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Posts posted by Switch

  1. Hey Guys,


    Just wanted to know what all kinds of bladness are there. Cause i think mine is pretty unique. I have lost hair from almost all the parts of the scalp. Some less and some more but from everywhere. Front/Sides/Top and even back. Now is this normal with MPB or this is something unuseual. I dont have a bald area til now but thinning from everywhere(Some major thinning on top and front still not MPB types). My hairline hasnt receded but is very thin and is intact. I have been loseing hair since a very early age. I must have been 12 or so by then(Sob sob). Just point me out to a link where i can read more about types of bladness. Also i dont think any sort of HT will give me a decent look apart from somethig like Cloning or HM whose arrival time only GOD knows. Although i have done a session with Dr. A in the front last year in April for 1500 grafts but it was a utter failure. And after 1.5 Years my hair looks attrocious. I guess it has to do with my case rather then Doc's skills.



    Also I ordered some dermmatch. Still in courier. Hope it works well as i have no bald area but thinning. Somebody kindly shed some light on it. Also i see no pics of derrmatch except of roberts on this site. Hell infact on any other place except for dermmatch site itself. Hell everybody is so gaga over the thing why not post some before and after pics to let others have an idea :P...

  2. You did nothing wrong in getting a hair transplant at the age of 21... You needed that at that age and thats it...


    People get there longsightedness fixed(Spectecicals removed) through lazer operations.... Girls get boob jobs done... You did absolutely nothing wrong... Just pray that it gives you excellent results... Just be worried about that and give a F*** to others...

  3. I beleive by fine hair you mean thin... One Advise to you mate if you go in for HT go for large numbers cause the drawback with fine/thin hair is that you need greater numbers for fullness/denseness...


    Also fine hair IMPO are more suspectiable to shockfallout... So if you getting HT done in an area where exisiting hair are already present there dont ignore the factor of shock fallout...

  4. Well i am 4 months post HT and i had 1500 done in the front and none in hairline... I have had quite a bit of depressing shockloss... And mine also looke very very thin as compared to before HT... As of 4 months i see 10% Ht growth and 60% original hair shockloss... If you say six months i have no other option but to buy it cause thats the best in my interest but i beleive shock loss should start coming in by 4 month mark... Lets just hope you are correct...

  5. I already got a HT. I just wanted to know weather 1500 is a good enough number for this or not. The dotted line is the area where the grafts have been put. None in hairline. One side of my hairline has gone due to shockloss. Just tell me its a good number. Dr. A performed my surgery in delhi.




    I am 3 1/2 months post HT now and waiting desperately for the results. Also DR. A shaved the frontal hair so i am having a tough time. I just hope the shockloss returns.




  6. Thanks Robert...


    i posted the same thread on hairsit and people there are telling me that i have gone for lesser number of grafts... I am just a little bit concerned on that... But i beleive time only has answer to this question... I just pray that time to be on my side...


    Thanks for the responses you all...

  7. Thanks for the response guys...


    I noticed today that left side of hairline is intact while right side has given away... The doc didnt transplant anything in the hairline...


    I also contacted him about a week back and he told me that it really depends on person to person about the grafts coming out. Generally it takes six months on an avg to notice results and one year plus for complete results.


    Also nobody in my family has hairloss problem. My dad still has full head hair though everybody in my family have thin straight hair.

  8. Well...


    I am almost 12 weeks post HT. I have noticed some of them have started growing in and have also noticed some shockloss. I had 1500 done by Dr A on 7th of April. When do the grafts start growing... I am living a very quiet life due to the HT.


    Also how good look will 1500 in the frontal region considering one already has 30 per sq cm. I have straight black thin hair and fair scalp.

    Will try to post a pic.





    Edit Pic Added

  9. Well...


    I am almost 12 weeks post HT. I have noticed some of them have started growing in and have also noticed some shockloss. I had 1500 done by Dr A on 7th of April. When do the grafts start growing... I am living a very quiet life due to the HT.


    Also how good look will 1500 in the frontal region considering one already has 30 per sq cm. I have straight black thin hair and fair scalp.

    Will try to post a pic.





    Edit Pic Added

  10. Well... I started to loose hair at about 13 or 14. I did nothing with them as at that time my parents thought that it will become allright and also i was in a hostel so wasnt in touch with them a lot.


    I am a diffused thinner and i have got thin straight black hair. Also i have fair skin scalp while my hair colour is dark black so it is easy to spot the bladness.


    I got my first HT done by DR. A in Delhi on 7th April 2005. Thats just about 2+ months back. I am scared as of now cause i look the worst and i think i am having dreadful shockloss(I was really worried about the shockloss before the transplant). But i think that getting an HT at this age(I am 25+ now) is correct(For me atleast). I could have waited a little longer but then again i will be getting married(Hopefully) in next year or so i think this is just about the right time.


