opinion, for most guys it's a really bad decision even if you get it done right.


    A HT will not stop your hairloss, an HT might look good for a year or two, then it will shed and look worse then when you started.


    There are exceptions to this, but for most guys getting an HT is the worst decision in their lives.


    Please don't hate me for saying that, but that is what I really believe.

  15. I have a question for a visiting Hair surgeon.


    If you have seen some of my postings, then you know I am now claiming to be growing hair as a result of using an OTC drug combination I developed by accident.


    Please assume for the moment it's true.


    Here are my questions:


    -- Background for question ----


    Hair follicles that have been dormant for 20 years on my head are now growing hair (my entire bald area is covered in these new hairs). The hair is thinner then my normal hair and is growing, real, real, real, slow.


    The hair is starting to look like my hair plug hair when it started to grow about 18 years ago when I had a hair tranplant (HT).


    The HT hair was originally thinner then my regular hair back then in 1985.


    My new hair, that is now growing is thinner then my regular hair and as I mentioned earlier, growing real, real, real, slow. It does seems to be growing a little quicker every week.


    -- The Questions --


    1. Do you think the speed of the new hair growth will ever equal 1/2" per month, and do you think the hair will eventually grow as thick as my regular hair?


    2. Are there currently any other drugs on the market that will cause 20 year old dormant hair follicles to grow hair? And if so, does the hair start growing thin and slow? Does the hair end up growing quicker and thicker? And how long does the whole process take?



    Please do me a favor, and don't answer if you don't believe me. I am looking for real answers to real questions.


    Ken icon_smile.gif



    P.S. I am a software programmer by trade and know very, very little about hair growth.

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