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Posts posted by NYCman

  1. I am apparently dependent on the Minox already, which I believe is what caused the shed. The Dr. recommended that I go back on asap. I'm willing to stay on it if it means that I'll keep the hair that I have.


    What I'm really wondering is if the hair that I have lost due to the shed will come back? Any insight?

  2. Looking for some insight/comfort on this situation. I am currently going through a massive shed - I estimate that I have lost about 40% density over the past month.


    Here is the background: stopped avacor (with minox) 3 months ago, replaced with Revivogen. Went to an HT consult and went on Propecia 1 month ago. Almost immediately my hair started to shed. I'm pretty sure that it is due to the discontinued use of Avacor/Minox. However, I've also been under a significant amount of stress which could also be contributing. I also read that Propecia can cause an initial shed. Needless to say, I starting using the Minox 5%again, been back on about 2 weeks.


    I'm hoping the shed will stop soon, but the loss is so significant that it is really affecting me. Can anyone advise as to whether I can expect the hair lost during the shed to come back??

  3. Looking for some insight/comfort on this situation. I am currently going through a massive shed - I estimate that I have lost about 40% density over the past month.


    Here is the background: stopped avacor (with minox) 3 months ago, replaced with Revivogen. Went to an HT consult and went on Propecia 1 month ago. Almost immediately my hair started to shed. I'm pretty sure that it is due to the discontinued use of Avacor/Minox. However, I've also been under a significant amount of stress which could also be contributing. I also read that Propecia can cause an initial shed. Needless to say, I starting using the Minox 5%again, been back on about 2 weeks.


    I'm hoping the shed will stop soon, but the loss is so significant that it is really affecting me. Can anyone advise as to whether I can expect the hair lost during the shed to come back??

  4. Thanks for all of the responses. The first Dr. that I consulted with was Dr. Karamikian, the 2nd was Dr. Bernstein. I have read mixed opinions on Karamikian on this site and read many good things about Bernstein. I am aware that Bernstein is one of the more 'conservative' surgeons in this area. I plan to schedule a 3rd consultation with True & Dorin, will let you know how it goes.


    One other question, as I mentioned, I have just started on Propecia and have noticed some severe shedding. Is this normal? I've read that this is a good sign that I am 'receptive' to the drug. Was looking for some other opinions.


    Also, I don't have the capability to post digital photos.

    Thanks again!

  5. First, a little about myself - I'm a male in my early 30's experiencing hair loss since my early 20's. The hair loss has been primarily a frontal recession with minimal loss on the crown. I have dark brown hair that is very fine.


    I've been considering HT for a few months now and have been doing my research. I have consulted with two Dr.'s in NYC. The first Dr. was confident that I was a good candidate and that good coverage and density was possible with HT. The 2nd Dr. suggested that I continue with the Propecia for one full year and then come back for another consultation. He was hesitant about the procedure being successful because I do have fine hair.


    I'm concerned that I have received two very different answers from the two doctors that I have consulted. Is there anyone that has had HT that also has fine hair? If so, how successful were the results? Has anyone else been 'turned down' by a Dr.?


    Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

  6. First, a little about myself - I'm a male in my early 30's experiencing hair loss since my early 20's. The hair loss has been primarily a frontal recession with minimal loss on the crown. I have dark brown hair that is very fine.


    I've been considering HT for a few months now and have been doing my research. I have consulted with two Dr.'s in NYC. The first Dr. was confident that I was a good candidate and that good coverage and density was possible with HT. The 2nd Dr. suggested that I continue with the Propecia for one full year and then come back for another consultation. He was hesitant about the procedure being successful because I do have fine hair.


    I'm concerned that I have received two very different answers from the two doctors that I have consulted. Is there anyone that has had HT that also has fine hair? If so, how successful were the results? Has anyone else been 'turned down' by a Dr.?


    Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

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