    I tried using minioxdil on a doc's advise two years ago but i noticed after a month that i am shedding more. I immidiately stopped it. I think it doesnt suit me. As of now i am not on any medication(I prefer not to be).


    What i feel about medicines that everybody has different experiences with them. Also the harmone thing in your case could be spot on as posted by gillenator.


    Hang in there and try talking advise of another doctor. Hope it works out for you. And as everybody else said dont even think about an HT as of now.

  11. Well


    I know its a bit early but i am scared. I had 1500 Strip performed on me by Dr. A in New delhi in my frontal area on 7th April 2005. I am a diffused thinner. Before the surgery i had more hair then what i have after 2 months.


    Actually i asked the doctor that how much of shockloss can i expect and he told me that he will cu the hair small so that he can insert new hair betwwen them in such an angle so the the roots of the existing hair dosent get damaged.


    After two months i clearly see that most of my old hair has gone. I mean they have strted growing but i feel totally naked on the front. i know the new hair wgrowth will kick in after three months but still will my old hair come back. I am really scared help me out here. I just pray this HT goes fine with me...

  12. Well


    I know its a bit early but i am scared. I had 1500 Strip performed on me by Dr. A in New delhi in my frontal area on 7th April 2005. I am a diffused thinner. Before the surgery i had more hair then what i have after 2 months.


    Actually i asked the doctor that how much of shockloss can i expect and he told me that he will cu the hair small so that he can insert new hair betwwen them in such an angle so the the roots of the existing hair dosent get damaged.


    After two months i clearly see that most of my old hair has gone. I mean they have strted growing but i feel totally naked on the front. i know the new hair wgrowth will kick in after three months but still will my old hair come back. I am really scared help me out here. I just pray this HT goes fine with me...

  13. So finally its done and it is not at all a painful experience. I got 1500+ grafts done on my frontal area. To my amazement there is no swelling either in the receipnt or in the donar area. Though Donar area feels a little tight but i am sure thats normal after stiches. The surgery was done at Dr. A's Clinic on 7th and took almost six hours.


    I am very much impressed by Dr. A. I felt that he and his complete staff was very professional. The surgery went smoothely and till now even as i write i havent felt any pain. The only uncomfortable feeling is the stiches. The only thing which worries me is opening them while sleeping.


    I almost got a shock today when i was reading certain forum post about the Grafts falling out. After the shower i saw the recepiant area turn white. I didnt gave much thought to that at that time. But while reading the posts on the forums i realised those could be grafts. I immediately gave a call to the doctor. Unfortunately the doc was busy with another surgery so i asked the lady who answerd the pnone and she said that those are not grafts but the spray bandage which they have done over the receipnt site and thats normal. After an hour after the shower i can see it back to normal. I hope its that only but still i would give a call later. Also i wanted to ask what all should i do to make this heal up better. I am just taking the drugs as prescribed by the doctor. And do i need to mosit the grafts everyhour or so as my doc never mentioned it. He just asked me to keep my head clean and no rubbing/touching the grafts.


    Thanks in advance



  14. So finally its done and it is not at all a painful experience. I got 1500+ grafts done on my frontal area. To my amazement there is no swelling either in the receipnt or in the donar area. Though Donar area feels a little tight but i am sure thats normal after stiches. The surgery was done at Dr. A's Clinic on 7th and took almost six hours.


    I am very much impressed by Dr. A. I felt that he and his complete staff was very professional. The surgery went smoothely and till now even as i write i havent felt any pain. The only uncomfortable feeling is the stiches. The only thing which worries me is opening them while sleeping.


    I almost got a shock today when i was reading certain forum post about the Grafts falling out. After the shower i saw the recepiant area turn white. I didnt gave much thought to that at that time. But while reading the posts on the forums i realised those could be grafts. I immediately gave a call to the doctor. Unfortunately the doc was busy with another surgery so i asked the lady who answerd the pnone and she said that those are not grafts but the spray bandage which they have done over the receipnt site and thats normal. After an hour after the shower i can see it back to normal. I hope its that only but still i would give a call later. Also i wanted to ask what all should i do to make this heal up better. I am just taking the drugs as prescribed by the doctor. And do i need to mosit the grafts everyhour or so as my doc never mentioned it. He just asked me to keep my head clean and no rubbing/touching the grafts.


    Thanks in advance



  15. As i said earlier i am an Diffuse thinner so one more thing which is eating up my mind is the SHOCKLOSS. This one is tricky to answer i know but Dr. A has assured me not to worry at all. He said he would cut my Hair pretty short where he would be performing the surgery so that the root of the original hair dosent get cut and dosent result in a shockloss. I have another two hours left before my surgery. Hope end results goes well. Wish me luck guys.

  16. Thanks for the reply guys... Yesterday night i was also confused one major thing... Should i go in for Strip or FUE... If i go in for Strip i have a life long scar and to be honeest my beleif is that if you are going through a plastic sugery you should be able to show it and not hide it.


