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Posts posted by fuzzywuzzy

  1. Aquarius...


    I know I've said thanks before, but I just wanted to say again publicly how much I appreciate your posts on my thread. I know your way of communicating isn't always well received, icon_wink.gif but your directness with me started an important debate and will benefit others for a long time.


    I know I could have sent you a PM, but I wanted others in this forum to know I admire your willingness to take some heat when you believe strongly in your point of view. I respect that very much.


    Reading your posts on my thread has been a comfort...and reading the best of your posts on other threads has often given me the laugh out loud I needed. icon_biggrin.gif(Seriously, someone should start a "best of Aquarius" thread!)


    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know again that I am glad you were here. Please stay...and send some good hair vibes my way.



  2. I am sure how to feel about all of this. My intention for sharing my photos and story was to find support for my recovery and for the benefit of anyone else like me. It has obviously ended up being much more than that.


    I know I didn't do anything wrong, but I still feel badly. I don't want to be the poster child for outdated surgical techniques. I had no idea that what I had received was less than the best care. I was surprised by the reaction to my photos (and almost took them down) but I feel responsible to leave them now.


    Anyway, these are just some rambling thoughts from me today. I am a little taken aback by it all at this point. I wish I could turn back the clock.




  3. Aquarius,

    I am keeping a journal and taking photos weekly. I definitely plan to continue that process for my own sanity, as well as for others who might benefit. Thanks again for keeping an eye on my case. I appreciate knowing you are there.


    Bill-I see what you are saying...about the amount of grafts you could have had your first time out with a more skilled/experienced physician that would have saved you from more surgery...at least for a while, anyway.


    You know, day by day I realize how this whole experience, if nothing else, has served to make me grateful for the hair I do have. I know that sounds weird, but I spent so much time prior to surgery stressing about how thin my hair was and feeling self-conscious. I took steps to make a change to move past that and that was hard. I had to believe I deserved it; that I was worth the investment. I think just taking that step was good for me regardless of where I go from here.


    I appreciate you all so much.


  4. Thanks again guys...


    Wrangler...that has been the hardest thing for me. I have felt like I wasn't fully prepared for the long term. I was told I would be able to style it differently and I would be fine, but I will be in this ball cap for a while or have to use some sort of cosmetic solution to be in public. I didn't even know about Toppik or any of the others. I have ordered Toppik and Dermatch to see what works best.


    I was also told I could get back to work the next day which, I'm sorry, was ridiculous. There was no way I should have even tried to do that. I needed pain meds for the donor site and I was out of it and sleepy. Anyway, thanks for acknowledging my post...it means a lot.


    I really do appreciate everyone's realism. I tend to be the kind of person who is always waiting for the other shoe to drop, so I am almost comforted by the realistic approach. icon_wink.gif If I had to do this over again...at this point, I would not. Time will tell if I will change my mind. I don't feel like I was prepared well for the reality post-transplant. I didn't even know all of the questions to ask, though I did read here and elsewhere prior to surgery.


    I am prepared for the possibility that at least some of my shockloss hair may be gone for good. I imagine some of it at least, was miniaturized or on its way out although I hadn't seen any visible change in my hair density for several years..my hairdresser said she believed I had the same density for the last 4 years that I've seen her, but I am not sure. I am just trying to be realistic about things.


    I am taking it all a day at a time. Trying to reamin strong and positive. I don't think I could have done it without you guys that last two weeks. I was in tears a lot and felt very alone and just plain ugly. I have learned more posting than I could have just lurking. (for you lurkers out there) I wish I would have sought your wisdom before scheduling my surgery, but I am grateful you are here for me now. I will keep you all up to date with my progress...it's the least I can do.




  5. So is the general consensus from everyone based on my photos and/or Dr. choice that I am screwed and this was a bad idea? Is what I am experiencing post operatively normal, esp the shockloss? Will the hair I lost from shock come back?


    I don't know what to think when I read over these posts. I am concerned; but confused more than anything.




  6. Thanks everybody. I didn't mean to seem ungrateful for the information...I will stick around.


    Tarasilk...thanks for the advice and words of encouragement.


    Aquarius...I know you are just looking out for me. I can only guess you feel so passionately on others' behalf because you wish someone had done the same for you. Having someone like you in my corner can only be good for me...to help me think critically and question. I probably didn't do enough of that. I am feeling scared right now, but I am strong and I will be okay. Time will answer a lot of questions I have right now.


    Bill...I like your level headed, fact based approach. Thanks for following my story...


