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new york

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Posts posted by new york

  1. This forum is wonderful about posting people's pictures immediately post-op and even up to one year...but I would love to see some of the people that are one year or more post some updates on how they are doing. And maybe give us some pictures. How have people been feeling now that they are a few years removed? Has it still been worthwhile? It would be great to see what people (or just their hair) look like.

  2. This has probably been asked before, so forgive me... I was wondering how consistency effects Rogaines effects. I have been using it very consistently but if the last few weeks because of moving across country and change of job I have switched it up a bit accidently. (not getting 12 hours in between applications, being less consistent with where I applied in on my head, missing a few days etc.) And now I have noticed an increase in shedding (crap!). My shedding was really under control and I am wondering if this slight and recent change could have sent me "back to the beginning" with the rogaine shed. Or I guess worse, that the Rogaine isn't working and the reason my shedding stopped before was just nature. And now it has begun again.

  3. Rumi, I have not noticed any of the sexual side effects regarding propecia. I remember that around three years ago I stopped takng it for awhile and then started back (and later added rogaine to the regimen as well) and even then, I never noticed any of the sexual side effects that others have complained about. I did however experience the initial shedding which has been well documented on this sight.

  4. Hey, I am a fairly new poster. But I have thouroughly benefited from this browsing this discussion forum...thank you all.

    My issue is this. Since I was 18 I have been convinced that I was balding, and indeed my hairline has receded very slowly since then. I am now 28 and thankfully my recession has been slow so I still have a full head of hair. Only I see the slight thinning... But I am obsessed with it because I am an actor and my livelihood is wrapped up in my hair and looks. I have been using propecia since I was 21 and rogaine and propecia for the last 2 years. As I posted earlier (thank you robert for your reply) I recently switched my routine (started putting it in back as well as front and twice a day as opposed to missing days here and there alot) during a very obsessive period and since then it SEEMS that I have been losing more hair. I lose about 20-30 hairs some days when I count them in the drain...some days less...I only recently started counting the hairs ---Years and years ago, I remember counting and seeing 20 some hairs then....So it leaves me baffled. Should I stop taking rogaine? Is it causing continual shedding? Or is my hairloss simply continuing on its normal pattern and I am just obsessing about it more? Or...has genetics kicked it up a notch and prop and rogaine don't work as well anymore....I don't know. I'm just trying to figure out if I should stop the rogaine or not... Thank you for any help...

  5. I have been using Propecia and Rogaine together for almost 2 years. Recently I started slipping off my routine alittle, and then began to notice what I thought was more thinning. So... I began twice a day again and began putting it on the crown of my head as well (most of my loss is frontal)... since beginning this new process. I have noticed a big increase in shedding. Is this something to be concerned about?

  6. I have been using Propecia and Rogaine together for almost 2 years. Recently I started slipping off my routine alittle, and then began to notice what I thought was more thinning. So... I began twice a day again and began putting it on the crown of my head as well (most of my loss is frontal)... since beginning this new process. I have noticed a big increase in shedding. Is this something to be concerned about?

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