    I am low on finance and thats why iam leaning towards Strip. FUE/FUSE is thrice as expensive here. But maybe i would just increase my budget and go in for a 1000 grafts along with FUSE/FUE and maybe a year later top it up. But i wanted to get done with it once and for all. Its a BIG decision. Having a 10 inch or so wide scar at the back your head is not so easy. Everytime i have to go to by bourber i have to tell him to watch out for that scar. And thats a scary thought in itself.



  17. Hi guys,


    I have been following this community since last one yaer but never posted. I am going for an HT with Dr. AP aka Dr. A in Delhi India on 7th April. I am going in for 1500 grafts. I am originally from india only. Have few basic questions.



    Q. How scary can be the scar of the stich ?


    Q. I know a lot of you would argue on this but the doc originally asked me to go in with 1200 grafts but i am doing 1500 as i dont want to get another HT done. I have a diifuse all over the head and specially the front though i dont have a receding hairline but thier is a definate big hair loss in front and i cant comb back my hair. After the HT i plan to comb all my hair back and keep it that ways only. Is my decision correct cause i think a higher number of grafts in front would help me do this better?


    Q. I havent got a hair cut since last one and a half month and my hair is about 4" long as of now. Should i get an hair cut before the HT or should i keep it that ways only so that after the HT people will notice less ?


    Q. How long is it than one can get back to work after the HT ? I dont plan on taking any leave as i run my own store ?


    Q. Can i wear a hat or a bandana just after the surgery as i can do that at my work place ?


    Q. Is it difficult to sleep with the stiches on the back of your head ?

  18. Hi guys,


    I have been following this community since last one yaer but never posted. I am going for an HT with Dr. AP aka Dr. A in Delhi India on 7th April. I am going in for 1500 grafts. I am originally from india only. Have few basic questions.



    Q. How scary can be the scar of the stich ?


    Q. I know a lot of you would argue on this but the doc originally asked me to go in with 1200 grafts but i am doing 1500 as i dont want to get another HT done. I have a diifuse all over the head and specially the front though i dont have a receding hairline but thier is a definate big hair loss in front and i cant comb back my hair. After the HT i plan to comb all my hair back and keep it that ways only. Is my decision correct cause i think a higher number of grafts in front would help me do this better?


    Q. I havent got a hair cut since last one and a half month and my hair is about 4" long as of now. Should i get an hair cut before the HT or should i keep it that ways only so that after the HT people will notice less ?


    Q. How long is it than one can get back to work after the HT ? I dont plan on taking any leave as i run my own store ?


    Q. Can i wear a hat or a bandana just after the surgery as i can do that at my work place ?


    Q. Is it difficult to sleep with the stiches on the back of your head ?

  19. Hi guys,


    I have been following this community since last one yaer but never posted. I am going for an HT with Dr. AP aka Dr. A in Delhi India on 7th April. I am going in for 1500 grafts. I am originally from india only. Have few basic questions.



    Q. How scary can be the scar of the stich ?


    Q. I know a lot of you would argue on this but the doc originally asked me to go in with 1200 grafts but i am doing 1500 as i dont want to get another HT done. I have a diifuse all over the head and specially the front though i dont have a receding hairline but thier is a definate big hair loss in front and i cant comb back my hair. After the HT i plan to comb all my hair back and keep it that ways only. Is my decision correct cause i think a higher number of grafts in front would help me do this better?


    Q. I havent got a hair cut since last one and a half month and my hair is about 4" long as of now. Should i get an hair cut before the HT or should i keep it that ways only so that after the HT people will notice less ?


    Q. How long is it than one can get back to work after the HT ? I dont plan on taking any leave as i run my own store ?


    Q. Can i wear a hat or a bandana just after the surgery as i can do that at my work place ?


    Q. Is it difficult to sleep with the stiches on the back of your head ?

  20. Hi guys,


    I have been following this community since last one yaer but never posted. I am going for an HT with Dr. AP aka Dr. A in Delhi India on 7th April. I am going in for 1500 grafts. I am originally from india only. Have few basic questions.



    Q. How scary can be the scar of the stich ?


    Q. I know a lot of you would argue on this but the doc originally asked me to go in with 1200 grafts but i am doing 1500 as i dont want to get another HT done. I have a diifuse all over the head and specially the front though i dont have a receding hairline but thier is a definate big hair loss in front and i cant comb back my hair. After the HT i plan to comb all my hair back and keep it that ways only. Is my decision correct cause i think a higher number of grafts in front would help me do this better?


    Q. I havent got a hair cut since last one and a half month and my hair is about 4" long as of now. Should i get an hair cut before the HT or should i keep it that ways only so that after the HT people will notice less ?


    Q. How long is it than one can get back to work after the HT ? I dont plan on taking any leave as i run my own store ?


    Q. Can i wear a hat or a bandana just after the surgery as i can do that at my work place ?


    Q. Is it difficult to sleep with the stiches on the back of your head ?

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