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Posts posted by Arsalan_lhr

  1. Hello,

    ok thats fine what you have removed.I was victim of Dr.Sajjad khan here in Pakistan.I had hair transplantation two years before and told by him 4000 grafts.unfortunately not even 100 hair grow from that session.later on i did research on him and find amazing facts about him which i wrote previously.

    Now i have my second session eight months before from another surgeon and almost 70 to 80 % hair grow and happy from results.

  2. Hello,

    Here is some information regarding ILHT USA and Pakistan.

    ILHT(international laser hair transplantation)is orginally from Dr.Shagufta khan and what quality of hair transplantation she is doing lot of members know by this forum.

    some facts regarding ILHT in Pakistan:..

    ILHT pakistan is owned by husband of Dr.Shagufta khan and name of her husband is Dr.Sajjad khan.By taking advantage of his wife name he is also writing Dr.S Khan and claiming all degree and qualification as Dr.Shagufta khan has in her credentials.

    -Dr.Sajjad khan did his board in internal medicine but he is claiming American Board certification in Cosmetic Surgery which is not fair.

    -He is claiming former professor of UCLA and former director of hair transplantation at UCLA which is not fair as it is S.khan(shagufta kahn) who has these positions.

    -Dr.Sajjad khan also claiming lot of publications in the name of Dr.S.khan ,those publications are actually from his wife side but he is owning them as he is S.khan(sajjad khan)

    If you can just go to his web site

    (link removed) you will see famous actors who has surgery from USA but he is claiming that he has performed their surgeries in USA.I hope his web site will not remove those photo.

    -Dr.Sajjad khan is not a surgeon but he is claiming he is cosmetic surgeon and Board certified by USA cosmetic surgery.

    Does any one know further facts about this saga so that ppl from this corner of life can not be cheated in future.

    -There is no laser which is being used for hair transplantation as far as i know but he has named his clinic international laser hair transplant... which is gain trapping.

    All these informations are based on truth and honesty and there is only one purpose, in future no one can be trapped by ILHT Pakistan.

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