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Posts posted by Rick055

  1. I know finasteride can increase testosterone levels to the tune of 15%.


    That said, if one discontinues finasteride, how long is it before testosterone levels would return to baseline?


    Also, I took a month off finasteride because I want to donate blood and you have to be a month since your last dose of fin to do so. I haven't noticed any shedding. Think I should be OK?

  2. Originally posted by T.C:

    The half life of propecia is 6 or so hours but it CARRIES ON LOWERING DHT for a number of days significantly and the study charts have been published on other forums and discussed.I take .5mg eod and its working for me 10 months in.


    I am taking 1.25 EOD (5 mg in quarters). It's cheap and working fine for me with no sides. I am over a year in and hair loss is stable. MIGHT have grown a little.

  3. Sure.


    DHT is available as a serum blood test or 24 hour urine test.


    Your doc would most likely write for serum. Just be mindful of insurance coverage or lack thereof.


    Here's a decent start, especially if funds are tight:


    Testosterone, Total and Free/Bioavailable

    Estradiol, male, sensitive


  4. This is just my opinion.


    Propecia (finasteride) is believed to work in preventing male pattern baldness by inhibiting the enzyme (5 alpha reductase) which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).


    DHT is believed to be implicated in MPB.


    DHT is, however, an important hormone. Some users of finasteride report difficulty with sex drive, even when discontinuing the medication.


    Because it is such a powerful endocrine disruptor, I believe it makes sense to have baseline labs for DHT (as well as testosterone, estradiol, etc...) so if a problem occurs, you may be better able to resolve it favorably.


    Did my DHT lower too much? Did I convert to too much estradiol?


    Again, I'm no doctor, this is just my opinion.


    I use 1.25 mg finasteride EOD without incident.

  5. Sorry, it's been a while since I logged on.


    The theoretical answer to your question is "Maybe, but why would you want to?"


    If you need testosterone replacement therapy, health is the issue, and choosing the best modality of treatment is your overarching concern.


    I have not heard many success stories with pellets, and they require an invasive office visit.


    So, if you want to try pellets to see if they work best for your health, great. If (and that's a big IF) their particular pharmacokinetics result in less DHT, great as well.


    But first choose the TRT most appropriate for you.


    Here is a great doctor for TRT: www.allthingsmale.com. Check out the publications link which has great information on TRT.


    MODS, if the link is inappropriate, please remove.

  6. Definitely shady.


    But are the videos copyrighted? If not, and without them specifically claiming those are their patients, I don't know what the cause of action might be.


    Which isn't to say they're not beyond contempt; I'm just wondering how you remedy the situation.


    Interesting they picked a Canadian firm. I have to think that was intentional.

  7. There was a study which stated finasteride reduced the risk of prostate cancer but increased (very slightly) the risk of more aggressive tumors in men who did develop cancer.


    That said, I remember a doctor posting something here to the effect that there was another study which refuted that part, and suggested it was the appearance of the tumors which looked more aggressive relative to the rest of the prostate as finasteride had done such a good job at keeping the remainder of the prostate from being hyperplasic.


    Said another way, the tumors only appeared more aggressive.

  8. I'm a 3V.


    A touch thinner on either side of the forelock, loss is primarily in the crown.


    I would love to do a strip surgery, just don't know how to pull it off with work. Maybe the solution is to grow my hair longer. I am diffusely thin in the crown (not DUPA).


    I am working on pics.

  9. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



    Though I understand you are upset due to a poor hair transplant experience, your judgement is clearly clouded.




    You apear to be in a legal crusade against Dr. Weiss and are attempting to draw other unrelated doctors in with you. I'm not sure why you think other doctors not involved with your surgery should help you bring legal action against your first doctor.


    Instead of pursuing revenge by legal discourse, why don't you seek repair work and get your life back?






    IF (and I say if because I was not in the room when these parties discussed the procedure)he was mislead and not given adequate information to make informed consent, I would be on a legal crusade, too.


    This guy isn't somebody who went looking for a "slip and fall", this guy (again assuming his version is accurate; we have to give all parties the benefit of the doubt) had a botched transplant surgery.


    I'm neither a doctor or a lawyer (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night) but in my mind the question becomes whether he received the standard of care.


    I can see why he'd want to seek the advice of another doctor.


    That said, his results could even be the result of a competent surgeon; cosmetic surgery is not guaranteed. But the circumstances which seem to surround the consult seem suspect, IMO.


    I pray all parties get treated fair;y.

  10. Any time you take a medication, you are assuming certain risks.


    In this case, I think we al lfeel a little hesitant inside because we are assuming risk for a cosmetic drug - not a "necessary" drug, like a statin.


    That said, finasteride has been shown to lower the incidence of prostate cancer.


    I had been reluctant to take it but can report i now take 1.25 mg EOD without any side effects. My sex drive is excellent.

  11. I figure - based on a consultation with a (non coalition) doc - that I need about 150 grafts on either side of my forelock (just to fill it in to match density of the center), and about 2000 grafts in the crown.


    That said, I am in my 4th month of propecia and want to see what it will do.


    As such, I was thinking about going to see Dr. Feller for a FUE procedure solely to do the front portion.


    This would be cost effective for me, would satisfy my urge to fix my hair NOW, and give the meds a chance to work.


    I was also thinking 300 would be a reasonable size for a FUE procedure from a competent doc (I think he calls those "postage stamp" sessions, lol) and would not harm my donor area for future consideration of a strip surgery.

  12. All else equal, patient per patient, are there more grafts available for FUE surgery or for strip surgery?


    I am in sales and am not sure if I can get the time off necessary for a strip surgery, but also want to maximize the amount of grafts I have available.


    I have heard it is best to have a strip surgery first and then FUE can be used to get some more grafts thereafter.


    Ultimately, if I'm losing available donor hair by FUE, I'm just going to have to figure out how to get time for a strip surgery.


    Also, is there any difference in growth rates? I have noticed some feel that not as many FUE grafts "take". Is this true even with a coalition doc (i.e. is it an anomaly of the surgery itself)?

  13. All else equal, patient per patient, are there more grafts available for FUE surgery or for strip surgery?


    I am in sales and am not sure if I can get the time off necessary for a strip surgery, but also want to maximize the amount of grafts I have available.


    I have heard it is best to have a strip surgery first and then FUE can be used to get some more grafts thereafter.


    Ultimately, if I'm losing available donor hair by FUE, I'm just going to have to figure out how to get time for a strip surgery.


    Also, is there any difference in growth rates? I have noticed some feel that not as many FUE grafts "take". Is this true even with a coalition doc (i.e. is it an anomaly of the surgery itself)?

  14. I can tell you I had a consult with him in Alpharetta and found him to be a decent guy in person.


    Personally, I think there's a bit much of a sales push, but that's my own opinion; further, this is America, capitalism is still legal!


    His work seemed to be pretty good, though I did not get to see any first hand when I was there.

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