    Again, I really do appreciate what this site has to offer, I just felt like I got a little lost in the debate. I can't imagine going through this last week without a place like this to read others' stories and feel less alone. None of you can do much about whether I end up with a good result or not and I get that.




  7. Thanks, Gorpy. I appreciate your input and support. I never expected my post to be so controversial, but I think discussion is healthy. What's done is done...maybe I didn't go into this rightly judging the risk/benefit, but I am here now.


    We shall see.




  8. Bill and others...


    I forgot to mention...I did not get hair counts from Dr. B...I know that's what really counts. I will ask him when I go in next.


    Here is a shot, albeit not a great one, of my hairline pre-op. If I can find a better one I will. I know they took pics at the office on surgery day. I will try to get those.




  9. Hi Bill. I am 4 weeks post op.


    The other pic wasn't very good...sorry about that. It was one day post op and I hadn't gotten a lot of scabbing and blood off.


    Here is a pic I took today...shock loss and all. Maybe this will give you a better idea of where I am. Sorry my camera isn't so great.


    Thanks again for reading and for the support.





  10. Bill,


    Thank you for your encouraging words.


    The reasoning behind the smaller sessions was to reduce shockloss...he said I could come back as soon as four months to have the second session. The goal is 2000 to 2500 grafts. I didn't push for a larger session bc I had heard females have a hard time with shockloss...particularly when grafts are placed where there is already hair. I had noticeable thinning, but it looks a lot worse in the pic I posted on day post transplant than it did on a daily basis prior to transplant.


    Honestly I am not sure if I will go in for another session or not. I taking this a day at a time. Dr. B said up front that he is a little more conservative with female patients and would do my case in two sessions. I just want to have more hair up front and keep the hair I have if that is possible. I am a little confused about how this will all work out.


    I read as much as I could prior to transplant and waited a year prior to the surgery to make sure I wasn't losing more hair...but there is not as much information on females out there which is why I posted here. I want to help others if I have to go through this crap alone.


    Anyway, I am going to take a new pic soon and post it. I have a lot of shockloss in the graft site...the donor site is perfectly healed. There are small sprouts everywhere and there are also a few smooth places that weren't there before surgery.


    I appreciate your support so much. Just having this place to share and talk with others makes me feel better, even if it isn't always what I want to hear. I am in it now...




  11. Hi there,


    I am a 36 year old female with thinning in my front crown area that has been there since my early twenties. There is no history of hair loss in the females in my family pre-menopause...I guess I'm just lucky. icon_smile.gif


    After lots of tests, biopsies and tears I decided to have a transplant. I saw Dr. Kenneth Buchwach in Kansas City.


    I had around 900 grafts placed the first week of June. I have to say all of this has been a little bit more than I realized, but I am trying to remain hopeful. All of your stories help so much.


    I have had more shock loss than I would like and I am sick to death of wearing hats. I am supposed to go in for another session in 6 months, but I don't know if I can do this again. Hopefully by then I will be a believer.


    I scratched my head in my sleep the first week post surgery and had some bleeding that has made me worry about losing some grafts, but I am trying not to obsess about what I can't control. Many of the grafts are growing...


    I still have redness and I look worse than I did when I went in, but like I said...I am trying to remain hopeful. I had two black eyes postop which made it difficult to hide that I had done some kind of surgery so a lot of people I work with know.


    I am posting a pic here of me one day post op for you guys...thanks for listening. And for openly sharing your stories. It has helped me a great deal.




  12. Hi there,


    I am a 36 year old female with thinning in my front crown area that has been there since my early twenties. There is no history of hair loss in the females in my family pre-menopause...I guess I'm just lucky. icon_smile.gif


    After lots of tests, biopsies and tears I decided to have a transplant. I saw Dr. Kenneth Buchwach in Kansas City.


    I had around 900 grafts placed the first week of June. I have to say all of this has been a little bit more than I realized, but I am trying to remain hopeful. All of your stories help so much.


    I have had more shock loss than I would like and I am sick to death of wearing hats. I am supposed to go in for another session in 6 months, but I don't know if I can do this again. Hopefully by then I will be a believer.


    I scratched my head in my sleep the first week post surgery and had some bleeding that has made me worry about losing some grafts, but I am trying not to obsess about what I can't control. Many of the grafts are growing...


    I still have redness and I look worse than I did when I went in, but like I said...I am trying to remain hopeful. I had two black eyes postop which made it difficult to hide that I had done some kind of surgery so a lot of people I work with know.


    I am posting a pic here of me one day post op for you guys...thanks for listening. And for openly sharing your stories. It has helped me a great deal.





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